[Session Time Table | PDF version to be printed]
10:00 Masanori Kobayashi, President, The Vacuum Society of Japan, Japan
10:10 Yukio Yoshino, Chair, ISSP2005 Committee, Murata MFG Co., Ltd., Japan
OP 1-1
Nitride semiconductor ultraviolet emitters: from nanostructures to sensor applications,
A. V. Nurmikko1)*, J. Han2),
1) Brown University, USA,
2) Yale University, USA (Invited)(Canceled)
10:20 Modification of Film Structure by High Energy Flux Sputtering -Pulse Sputtering and ICP assisted Pulse Sputtering-, Eiji Kusano, Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Japan
11:00 OP 1-2 Modelings of processing plasmas and their fundamentals, J. K. Lee*, S. S. Yang, H. C. Kim, G. J. Kim, S. J. Kim, Pohang University of Science and Technology, South Korea (Invited)
11:40-13:00 LUNCH BREAK
TF 1-1 (moved to Thin Films II session, 15:00, RoomA)
TF 1-2
Water repellent and antisticking DLC thin films obtained by plasma processes,
V. Anita1,2), N. Saito3), O. Takai2),
1) “Al.I.Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania,
2) EcoTopia Science Institute, Nagoya University, Japan,
3) Department of Molecular Design and Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University, Japan (Withdrawn)
13:40 TF 1-3 Sputter deposited electrochromic films and devices based on these: progress on nickel-oxide-based films, A. Avendaño1), A. Azens2), G. A. Niklasson1), C. G. Granqvist1)*, 1) The Ångström Laboratory, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2) ChromoGenics Sweden AB, Sweden (Invited)
14:20 TF 1-4 Development of a novel multilayer structure for smart window with automatic solar control: Thickness dependence of optical properties of VO2 very thin films epitaxially on sapphire (0001), P. Jin*, G. Xu, M. Tazawa, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science & Technology (AIST), Japan
14:40-15:00 COFFEE BREAK
TF 2-1
Effect of Ar pressure and applied power on surface
roughness in dc magnetron sputtered films, K. Tsunekawa*, M.
Nagai, E. Okada, D. D. Djayaprawira, N. Watanabe, ANELVA Corp., Japan (Withdrawn)
15:00 TF 1-1 Study on hybrid nano-diamond (HND) films formed by plasma CVD, N. Ikenaga1)*, N. Sakudo1), K. Awazu2), H. Yasui2), Y. Hasegawa3), 1) Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Japan, 2) Industrial Research Institute of Ishikawa, Japan, 3) Onward Ceramic Coating Co. Ltd., Japan
15:20 TF 2-2 Bias sputter deposited Ni/Al2O3 cermet thin films for gas flow sensors, K.-F. Chiu*, C. C. Dai, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Feng Chia University, Taiwan
15:40 TF 2-3 High temperature photoinduced magnetization in spinel and garnet ferrite thin films, M. Seki*, K. Tsuruta, K. Tanimura, T. Kawai, H. Tabata, ISIR-Sanken, Osaka University, Japan
16:00 TF 2-4 Destructive and non-destructive analyses of silicon oxynitride ultra-thin films, J. Hammond1)*, D. G. Watson1), A. Tanaka2), 1) Physical Electronics USA, Inc., USA, 2) ULVAC-PHI, Inc., Japan
16:20 TF 2-5 Spectroscopic in-situ sensors for thin-film deposition processes, T. Zettler*, LayTec GmbH, Germany (Invited)
13:00 FS 1-1 Detailed numerical investigation of a dc planar magnetron via the PIC/MCC method, I. Kolev, A. Bogaerts*, University of Antwerp, Belgium (Invited)
13:40 FS 1-2 A successful example of numerical simulations in cost-effective sputter deposition system design, I. Kameyama*, Veeco Instruments, Inc., USA
14:00 FS 1-3 Gas pressure effects on thickness uniformity and circumvented deposition during sputter deposition process, T. Nakano*, S. Baba, Seikei University, Japan
14:20 FS 1-4 Measurement and control of energetic species in magnetron discharge plasma, H. Toyoda*, H. Sugai, Nagoya University, Japan (Invited)
15:00-15:20 COFFEE BREAK
