10:00 Tatsuo Okano, President, The Vacuum Society of Japan, The University of Tokyo, Japan
10:10 Hideyuki Takahashi, Chair, ISSP2007 Committee, NIPPON MINING & METALS, Japan
10:20 OP 1-1 Ionized PVD and ion-enhanced ALD strategies for 32 and 22nm interconnect nodes, S. M. Rossnagel*, IBM Research, USA (Invited)
11:00 OP 1-2 Sputter and plasma processes and equipment for several industrial applications, H. Yamakawa*, ULVAC, Inc., Japan (Invited)
11:40-13:00 LUNCH BREAK
13:00 MN 1-1 Micro and nano-fabrication processing on the basis of plasma science, M. Hori*, Nagoya University, Japan (Invited)
13:40 MN 1-2 Effect of indentation and annealing on 2 MeV Cu ion-implanted SiO2, J. Pan1,2), H. Wang2), Y. Takeda2)*, N. Umeda2), K. Kono2), H. Amekura2), N. Kishimoto2), 1) University of Tsukuba, Japan, 2) National Institute for Materials Science, Japan
14:00 MN 1-3 Fabrication of Ni2In3 alloy nanotubes, S. Kitazawa*, Nuclear Science Research Institute, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), Japan
14:20 MN 1-4 Correlated oxide heterostructures, M. Huijben*, R. Ramesh, University of California, Berkeley, USA (Invited)
15:00-15:20 COFFEE BREAK
15:20 AP 1-1 Characteristics of an AlN-based bulk acoustic wave resonator in the super high frequency range, K. Umeda*, H. Kawamura, M. Takeuchi, Y. Yoshino, Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Japan
15:40 AP 1-2 Characterization of tantalum oxy-nitrides deposited by ECR sputtering, K. Kato1)*, H. Toyota1), Y. Jin2), T. Ono1), 1) Hirosaki University, Japan, 2) NTT Microsystem Integration Laboratories, Japan
16:00 AP 1-3 Innovations in stationary magnetron sputtering of optical and electrically insulating coatings, H. Bartzsch*, P. Frach, J. Weber, D. Glöss, J. Liebig, M. Gittner, Fraunhofer FEP, Germany
16:20 AP 1-4 Sputter deposition of WNx films and their characteristics as gate electrode, J.-S. Chen*, P.-C. Jiang, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan (Invited)
13:00 SP 1-1 Wide erosion nickel magnetron sputtering using an eccentrically rotating center magnet, T. Iseki1)*, H. Maeda2), T. Itoh2), 1) Technology Development Division, Victor Company of Japan, Ltd. (JVC), Japan, 2) Production Engineering Division, Victor Company of Japan, Ltd. (JVC), Japan
13:20 SP 1-2 Development of a magnetron sputtering system with an extraordinary strong magnetic field near the target, H. Ikuta1)*, K. Yokouchi1), I. Ohta1), Y. Yanagi2), Y. Itoh2), 1) Nagoya University, Japan, 2) IMRA Material R&D Co., Ltd., Japan
13:40 SP 1-3 Laser-aided diagnostics of ionization processes of Ti atoms in high-pressure magnetron sputtering plasmas, N. Nafarizal1)*, N. Takada1), K. Nakamura2), M. Ikeda3), Y. Sago3), K. Sasaki4), 1) Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Nagoya University, Japan, 2) Chubu University, Japan, 3) Canon ANELVA Corp., Japan, 4) Plasma Nanotechnology Research Center, Nagoya University, Japan
14:00 SP 1-4 Evolution of physical vapor deposition technology in the semiconductor industry – The technology that refused to die, J. C. Forster*, Applied Materials, Inc., USA
14:20 SP 1-5 Intelligent feedback for short term and long term process plasma control, A. Uchida*, Gencoa Ltd., UK
14:40-15:00 COFFEE BREAK
(Sputtering Processes I continued)
15:00 SP 1-6 Growth of ZnO thin films by RF-magnetron sputtering and fabrication of ZnO-based light-emitting diodes, S.-J. Park, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Korea (Invited)
16:00 FS 1-2 Mass and energy spectrometry of processing plasmas, J. A. Rees*, D. L. Seymour, Hiden Analytical Ltd., UK
16:20 FS 1-4 Are sputtering products from metal targets really monatomic?, K. Sasaki1)*, N. Nafarizal1), J.-S. Gao1), K. Shibagaki2), 1) Nagoya University, Japan, 2) Suzuka National College of Technology, Japan
