ISSP2005 Summary

ISSP2005 was successfully held from 8 June to 10 June 2005. We, organizing committee, deeply appreciate to all the attendees for interesting presentations and fruitful discussions. We hope you enjoyed this symposium, and look forward to seeing you again at the next meeting.



Country Attendance
Japan 212
Belgium 1
Taiwan 6
Germany 8
Korea 8
Liechtenstein 1
Singapore 1
Sweden 3
UK 3
USA 10
Total 253


  Invited Contributed Total
Oral Poster
Opening 2 0 0 2
Thin Films 4 13 25 42
Fundamental of Sputtering and Plasma Processes 2 2 5 9
Sputtering Processes 2 11 11 24
Plasma Processes 3 7 4 14
Micro and Nano Technologies 1 3 2 6
Applications 1 5 4 10
Post Deadline Presentations 0 2 11 13
Total 15 43 62 120


Kanazawa Kokusai Hotel, the symposium site A snapshot at the poster session Oral session Dr. Yanagida, Poster Award Winner, and Dr. Yoshino, ISSP2005 chair Vice chair Prof. Kusano at closing remark ISSP2005 committee members
Please send questions, comments and suggestions via E-mail to ISSP 2005 Committee, Vice Chair Eiji Kusano.
Last modified June. 16, 2005