15:20 SP 1-1 Hard coatings produced by plasma processes-technology and recent applications, K. Bewilogua1), G. Bräuer1)*, J. Brand1), F. Fietzke2), J.-P. Heinß2), H. Klostermann2), H. Lüthje1), L. Schäfer1), 1) Fraunhofer-Institute for Surface Engineering and Thin Films, Germany, 2) Fraunhofer-Institute for Electron Beam and Plasma Technology, Germany (Invited)
16:00 SP 1-2 Multi-process roll to roll sputter web coater; new results, H.-G. Lotz*, R. Kukla, R. Ludwig, P. Sauer, J. Bartella, J. Schröder, Applied Films GmbH & Co. KG, Germany
16:20 SP 1-3 A novel magnetron sputtering for thin films deposition on plastic substrate, C.-S. Wang1)*, K. Sasaki1), Y. Yonezawa2), T. Hata3), 1) Kanazawa University, Japan, 2) Industrial Research Institute of Ishikawa, Japan, 3) Nihon Nano Film Corp., Japan
16:40 SP 1-4 Industrial applications of plasma treatment and coating technologies in vacuum roll coaters, A. W. Smith*, General Vacuum Equipment, United Kingdom
17:00 PD 2-1 In situ surface temperature observations during metallic films growth, N. Britun1)*, L. R. Shaginyan2), J. G. Han1), 1) SungKyunKwan University, Korea, 2) National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
[Opening Session] OP 1-1, OP 1-2
[Thin Films I] TF 1-1, TF 1-2, TF 1-3, TF 1-4
[Thin Films II] TF 2-1, TF 2-2, TF 2-3, TF 2-4, TF 2-5, PD 1-1
[Fundamentals of Sputtering and Plasma Processes] FS 1-1, FS 1-2, FS 1-3, FS 1-4
[Sputtering Processes I] SP 1-1, SP 1-2, SP 1-3, SP 1-4, PD 2-1
TF P1-1 Effects of substrate temperature on dc arc discharge ion plating to deposit tin-doped indium oxide films, H. Omoto*, A. Takamatsu, T. Kobayashi, Glass Research Center, Central Glass Co., Ltd., Japan
TF P1-2 Temperature effect on structure and surface morphology of indium tin oxide films deposited by reactive ion-beam sputtering, S. Iwatsubo, Toyama Industrial Technology Center, Japan
TF P1-3 Influence of dopants on the physical properties of metal(Al, Ag) doped ZnO films grown by rf magnetron sputtering, S. H. Jeong*, B.-N. Park, S.-B. Lee, J.-H. Boo, Institute of Basic Science and Department of Chemistry, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea
TF P1-4 Dielectric breakdown phenomena during the secondary electron emission measurement of sputter deposited MgO films, T. Fujimoto*, T. Nakano, S. Baba, Seikei University, Japan
TF P1-5 Epitaxial growth properties of AlN films on sapphire substrates by reactive sputtering, Q. Guo*, T. Tanaka, M. Nishio, H. Ogawa, Saga University, Japan
TF P1-6 Formation of zinc-blende AlN thin film on 3C-SiC(100) substrate using helicon wave plasma assisted sputtering, T. Matsumoto*, M. Kiuchi, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan
TF P1-7 Influence of AlN nanointerlayers on crystal orientation of AlN films prepared on metal films, T. Kamohara1,2)*, M. Akiyama1), N. Ueno1), K. Nonaka1), N. Kuwano3), 1) National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan, 2) Department of Applied Science for Electronics and Materials, Kyushu University, Japan, 3) Advanced Science and Technology Center for Cooperative Research, Kyushu University, Japan
TF P1-8 Synthesis and transport properties of ReO3/SrCuO2 bilayered films, M. Masui*, N. Iwata, H. Yamamoto, Nihon University, Japan
TF P1-9 Preparation of layered films of magnetoelectric Cr2O3 and superconducting YBa2Cu3OX, N. Ootsuka*, N. Iwata, H. Yamamoto, Nihon University, Japan
TF P1-10 Structural and mechanical properties of Ti thin films by RF magnetron sputtering, Y.-H. Song*, C.-K. Jung, I.-S. Bae, S.-J. Cho, J.-H. Boo, Department of Chemistry and Institute of Basic Science, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea
TF P1-11 Work function measurement of transition metal nitride and carbide thin films, R. Fujii, Y. Gotoh*, M. Liao, H. Tsuji, J. Ishikawa, Kyoto University, Japan
TF P1-12 Properties of transition metal carbide thin films prepared by compound target sputtering, Y. Gotoh*, M. Liao, H. Tsuji, J. Ishikawa, Kyoto University, Japan