16:40 FS 1-5 Reduction of hydrogen and helium retention in stainless steel by argon glow discharge, T. Hino1)*, Y. Higashi1), Y. Yamauchi1), A. Komori2), K. Nishimura2), N. Ashikawa2), 1) Hokkaido University, Japan, 2) National Institute for Fusion Science, Japan
[Opening Session] OP 1-1, OP 1-2
[Micro and Nano Technologies] MN 1-1, MN 1-2, MN 1-3, MN 1-4
[Applications] AP 1-1, AP 1-2, AP 1-3, AP 1-4
[Sputtering Processes I] SP 1-1, SP 1-2, SP 1-3, SP 1-4, SP 1-5, SP 1-6
[Fundamentals of Sputtering and Plasma Processes] FS1-2, FS 1-4, FS 1-5
SP P-1 Application of TiAl laminate to a sputtering target for TiAlN films, T. Yamazaki1)*, Y. Okumura2), K. Desaki1), T. Kikuta1), H. Anada1), N. Nakatani1), 1) University of Toyama, Japan, 2) DaidoKogyo Co., Ltd., Japan
SP P-2 Growth of Bi2Sr2Can-1CunOy superconducting films in off-axis geometry by rf magnetron sputtering method with multi-target, T. Yamane1)*, T. Nishi1), S. Kishida1), H. Yoshikawa2), H. Tanaka2), 1) Tottori University, Japan, 2) National Institute for Material Science, Japan
SP P-3 Fragment analysis in a high power pulsed magnetron sputtering discharge, M. Kamei*, National Institute for Materials Science, JapanCanceled
SP P-4 Physical properties of RAS thin films deposited on plastic substrates, I. Shiono*, T. Sugawara, Y. Jiang, Y. Song, SHINCRON Co., Ltd, Japan
SP P-5 Formation process of Al2O3 thin film by reactive sputtering, Y. Chiba*, Y. Abe, K. Sasaki, M. Kawamura, Kitami Institute of Technology, Japan
SP P-6 Target dependence of Bi2Sr2CaOy(Bi-2212) films in magnetron rf sputtering method, T. Nishi*, T. Yamane, S. Kishida, Tottori University, Japan
SP P-7 Dependence on the kinds of target of Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 films in rf magnetron sputtering, D. Yoshida2)*, T. Nishi1), H. Tamai1), S. Kishida2), 1) Industrial Research Institute of Tottori Prefecture, Japan, 2) Tottori University, Japan
SP P-8 Sputtering condition dependence on response and durability of Mg-Ni switchable mirror thin film, S. Bao*, Y. Yamada, K. Tajima, M. Okada, K. Yoshimura, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan
SP P-10 Effect of background gas environment on the oxygen incorporation to the TiN films prepared with UHV reactive sputtering, K. Hoshi*, M. Satoh, T. Nakano, S. Baba, Seikei University, Japan
TF P1-1 Effect of Zr content on the mechanical properties of Ti-Ni-Zr shape memory alloy films prepared by dc magnetron sputtering, S. Inoue*, N. Sawada, T. Namazu, University of Hyogo, Japan
TF P1-2 Structure and mechanical properties of ZrO2 films deposited by gas flow sputtering, S. Iwatsubo1)*, K. Ishii2), 1) Toyama Industrial Technology Center, Japan, 2) Utsunomiya University, Japan
TF P1-3 Grain growth of Te doped GeSb9 films, L.-H. Chou1)*, K.-H. Lee1,2), 1) National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, 2) Merry Electronics Co., Ltd., Taiwan
TF P1-4 Stress behavior of dielectric thin films deposited using RAS (Radical Assisted Sputtering) coater, Y. Jiang*, T. Sato, I. Shiono, Y. Song, SHINCRON Co., Ltd, Japan
TF P1-5 Synthesis and characterization of BN thin films prepared by plasma MOCVD with organoboron precursors, H. Yasui1)*, K. Awazu1), N. Ikenaga2), N. Sakudo2), 1) Industrial Research Institute of Ishikawa, Japan, 2) Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Japan
TF P1-6 Alteration of residual stresses in TiN films by synchrotron radiation due to heat treatment, T. Matsue1)*, T. Hanabusa2), K. Kusaka2), O. Sakata3), 1) Niihama National College of Technology, Japan, 2) Tokushima University, Japan, 3) Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute/SPring-8, Japan
TF P1-7 Evaluation of hafnium nitride thin films sputtered from a compound target, T. Kanzawa*, N. Setojima, Y. Miyata, Y. Gotoh, H. Tsuji, J. Ishikawa, Kyoto University, Japan
TF P1-8 Secondary electron emission and electrical breakdown properties of sputter deposited MgO films, D. Nakada*, R. Sugawara, T. Nakano, S. Baba, Seikei University, Japan
TF P1-9 Effect of Atmospheres on the electrical stabilization of NiO film, W.-L. Jang1)*, W.-S. Hwang1), Y.-M. Lu2), 1) National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, 2) National Fromosa University, Taiwan
TF P1-10 Analysis of diffusion processes of sputtered particles in surface phase on rotating substrates with ultra-high speed, Y. Hailong1)*, M. Masakatsu1), Y. Mituomi1), I. Nariaki2), O. Kozo1), 1) Kagoshima University, Japan, 2) Kagoshima National College of Technology, Japan
PP P-1 Oxygen plasma treatment of poly (N-vinylcarbazole) film for organic light-emitting devices, M. Kusabiraki*, T. Kawai, Osaka City University, Japan
PP P-2 Electron kinetics and electron energy distribution functions in a low pressure inductively coupled CH4/H2 plasma, K. Okada*, S. Komatsu, S. Matsumoto, National Institute for Materials Science, Japan
PP P-3 Inductively coupled plasma etching of ZnS:Mn thin films in BCl3/Ar chemistries, G.-H. Kim*, J.-G. Kim, J.-C. Woo, C. M. Kang, C. I. Kim, Chung-Ang University, Korea
PP P-4 Dry etching process of TiOx film —Application to fabrication of ReRAM device—, F. Takano1)*, H. Shima1), Y. Kokaze2), Y. Nishioka2), K. Suu2), H. Kishi3), M. David3), T. Roman3), H. Kasai3), H. Akinaga1), 1) Nanotechnology Research Institute (NRI), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan, 2) Institute for Semiconductor Technologies, ULVAC. Inc., Japan, 3) Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, Japan
PP P-5 Crystallinity control for multi-layered films with polycrystalline FeCo and amorphous SiO2, M. Yaegashi*, H. Toyota, T. Okazaki, T. Ono, Hirosaki University, Japan
PP P-6 Development of Y-shape filtered-arc-deposition system for preparing multi-element composition-controlled film, H. Tanoue1)*, H. Hikosaka1), T. Mashiki1), H. Takikawa1), Y. Hasegawa2), M. Taki2), M. Kamiya3), M. Kumagai4), 1) Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan, 2) Onward Ceramic Coating Co., Ltd., Japan, 3) Itoh Optical Industrial Co., Ltd., Japan, 4) Kanagawa Industrial Technology Research Center, Japan
PP P-7 Heat-resistant of various DLC films prepared by T-FAD, M. Kamiya1,2)*, H. Tanoue1), H. Takikawa1), M. Taki3), Y. Hasegawa3), M. Kumagai4), 1) Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan, 2) Itoh Optical Industrial Co., Ltd., Japan, 3) Onward Ceramic Coating Co., Ltd., Japan, 4) Kanagawa Industrial Technology Research Center, Japan
PP P-8 Effect of ion species ratio in plasma on mechanical properties of amorphous carbon film, N. Ikenaga*, N. Sakudo, T. Inui, M. Hayakawa, N. Araki, Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Japan
9:40 MST 1-1 Ionized deposition with the filtered cathodic arc, P. J. Martin*, A. Bendavid, C. Comte, L. Randeniya, E. W. Peston, CSIRO Industrial Physics, Australia (Iinvited)
10:20 MST 1-2 Deposition, properties and wear performance of PVD superhard nanocomposite coatings, X. T. Zeng1)*, X. Z. Ding1), T. Goto2), S. Zhang3), 1) Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology, Singapore, 2) Tohoku University, Japan, 3) Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (Invited)
11:00 MST 1-3 In-situ correlation of mechanical properties, deformation behavior, and electrical characteristics of materials using conductive nanoindentation, J. M. Burkstrand1)*, G. S. Lance1), T. Okawa2), J. Kim2), R. Oiwa2), 1) Hysitron, Inc., USA, 2) ULVAC-PHI, Inc., Japan
11:20 MST 1-4 Growth control of carbon nanotubes by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition, H. Sato1)*, A. Suzuki1), K. Kajiwara1), K. Hata1), Y. Saito2), 1) Mie University, Japan, 2) Nagoya University, Japan
11:40-13:00 LUNCH BREAK