TF P1-13 Alteration of internal stresses in SiO2/Cu/TiN thin films by synchrotron radiation due to heat treatment, T. Matsue1)*, T. Hanabusa2), Y. Ikeuchi1), K. Kusaka2), O. Sakata3), 1) Niihama National College of Technology, Japan, 2) Tokushima University, Japan, 3) Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute, Japan
TF P1-14 Formation of polycrystalline SiGe thin films by the RF magnetron sputtering method with Ar-H2 mixture gases, I. Nakamura*, T. Ajiki, H. Abe, D. Hoshi, M. Isomura, Tokai University, Japan
TF P1-15 Photoluminescence characterization of β-FeSi2 thin film fabricated on various substrate via IBSD method, K. Shimura1)*, K. Yamaguchi1), M. Sasase2), H. Yamamoto1), S. Shamoto1), K. Hojou1), 1) Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Japan, 2) The Wakasa-wan Energy Research Center, Japan
TF P1-16
Effect of sputtering power on characteristics of Ni80Fe20 films deposited on SiO2/Si(100) by oblique target DC magnetron sputtering,
H. Qiu1)*, H. Qian1), X. Chen1,2), P. Wu1), F. Wang1), L. Pan1),
1) University of Science and Technology Beijing, China,
2) Beijing Technology and Business University, China (Withdrawn)
FS P-1 Ion temperature in a large diameter ECR plasma, M. Koga1), H. Muta1), A. Yonesu2), Y. Kawai1)*, 1) Kyushu University, Japan, 2) University of the Ryukyus, Japan
FS P-2 Characteristics of laser ablated copper plasma, J. Yamane1), T. Okamoto2), H. Nakajima1), Y. Okamoto1,3)*, 1) Fuculty of Engineering, Toyo University, Japan, 2) Ushio Inc., Japan, 3) Bio-Nano Electronics Research Center, Toyo University, Japan
FS P-3 Energetic negative ions of oxygen and fluorine in the TiO2 deposition, D. Itoh*, Y. Miyamoto, K. Tominaga, The University of Tokushima, Japan
FS P-4 Numerical study on low pressure inductively coupled plasma sources for nanocrystalline diamond deposition, K. Okada*, S. Komatsu, T. Ishigaki, National Institute for Materials Science, Japan
FS P-5 Thickness distribution for Ta sputtering and its Fourier transform analysis, O. Kamiya1)*, I. Yukimasa2), K. Funatsu2), T. Takahashi2), Y. Hoshi2), 1) Production Engineering Research Laboratory, Canon Inc., Japan, 2) Tokyo Polytechnic University, Japan
PD P1-1 Optical switching property of Pd-capped Mg-Ni alloy thin films prepared by magnetron sputtering, K. Yoshimura*, S. Bao, Y. Yamada, M. Okada, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan
PD P1-2 Fabrication of photocatalytic heat-mirror with TiO2/TiN/TiO2 stacked-layers, M. Okada*, M. Tazawa, P. Jin, Y. Yamada, K. Yoshimura, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan
PD P1-3 Concentration change of impurities in thin films by applying negative substrate bias voltage, J.-W. Lim*, J. W. Bae, K. Mimura, M. Isshiki, Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials, Tohoku University, Japan
PD P1-4 Influence of nitrogen addition and substrate bias voltage on the stabilization of α-Ta, J. W. Bae*, J.-W. Lim, K. Mimura, M. Isshiki, Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials, Tohoku University, Japan
PD P1-5 Fluoride coatings for deep ultraviolet optics prepared by ion beam sputtering, T. Yoshida*, K. Nishimoto, K. Sekine, K. Etoh, Japan Aviation Electronics Industry, Ltd., Japan
PD P1-6 A study of pulse parameters effect on microstructure evolutions of Ti films synthesized by unipolar pulsed magnetron sputtering, Y. M. Chung*, C. S. Moon, W. S. Jung, Y. M. Kim, J. G. Han, Sungkyunkwan university, S. Korea
9:40 TF 3-1 DC magnetron sputtering of Si to form SiO2 in low energy ion beam, C.-C. Lee1)*, D.-J. Jan2), 1) Thin Film Technology Center, National Central University, Taiwan, 2) Plasma Technology Promotion Center, Institute of Nuclear Energy Research, Taiwan (Invited)