13:00 MST 2-1 Physics of high power impulse magnetron sputtering, A. Anders1)*, J. Andersson1), D. Horwat1), A. Ehiasarian2), 1) Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA, 2) Materials and Engineering Research Institute, Sheffield Hallam University, UK (Invited)
13:40 MST 2-2 Progressive power supplies for solar cell production, D. Ochs*, T. Rettich, HUETTINGER Elektronik GmbH + Co. KG, Germany
14:00 MST 2-3 Solutions for high yield pieaoelectric AlN films in volume manufacturing, R. Lanz1)*, L. Senn1), L. Gabathuler1), J.-B. Chevrier1), T. Haruki2), 1) OC Oerlikon Balzers Ltd., Liechtenstein, 2) Oerlikon Japan Co., Ltd., Japan
14:20 MST 2-4 Large area coatings on flat glass. Advanced coatings require progress in coating equipment, K. Hartig*, Cardinal Glass Industries, USA (Invited)
15:00-15:20 COFFEE BREAK
15:20 MST 3-1 New target materials for innovative applications on glass, S. Matthews1), W. De Bosscher1)*, A. Bondee1), J. Van Holsbeke1), H. Delrue2), 1) Bekaert Advanced Coatings NV, Belgium, 2) Codelresearch, Belgium
15:40 MST 3-2 Superior transparent-heat reflective thin films fabrication by NFTS plasma sources, Y. Nakamitsu*, H. Anpuku, S. Kadokura, FTS Corporation, Japan
16:00 MST 3-3 Coloured layers by reactive sputtering and their application in the automotive and decoration industry, T. Fritz, M. Scherer, S. Küper*, Leybold Optics GmbH, Germany
16:20 MST 3-4 Plasma processes at atmospheric and low pressures, L. Bárdos1,2)*, H. Baránková1,2), 1) Uppsala University, Sweden, 2) BB Plasma Design AB, Sweden (Invited)
10:00 TF 1-1 Stress assisted atomic migration in copper thin films, T. Hanabusa*, K. Kusaka, The University of Tokushima, Japan
10:20 TF 1-2 Effect of pulsing parameters on the pulsed closed field unbalanced magnetron sputtering of chromium aluminum nitride coatings, J. Lin1), J. J. Moore1), B. Mishra1), M. Pinkas1), W. D. Sproul2), J. A. Rees3)*, 1) Advanced Coatings and Surface Engineering Lab, C.S.M, Colorado USA, 2) Reactive Sputtering Consulting, USA, 3) Hiden Analytical Ltd., UK
10:40 TF 1-3 Mechanical properties of plasma-polymerized allylamine film, A. N. Itakura1,2)*, S. Igarashi2,3), A. Grinevich1,4), M. Toda5,6), L. Chu6), R. Foerch6), R. Berger6), 1) National Institute for Materials Science, Japan, 2) Japan Science and Technology Agency, Japan, 3) Shin-etsu Chemical Co., Ltd., Japan, 4) Charles University, Czech Republic, 5) Osaka University, Japan, 6) Max-Planck-Institute for Polymer Research, Germany
11:00 TF 1-4 Sputtering and sol-gel thin film processes for piezoelectric and ferroelectric materials in MEMS, P. Muralt*, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology EPFL, Switzerland (Invited)
11:40-13:00 LUNCH BREAK
13:00 PP 1-1 A new large area plasma chemical vapor deposition process for depositing SiO2 hard coatings on plastics, J. E. Madocks1)*, H. Tamagaki2), T. Okimoto2), P. Morse1), M. A. George1), 1) General Plasma, Inc., USA, 2) Kobe Steel, Ltd., Japan
13:20 PP 1-2 Application of TiO2 film coating to anti-fog curve mirror deposited by plasma processes, S. Ikezawa1)*, S. Parajulee1), Y. Taga1), T. Hara2), 1) Chubu University, Japan, 2) Toyota Technological Institute, Japan
13:40 PP 1-3 Surface wetness of silicon rubber after irradiation of glow discharge plasma, T. Hino1)*, Y. Igarashi1), Y. Yamauchi1), M. Nishikawa2), 1) Hokkaido University, Japan, 2) Science Solutions International Laboratory, Inc., Japan
14:00 PP 1-4 Radiation-induced luminescence from TiO2 by 10 keV O+, N+ and Ar+ irradiations, S. Kitazawa1)*, S. Ishiyama1), Y. Saitoh2), S. Yamamoto2), M. Asano2), 1) Nuclear Science Research Institute, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), Japan, 2) Takasaki Advanced Radiation Research Institute, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), Japan
14:20 PP 1-5 Simulation of electrical properties of SiH4/H2 VHF discharges for deposition of high rate microcrystalline silicon, X. Zhang*, Institute of photo-electronics thin film devices and technique of Nankai University, China(Canceled)
14:40-15:00 COFFEE BREAK
15:00 TF 2-1 The deposition of optical multilayer films on plastic substrates by reactive pulse magnetron sputtering, T. Fukagawa1)*, H. Shoji1), Y. Kato1), H. Bartzsch2), K. Suzuki3), 1) TOKAI OPTICAL CO., LTD., Japan, 2) FEP (Fraunhofer Institute for Electronbeam and Plasma Technology), Germany, 3) Surftec Transnational CO., LTD., Japan
15:40 TF 2-3 Ion conducting properties of hydrogen-containing Ta2O5 thin films prepared by reactive sputtering, Y. Abe*, N. Itadani, M. Kawamura, K. Sasaki, H. Itoh, Kitami Institute of Technology, Japan
16:00 TF 2-4 Pulsed laser deposition synthesis of superconducting (Cu,C)-Ba-O thin films, T. Yamamoto1)*, K. Kikunaga1), K. Takeshita1), K. Obara1), T. Okuda1), N. Kikuchi2), Y. Tanaka2), K. Tokiwa3), T. Watanabe3), N. Terada1,2), 1) Kagoshima University, Japan, 2) National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan, 3) Tokyo University of Science, Japan
16:20 TF 2-5 Effect of process parameters on the growth and properties of impurity doped zinc oxide transparent conducting thin films by RF magnetron sputtering, B. Houng1)*, C.-S. Hsi2), B.-Y. Hou1), S.-L. Fu3), 1) Department of Materials Science and Engineering, I-Shou University, Taiwan, 2) National United University, Taiwan, 3) Department of Electronic Engineering, I-Shou University, Taiwan
16:40 TF 2-6 Optical and photoconductivity properties of ZnO thin films grown by pulsed filtered cathodic vacuum arc deposition, H. Kavak*, E. S. Tuzemen, L. N. Ozbayraktar, R. Esen, Cukurova University, Turkey
[Manufacturing Science and Technology I] MST 1-1, MST 1-2, MST 1-3, MST 1-4
[Manufacturing Science and Technology II] MST 2-1, MST 2-2, MST 2-3, MST 2-4
[Manufacturing Science and Technology III ] MST 3-1, MST 3-2, MST 3-3, MST 3-4
[Thin Films I] TF 1-1, TF 1-2, TF 1-3, TF 1-4
[Plasma Processes ] PP 1-1, PP 1-2, PP 1-3, PP 1-4
[Thin Films II] TF 2-1, TF 2-3, TF 2-4, TF 2-5, TF 2-6
AP P-1 Multilevel-type multilayer X-ray lens by sputtering deposition (Fresnel zone plate for use in high-energy SR X-rays), S. Tamura1,4)*, M. Yasumoto2,4), N. Kamijo3,4), A. Takeuchi4), K. Uesugi4), Y. Suzuki4), 1) AIST Kansai, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan, 2) AIST Tsukuba Central 2, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan, 3) Kansai Medical University, Japan, 4) Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute (SPring-8), Japan
AP P-2 Surface modification of carbon electrode using argon plasma, D. Tashima1)*, A. Sakamoto2), M. Taniguchi1), T. Sakoda1), M. Otsubo1), 1) University of Miyazaki, Japan, 2) The University of Tokushima, Japan
AP P-3 New hydrogen sensor based on sputtered Mg-Ni alloy thin film, K. Yoshimura1)*, B. Shanhu1), N. Uchiyama2), H. Matsumoto2), T. Kanai2), S. Nakabayashi2), H. Kanayama3), 1) National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan, 2) Atsumitec Co., Ltd., Japan, 3) Kyushu University, Japan
AP P-4 Fabrication of three-dimensional nanoimprint mold using Bosch process, J. Taniguchi1)*, K. Kawaguchi1), Y. Ishii1), Y. Sugiyama2), 1) Tokyo University of Science, Japan, 2) Elionix, Inc., Japan
AP P-5 Modification of optical propagation induced by Cu nanoparticle grating based on heavy ion irradiation, H. Wang*, Y. Takeda, N. Umeda, H. Amekura, N. Kishimoto, National Institute for Materials Science, Japan
AP P-6 Development of a cylindrical film deposition system for Ti-Ni SMA film-actuated micro-catheter, M. Komatsubara1)*, T. Namazu1), H. Nagasawa2), T. Tsurui2), S. Inoue1), 1) University of Hyogo, Japan, 2) Kobe Material Testing Laboratory Co., Ltd., Japan
AP P-7 Development of ICP plasma source for PFCs abatement system with high efficiency, K. Suzuki1)*, Y. Ishihara1), K. Sakoda1), M. Hirayama2), T. Ohmi2), 1) TAIYO NIPPON SANSO Corporation, Japan, 2) Tohoku University, Japan