10:20 TF 3-2 Internal stress control of Ta2O5 thin films coated by rf assisted pulse sputtering, T. Deguchi1)*, K. Kawamata1), M. Kamoshita2), E. Kusano2), 1) Olympus Corporation, Japan, 2) Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Japan
10:40 TF 3-3 Diagnostics of ionized sputtering plasmas by two-dimensional laser induced fluorescence, N. Nafarizal1)*, N. Takada1), J. S. Gao1), K. Nakamura2), Y. Sago3), K. Sasaki1), 1) Nagoya University, Japan, 2) Chubu University, Japan, 3) ANELVA Corp., Japan
11:00 TF 3-4 Development of RF-facing targets sputtering system for deposition of oxide films, M. Nagasawa*, K. Matsuno, S. Nakagawa, Dept. of Physical Electronics, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
11:20 TF 3-5 Sputter deposition of nm-thick films for passivation of organic pellicles, Y. Kuo*, J. Lu, H. Nominanda, Thin Film Nano & Microelectronics Research Laboratory, Texas A&M University, USA
11:40-13:00 LUNCH BREAK
13:00 TF 4-1 Effects of H2O partial pressure on the crystallinity of ZnO thin film and electrical characteristics of film bulk acoustic wave resonators, H. Yamada*, Y. Ushimi, H. Kawamura, M. Takeuchi, Y. Yoshino, T. Makino, Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Japan
13:20 TF 4-2 Epitaxial electrodes on piezoelectric substrates for high power durable surface acoustic wave devices, O. Nakagawara*, M. Watanabe, K. Inoue, Y. Yoshino, T. Makino, Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Japan
13:40 TF 4-3 Orientation and disorientation factors with grains in electron cyclotron resonance plasma sputtering of LiNbO3 thin films, H. Akazawa*, M. Shimada, NTT Microsystem Integration Laboratories, Japan
14:00 TF 4-4 Combinatorial investigation of ternary alloy systems using co-sputtering, I. Takeuchi*, O. Famodu, M. Aronova, J. R. Hattrick-Simpers, University of Maryland, USA (Invited)
14:40 TF 4-5 Investigation on Ce-doped LnMnO3 (Ln=La, Nd) thin films by laser MBE method towards electron-doped ferromagnetic manganites, T. Yanagida1)*, T. Kanki1), B. Vilquin1), H. Tanaka1,2), T. Kawai1), 1) ISIR-Sanken, Osaka University, Japan, 2) PRESTO, Japan Science and Technology Agency, Japan
15:00-15:20 COFFEE BREAK
15:20 MN 1-1 Growth control of carbon nanotubes by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition and reactive ion etching, H. Sato1)*, T. Sakai1), M. Matsubayashi1), K. Hata1), H. Miyake1), K. Hiramatsu1), A. Oshita1), Y. Saito2), 1) Mie University, Japan, 2) Nagoya University, Japan
15:40 MN 1-2 Optical nonlinearity of metal nanoparticle composites fabricated by negative ion implantation, Y. Takeda*, O. A. Plaksin, J. Lu, N. Kishimoto, Nanomaterials Lab., National Institute for Materials Science, Japan
16:00 MN 1-3 Concentration profiles in silica glass implanted by Zn ions for nanoparticle formation, H. Amekura1)*, O. A. Plaksin1), Y. Takeda1), K. Kono1), N. Kishimoto1), Ch. Buchal2), 1) Nanomaterials Laboratory, National Institute for Materials Science, Japan, 2) Institut fuer Schichten und Grenzflaechen (ISG1-IT), Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH, Germany
16:20 MN 1-4 Construction of transition metal oxide thin films/heterostructures and their application to room temperature spintronics, H. Tanaka*, T. Kawai, ISIR-Sanken, Osaka University, Japan (Invited)
9:40 PP 1-1 Development of highly efficient plasma source for advanced water treatment, P. Baroch1)*, V. Anita1,2), M. Oda3), N. Saito4), O. Takai1), 1) EcoTopia Science Institute, Nagoya University, Japan, 2) “Al.I.Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania, 3) Department of Materials, Physics and Energy Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University, Japan, 4) Department of Molecular Design and Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University, Japan
10:00 PP 1-2 Microwave resonator plasma for efficient large area and elevated pressure processes basing on CYRANNUS microwave coupling, H. Sung-Spitzl*, R. Spitzl, iplas innovative plasma systems gmbh, Germany