AP P-8 Helium microwave-induced atmospheric pressure plasma for submicron-particle analysis, Y. Okamoto*, Toyo University, Japan
AP P-9 Growth of ultrathin barrier layers by sub-5-nm metallic seeds using sequent treatments of vacuum plasma and electrochemical solution, S.-T. Chen1)*, Y.-H. Hsieh2), P.-W. Hsu2), G.-S. Chen2), 1) Hsiuping Institute of Technology, Taiwan, 2) Feng Chia University, Taiwan
TF P2-1 First principles calculations-based model for the reactive ion etching of metal oxide surfaces, M. Y. David1)*, R. Muhida1), T. Roman1), H. Nakanishi1), W. A. Diño2), H. Kasai1), F. Takano3), H. Shima3), H. Akinaga3), 1) Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, Japan, 2) Center for Promotion of Research in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Osaka University, Japan, 3) Nanotechnology Research Institute (NRI), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan
TF P2-2 Barrier-free Cu metallization with a novel copper seed layer containing various insoluble substances, J. P. Chu1), C.-H. Lin2)*, V. S. John1,3), 1) National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan, 2) Chin-Min Institute of Technology, Taiwan, 3) T. D. M. N. S. College, India
TF P2-3 Photocatalytic properties of Cr-doped TiO2 films prepared by oxygen cluster ion beam assisted deposition, G. H. Takaoka*, T. Nose, M. Kawashita, Ion Beam Engineering Experimental Laboratory, Kyoto University, Japan
TF P2-4 Enhancement of visible light-induced hydrophilicity on nitrogen and sulfur-codoped TiO2 thin films, Y. W. Sakai, K. Obata, K. Hashimoto, H. Irie*, The University of Tokyo, Japan
TF P2-5 Reactive DC sputter-deposited tantalum oxide thin film for all-solid-state switchable mirror, K. Tajima*, Y. Yamada, S. Bao, M. Okada, K. Yoshimura, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan
TF P2-6 Optical properties and stress behavior of ZrO2/SiO2 thin film deposited by RAS (Radical Assisted Sputtering) coater, Y. Jiang*, T. Sato, I. Shiono, Y. Song, SHINCRON Co., Ltd, Japan
TF P2-7 Optimum structure of metal oxide under layer used in Ag-based multilayer, K. Kato*, H. Omoto, A. Takamatsu, Central Glass Co., Ltd., Japan
TF P2-8 Agglomeration behavior of Ag films suppressed by alloying with some elements, K. Sugawara*, Y. Minamide, M. Kawamura, Y. Abe, K. Sasaki, Kitami Institute of Technology, Japan
PD P1-1 High-density plasma treatment of polyimide film for enhancement of copper layer adhesion, Y. Takagi1), Y. Gunjo1), H. Toyoda2)*, H. Sugai1,2), 1) Department of Electrical Engineering, Nagoya University, Japan, 2) Plasma Nanotechnology Research Center, Nagoya University, Japan
PD P1-2 Surface modification of steel surfaces by electron beam excited plasma processing, P. Abraha, Y. Yoshikawa*, Y. Katayama, Meijo University, Japan
PD P1-3 Optical characterization of metal nanoparticles in a thermochromic thin film deposited by sputtering, P. Jin*, M. Tazawa, H. Kakiuchida, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science & Technology (AIST), Japan
9:40 TF 3-1 Fabrication and biological evaluation of sputtered nanoscale dense titanium oxide coatings on osseointegranted implant devices, Y. Yang1)*, Y. Liu2), S. Park2), K. Lee3), J. Bumgardner3), W. Haggard3), 1) University of Tennessee, Health Science Center, USA, 2) Chonnam National University, Korea, 3) University of Memphis, USA (Invited)
10:20 TF 3-2 Sputtered deposition for biomedical applications, D. A. Glocker1)*, A. Fisk2), 1) Isoflux Incorporated, USA, 2) Pulse Technology, USA (Invited)
11:00 TF 3-3 Study of the surface morphology of powdery substrates prepared by barrel-sputtering technique, A. Taguchi1)*, M. Inoue1), C. Hiromi1), T. Kitami2), M. Tanizawa1), T. Abe1), 1) Hydrogen Isotope Research Center, University of Toyama, Japan, 2) Nippon Pillar Packing Co., Ltd., Japan