10:20 PP 1-3 Hollow cathode and hybrid plasma processing, H. Barankova1,2,3)*, L. Bardos2,3), 1) Society of Vacuum Coaters, USA, 2) The Ångström Laboratory, Uppsala University, Sweden, 3) BB Plasma Design AB, Sweden (Invited)
11:00 PP 1-4 Formation of aligned zinc oxide nanostructure by ion beam irradiation, B. K. Tay*, G. Q. Yu, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
11:20 PP 1-5 Room-temperature crystallization of amorphous thin films using RF plasma, H. Ohsaki*, Y. Shibayama, M. Suzuki, A. Kinbara, T. Watanabe, RCAST, The University of Tokyo, Japan
11:40-13:00 LUNCH BREAK
13:00 PP 2-1 On off-plane double bend Filtered Cathodic Vacuum Arc (FCVA) technology and its applications to nanotechnology, B. K. Tay*, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (Invited)
13:40 PP 2-2 Effects of charging and surface reactions on the profile evolution during plasma etching of silicon, Y. Osano*, T. Nakai, K. Ono, Kyoto University, Japan
PP 2-3
Plasma processes for ultrahydrophobic polytetrafluorethylene surfaces,
I. Mihaila1)*, F. A. Nae1), V. Anita1,2), N. Saito3), O. Takai1),
1) EcoTopia Science Institute, Nagoya University, Japan,
2) Department of Plasma Physics, Optics and Material Science, “Al.I.Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania,
3) Department of Molecular Design and Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University, Japan (Withdrawn)
14:00 PP P-5 Efficient ionization of copper atoms and anisotropic deposition in trench employing argon-based sputtering plasma, K. Nakamura1)*, H. Kadota1), N. Nafarizal2), K. Sasaki2), T. Yoshida3), 1) Chubu University, Japan, 2) Nagoya University, Japan, 3) ANELVA Corp., Japan
14:20 PP 2-4 Controlling low-k damage during in situ photoresist strip, V. Pohray*, E. A. Hudson, T. Choi, O. Turmel, L. Zheng, K. Takeshita, S. Lee, A. Marakhtanov, P. Cirigliano, A. Athayde, B. Lee, Lam Research Corp., USA
14:40 PP 2-5 Plasma etching of high-k and metal gate materials, K. Ono*, Kyoto University, Japan (Invited)
15:20-15:40 COFFEE BREAK
15:40 SP 2-1 Innovative stationary and in-line sputter technologies for precision optical coatings, P. Frach*, H. Bartzsch, J.-S. Liebig, Fraunhofer-Institute FEP, Germany
16:00 SP 2-2 Future trends of sputtering equipment, M. Scherer*, T. Fritz, W. Lehnert, J. Pistner, Leybold Optics GmbH, Germany
16:20 SP 2-3 DC, MF and RF systems for large area glass coating and flat panel display applications, T. Rettich*, M. Blattner, P. Wiedemuth, HUETTINGER Elektronik GmbH + Co. KG, Germany
16:40 SP 2-4 PVD plasma dynamics, J. C. Sellers, MKS Instruments, Inc., USA
[Thin Films III] TF 3-1, TF 3-2, TF 3-3, TF 3-4, TF 3-5
[Thin Films IV] TF 4-1, TF 4-2, TF 4-3, TF 4-4, TF 4-5
[Micro and Nano Technologies] MN 1-1, MN 1-2, MN 1-3, MN 1-4
[Plasma Processes I] PP 1-1, PP 1-2, PP 1-3, PP 1-4, PP 1-5
[Plasma Processes II] PP 2-1, PP 2-2, PP P-5, PP 2-4, PP 2-5
[Sputtering Processes II] SP 2-1, SP 2-2, SP 2-3, SP 2-4
MN P-1 Thermomechanical characteristics of sputtered Ti-Ni SMA films for derivation of constitutive equation, T. Namazu*, S. Inoue, A. Hashizume, K. Koterazawa, University of Hyogo, Japan
MN P-2 Ion beam processing of single crystal diamond using SOG mask, J. Taniguchi1)*, H. Ohno1), Y. Kawabata2), I. Miyamoto1), 1) Department of Applied Electronics, Tokyo University of Science, Japan, 2) ROHM CO., LTD, Japan
PP P-1 Investigation of 915 MHz ECR plasma parameters with SiH4/H2 mixtures, D. H. Thang1)*, H. Muta1), N. Itagaki2), Y. Kawai1), 1) Kyushu University, Japan, 2) National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan
PP P-2 Production of a large area VHF plasma using ladder shaped electrode, T. Nishimiya1)*, Y. Takeuchi1), Y. Yamauchi2), H. Takatsuka2), S. Urabe3), Y. Kawai3), 1) Nagasaki Research & Development Center, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd., Japan, 2) Nagasaki Shipyard & Machinery Works, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd., Japan, 3) Kyushu University, Japan
PP P-3 Modeling of hydrogen ECR plasmas for PECVD process, H. Muta*, D. H. Thang, Y. Kawai, Kyushu University, Japan
PP P-4 Optical emission spectroscopy on high-pressure bulk plasma generated by a microwave cylindrical-resonator, H. Isshiki1)*, K. Toki2), K. Goto2), 1) The University of Electro-communications, Japan, 2) SANYU Electron Co., LTD., Japan
PP P-5 (moved to Plasma Processes II session)
PD P2-1 Deep reactive ion etching of lithium niobate by using low-frequency bias, T. Asaji1,2)*, H. Nabesawa3), M. Kanazawa1), T. Abe4), S. Ishii5), J. Saito1), Y. Kato2), 1) Tateyama Kagaku Group, Japan, 2) Osaka University, Japan, 3) Toyama Industrial Technology Center, Japan, 4) Tohoku University, Japan, 5) Toyama Prefectural University, Japan
PD P2-2 Gas barrier properties of surface-modified polymers by plasma-based ion implantation, S. Okuji1)*, M. Sekiya1), M. Nakabayashi1), N. Sakudo2), 1) Lintec Corp., Japan, 2) Kanazawa Institution of Technology, Japan
9:40 AP 1-1 Film bulk acoustic wave filters and duplexers for high frequency telecommunications using AlN thin films, R. C. Ruby*, Agilent Technologies Inc., USA (Invited)
10:20 AP 1-2 Thin film bulk acoustic wave resonators using ZnO thin film, Y. Yoshino*, R. Kubo, H. Yamada, M. Takeuchi, T. Makino, Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Japan
10:40 AP 1-3 Properties of sputter deposited AlN, Mo, W, and SiO2 thin-films for bulk-acoustic-wave applications on 200mm Si substrates, R. Lanz1)*, C. Lambert1), E. Kuegler1), L. Gabathuler1), L. Senn1), K. Onuki2), 1) Unaxis Wafer Processing, Unaxis Balzers Ltd., Liechtenstein, 2) Unaxis Japan Co., Ltd., Japan
11:00 AP 1-4 Low temperature fabrication of high performance poly-Si TFTs using sputtering method, K. Ichimura1)*, Y. Naito1), T. Sameshima2), 1) Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd., Japan, 2) Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan
11:20 AP 1-5 Deposition of photocatalytic TiO2 layers by pulse magnetron sputtering (PMS) and by plasma-activated evaporation (SAD), P. Frach*, D. Glöß, C. Metzner, T. Modes, B. Scheffel, O. Zywitzki, Fraunhofer-Institute FEP, Germany
11:40 AP 1-6 3-layered photoactive multilayer with glass-like appearance, H. Ohsaki*, N. Kanai, Y. Fukunaga, M. Suzuki, T. Watanabe, K. Hashimoto, RCAST, The University of Tokyo, Japan
9:40 PD 3-1 Particularities of condensation of atoms with increased kinetic energy, L. R. Shaginyan1)*, J. G. Han2), 1) National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine, 2) SungKyunKwan University, Korea
10:00 SP 3-1 Latest progress of sputter tooling for architectural glass coaters, M. Geisler*, A. Kastner, G. Kleideiter, R. Newcomb, A. Reus, R. Trassl, A. Sauer, Applied Films, Germany and USA
10:20 SP 3-2 Flat erosion sputtering method using moving unbalanced magnet, T. Iseki*, JVC, Victor Company of Japan, LTD., Japan
10:40 SP 3-3 Process and film optimization for reactively sputtered layers, V. Bellido-Gonzalez, B. Daniel, J. Counsell, D. P. Monaghan*, A. Uchida, GENCOA Ltd., United Kingdom
11:00 SP 3-4 Metal fluoride film fabrication technology for 157nm lithography with reactive dc magnetron sputtering, H. Akiba1)*, Y. Yasaki1), M. Otani1), K. Teranishi2), Y. Suzuki2), 1) Optical Products Operations, CANON INC., Japan, 2) Production Engineering Research Laboratory, CANON INC., Japan
11:20 SP 3-5 Thin film design and synthesis by magnetron sputtering with diagnostics, J. G. Han*, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea (Invited)
[Applications] AP 1-1, AP 1-2, AP 1-3, AP 1-4, AP 1-5, AP1-6
[Sputtering Processes III] SP 3-1, SP 3-2, SP 3-3, SP 3-4, SP 3-5