11:20 TF 3-4 Characterization of organic polymer thin films deposited by rf magnetron sputtering, T. Oya*, E. Kusano, Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Japan
9:40 SP 2-1 Angular dependence of sputtering effects by ethanol cluster ion irradiation on solid surfaces, G. H. Takaoka*, T. Okada, M. Kawashita, Ion Beam Engineering Experimental Laboratory, Kyoto University, Japan
10:00 SP 2-2 The mass production technology of Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 piezoelectric films by RF magnetron sputtering, I. Kimura*, T. Jimbo, Y. Nishioka, S. Kikuchi, K. Suu, ULVAC, Inc., Japan
10:20 SP 2-3 Crystal growth of YBaCuO thin films by magnetron sputtering and the plasma diagnostics, K. Fukaya1)*, K. Sasaki2), J. Gao3), T. Kimura3), M. Watanabe3), M. Inoue3), A. Fujimaki3), H. Sugai4), 1) Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Nagoya University, Japan, 2) Plasma Nanotechnology Research Center, Nagoya University, Japan, 3) Department of Quantum Engineering, Nagoya University, Japan, 4) Chubu University, Japan
10:40 SP 2-4 High rate deposition of TiO2 films by using two sputtering sources, O. Kamiya*, Y. Hoshi, T. Sakai, Tokyo Polytechnic University, Japan(Canceled)
11:00 SP 2-5 Influence of the negative oxygen ions on the structure evolution of transition metal oxide thin films, J. M. Schneider*, RWTH Aachen University, Germany (Invited)
[Thin Films III] TF 3-1, TF 3-2, TF 3-3, TF 3-4
[Sputtering Processes II] SP 2-1, SP 2-2, SP 2-3, SP 2-5
FS P-1 Characteristics of VHF H2 plasma produced at high pressure, Y. Yamauchi1), Y. Takeuchi2), H. Takatsuka1), H. Yamashita3), H. Muta3), Y. Kawai4)*, 1) Nagasaki Shipyard & Machinery Works, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd., Japan, 2) Nagasaki Research & Development Center, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd., Japan, 3) Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University, Japan, 4) Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University, Japan
FS P-2 Effect of argon plasma etching damage on electrical characteristics of gallium nitride, R. Kawakami*, T. Inaoka, The University of Tokushima, Japan
FS P-3 Halogen-assisted copper atom abstraction dynamics, T. Roman1)*, W. A. Diño2,3), H. Nakanishi1), H. Kasai1), 1) Division of Precision Science & Technology and Applied Physics, Osaka University, Japan, 2) Department of Physics, Osaka University, Japan, 3) Center for Promotion of Research on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Osaka University, Japan
FS P-5 Measurement of sputtered Mg particles in an MgO surface discharge in AC-PDP, S. Takagi*, K. Ikeda, Y. Mizusako, T. Sakoda, C. Honda, University of Miyazaki, Japan
FS P-6 Effects of reactive gas addition in droplet-free metal ion sources, K. Nakamura*, A. Wakayama, Chubu University, Japan
MN P-1 Scattering of fast protons at densely stepped surfaces of ionic crystals, Y. Fukazawa*, K. Mitsuhara, Y. Shiomi, Y. Matsumoto, Y. Susuki, Osaka Kyoiku University, Japan
MN P-2 Measurement of electromigration-induced stress in aluminum interconnection, K. Kusaka1)*, T. Hanabusa1), S. Shingubara2), T. Matsue3), O. Sakata4), 1) Tokushima University, Japan, 2) Kansai University, Japan, 3) Niihama National College of Technology, Japan, 4) Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute, Japan
MN P-4 Physical and electrochemical properties of Pt-Ru/C samples prepared on various carbon supports by using a barrel-sputtering system, M. Inoue*, S. Akamaru, A. Taguchi, T. Abe, Hydrogen Isotope Research Center, University of Toyama, Japan
MN P-5 Surface modification of carbon nanofibers and nanotubes with platinum nanoparticles by using barrel-sputtering system, H. Yamamoto*, K. Hirakawa, T. Abe, Hydrogen Isotope Research Center, University of Toyama, Japan