AP P-1 H2S sensing property of porous SnO2 sputtered films coated with various doping films, C. Jin*, T. Yamazaki, K. Ito, K. Hiratani, T. Kikuta, N. Nakatani, Toyama University, Japan
AP P-2 Surface modification of biodegradable plastics by ion beams, I. Takano*, Y. Arai, M. Sasaki, Y. Sawada, K. Yamada, T. Yagasaki, Y. Kimura, Kogakuin University, Japan
AP P-3 Synthesis of ultra water and oil repellent film through microwave plasma enhanced CVD, K. Kajita1)*, Y. Wu2), N. Saito3), O. Takai2), 1) Department of Materials, Physics and Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University, Japan, 2) EcoTopia Science Institute, Nagoya University, Japan, 3) Department of Molecular Design and Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University, Japan
AP P-4 New approaches to fabrication of multilayer Fresnel zone plate for X-rays, S. Tamura1)*, M. Yasumoto2), N. Kamijo3), Y. Suzuki4), M. Awaji4), A. Takeuchi4), K. Uesugi4), Y. Terada4), H. Takano5), 1) AIST Kansai, Japan, 2) AIST Tsukuba, Japan, 3) Kansai Medical University, Japan, 4) SPring-8, Japan, 5) University of Hyogo, Japan
TF P2-1 Structural and optical properties of titanium dioxide films produced by RAS (Radical Assisted Sputtering) coater, Y. Jiang1)*, Y. Song1), D. Yamada1), M. Li2), H. Wang2), J. G. Hou2), 1) R & D department, Shincron Co., LTD, Japan, 2) Structure Research Laboratory University of Science and Technology of China, China
TF P2-2
Crystallized TiO2 film growth on not heated
substrates by pulse-powered magnetron sputtering, M. Kamei*, T. Ishigaki, Advanced Materials Laboratory, National Institute for
Materials Science, Japan(Withdrawn)
TF P2-3 AR coatings of multilayered SiO2/ITO thin film on organic material, S.-F. Chen1)*, W.-Y Chang1), C.-H. Lin1), C.-S. Wang2), K. Sasaki2), 1) National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan R.O.C., 2) Kanazawa University, Japan
TF P2-4 Structural and electrical properties of ZnO-In2O3 thin films on sapphire by pulsed laser deposition, M. Mikawa1)*, T. Moriga2), Y. Sakakibara2), Y. Misaki1), K. Murai2), I. Nakabayashi2), K. Tominaga2), 1) Takuma National College of Technology, Japan, 2) The University of Tokushima, Japan
TF P2-5 Mechanisms of carrier generation and transport in Ni-doped Cu2O, N. Kikuchi1)*, K. Tonooka1), E. Kusano2), 1) AIST Tsukuba, Japan, 2) Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Japan
TF P2-6 Stress control of a-SiC films deposited by dual source dc magnetron sputtering, S. Inoue1)*, T. Namazu1), H. Tawa1), M. Niibe1), K. Koterazawa2), 1) Dept. of Mechanical & System Engineering, University of Hyogo, Japan, 2) Laboratory of Advanced Science and Technology for Industry, University of Hyogo, Japan
TF P2-7 Synthesis of boron carbon nitride film with low dielectric constant by remote plasma-assisted chemical vapor deposition, C. Kimura*, Z. Zhang, R. Moriyama, T. Sugino, Osaka University, Japan
TF P2-8 Thermal stability of B-C-N thin films fabricated by magnetron sputtering using graphite and BN co-target, H. Yokomichi1)*, T. Futakuchi2), H.Amekura3), N. Kishimoto3), 1) Toyama Prefectural University, Japan, 2) Toyama Industrial Technology Center, Japan, 3) National Institute for Materials Science, Japan
TF P2-9 Synthesis mechanism of carbon nitride thin films via high density inductively coupled plasma process, T. Yokota1)*, A. Viorel2), R. Ohta1), N. Saito1), O. Takai1), 1) Nagoya University, Japan, 2) “Al.I.Cuza” University, Romania
TF P2-10 Study on the nano-structured diamond electrodes grown by microwave CVD, Y. J. Chen1)*, T. F. Young1,2), S. L. Lee3), H. J. Huang2,3), 1) Department of Mechanical and Electromechanical Engineering, National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan, 2) Research Center of Nanoscience, National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan, 3) Department of Chemistry, National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan
TF P2-11 Frictional property of preferred crystal orientation of platinum oxide and palladium oxide coatings synthesized by combinatorial sputter coating system, M. Goto*, A. Kasahara, M. Tosa, National Institute for Materials Science, Japan
SP P-1 Less than 60°C thin films deposition of sputtering on fabric substrate, T. Mizukami1)*, C. S. Wang1), K. Sasaki1), Y. Yonezawa2), T. Hata3), 1) Kanazawa University, Japan, 2) Industrial Research Institute of Ishikawa, Japan, 3) Nihon Nano Film Corp., Japan
SP P-2 Application of high-density plasma to reactive sputtering processes for nitride and oxide film formation, T. Banno*, H. Kutsuna, S. Minami, Department of Applied Physics, The University of Tokyo, Japan
SP P-3 Synthesis of DLC films by PECVD combined with hollow cathode sputtering, V. Anita1), T. Butsuo2)*, N. Saito3), O. Takai4), 1) Department of Plasma Physics, Optics and Material Science, “Al.I.Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania, 2) Department of Materials, Physics and Energy Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University, Japan, 3) Department of Molecular Design and Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University, Japan, 4) EcoTopia Science Institute, Nagoya University, Japan
SP P-4 Ionization of sputtered metal atoms in a DC magnetron sputtering assisted by microwave plasma, A. Yonesu*, S. Watashi, M. Yoshimi, Y. Yamashiro, University of the Ryukyus, Japan
SP P-5 Modification of TiN film structure by inductively-coupled-rf-plasma assist in pulsed magnetron sputtering, H. Matsubayashi*, T. Deguchi, E. Kusano, Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Japan
SP P-6 A new PVD technique for ultra-thin ultra uniform films for high-k dielectric and metal gates, N. Kitano*, N. Matsui, N. Yamada, M. Kosuda, ANELVA Corp., Japan
SP P-7 Bottom-coverage simulation for magnetron sputtering apparatus activated with superconducting bulk magnet, T. Yamazaki1)*, T. Yoshizawa1), H. Hazama2), S. Hirobayashi1), T. Yamabuchi1), H. Ikuta2), U. Mizutani2), T. Matsuda3), 1) Toyama University, Japan, 2) Nagoya University, Japan, 3) DIAX Co., Ltd, Japan
SP P-8 Two dimensional measurement of the uniformity of sputtered Cu atom density in magnetron sputtering plasmas, J. Gao1)*, N. Nafarizal1), K. Shibagaki2), K. Sasaki1), H. Toyoda1), S. Iwata1), T. Kato1), S. Tsunashima1), H. Sugai1), 1) Nagoya University, Japan, 2) Suzuka National College of Technology, Japan
SP P-9 Improvement of thickness uniformity and crystallinity of AlN films prepared by off-axis sputtering, K. Umeda*, M. Takeuchi, H. Yamada, Y. Yoshino, R. Kubo, Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Japan
SP P-10 High rate deposition of SiO2 and Nb2O5 optical thin films by MOI (Metal deposition and oxygen-ion implantation) productive system, S. Chiba1,3)*, K. Sasaki1), T. Hata2), A. Motoki3), K. Fujimaru3), A. Ito4), 1) Kanazawa University, Japan, 2) JST Innovation Plaza Ishikawa, Japan, 3) CBC Co., Ltd., Japan, 4) SHIBAURA MECHATRONICS Corp., Japan
SP P-11 Recent progress in titanium sputtering target, S. Irumata*, H. Takahashi, Nikko Materials Co., Ltd., Japan
PD P3-1 Spatial distribution of microwave-excited high-density plasma column sustained along a metal rod target, H. Kousaka*, N. Umehara, Nagoya University, Japan
PD P3-2 Development of a compact angle-resolved secondary ion mass spectrometer, S. Kawaguchi1)*, M. Tanemura1), M. Kudo1), N. Handa1), N. Kinoshita1), L. Miao1), S. Tanemura1), Y. Gotoh2), M. Liao2), S. Shinkai3), 1) Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan, 2) Kyoto University, Japan, 3) Takuma National College of Technology, Japan
13:40 Eiji Kusano, Vice-chair, ISSP2005 Committee, Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Japan