MN P-6 Low-temperature fabrication of Al nanorods by ion irradiation, N. Suzuki1), A. Miyawaki2)*, K. Yamaguchi1), M. Tanemura1), 1) Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan, 2) Sanko ULVAC Co., Ltd., Japan
MN P-7 Crystallographic and morphological properties of obliquely-sputtered nitride films, Y. Inoue1)*, N. Kurebayashi2), J. Yamazaki2), N. Saito2), O. Takai1), 1) EcoTopia Science Institute, Nagoya University, Japan, 2) Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University, Japan
MN P-8 Void formation in silica glass induced by thermal annealing after Zn+ ion implantation, N. Umeda*, H. Amekura, N. Kishimoto, National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan
MN P-9 Formation of zinc oxide nanoparticle by ion implantation and post annealing at 450ºC, H. Boldyryeva*, H. Amekura, K. Kono, N. Kishimoto, National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan
TF P3-1 Improvement in moisture durability of ZnO transparent conductive films with Ga heavy doping process, Y. Kishimoto*, O. Nakagawara, H. Seto, Y. Koshido, Y. Yoshino, Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Japan
TF P3-2 Fabrication of low resistivity tin-doped indium oxide films with high electron carrier densities by a plasma sputtering method, A. Kono*, Z. Feng, N. Nouchi, F. Shoji, Kyushu Kyoritsu University, Japan
TF P3-3 Film deposition of transparent conductive In-Ga-Zn oxides by PLD method, K. Inoue1)*, K. Tominaga1), T. Tsuduki1), M. Mikawa2), T. Moriga1), 1) The University of Tokushima, Japan, 2) Takuma National College of Technology, Japan
TF P3-4 In2O3-ZnO transparent conductive oxide film deposition on polycarbonate substrate, K. Shimomura*, K. Tominaga, D. Takada, H. Suketa, K. Takita, K. Murai, T. Moriga, The University of Tokushima, Japan
TF P3-5 Influence of additional Ga2O3 on transparent conductive oxide films of In2O3-ZnO, K. Tominaga*, D. Takada, K. Shimomura, H. Suketa, K. Takita, K. Murai, T. Moriga, The University of Tokushima, Japan
TF P3-6 Transparent p-i-n heterojunction diode fabricated using epitaxial CuCrO2 and ZnO films, N. Kikuchi*, K. Tonooka, T. Chiu, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan
TF P3-7 Fabrication of transparent CuCrO2:Mg/ZnO p-n junction prepared by pulsed laser deposition on glass substrate, T.-W. Chiu*, K. Tonooka, N. Kikuchi, Nanoelectronics Research Institute, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan
TF P3-8 Fabrication of high frequency ZnO thin film SAW devices on silicon substrate with diamond like carbon (DLC) film by RF magnetron sputtering, W.-C. Shih*, R.-C. Huang, Tatung University (TTU), Taiwan
TF P3-9 Thermoelectric properties of Cu2O thin films, S. Umahashi1)*, K. Kashiwagi1), H. Morita2), A. Kurokouchi2), K. Wada2), Y. Yoshida1), 1) Toyo University graduate school of engineering, Japan, 2) Saitama Industrial Technology Center (SAITEC), Japan
TF P3-10 Etch characteristics on (Bi4-xLax)Ti3O12 thin films with chlorine based plasma, J.-G. Kim*, K.-T. Kim, G.-H. Kim, J.-C. Woo, C.-I. Kim, Chung-Ang University, Korea
TF P3-11 Development of innovative hybrid sputtering / evaporation process for growing CIGC polycrystalline thin film solar cells, Y. C. Shih*, G. S. Chen, Feng Chia University, Taiwan
TF P3-12 Consideration for clustering process in formation of ultra water-repellent thin films by PECVD method, Y. Yun1)*, T. Yoshida1), N. Shimazu1), N. Nanba1), Y. Inoue2), N. Saito1), O. Takai2), 1) Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University Japan, 2) EcoTopia Science Institute, Nagoya University, Japan
TF P3-13 The effects of plasma pre-treatment and post-treatment on the diamond-like carbon films synthesized by RF plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition, S.-S. Tzeng1)*, Y.-J. Wu1), J.-S. Hsu2), 1) Tatung University, Taiwan, 2) Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), Taiwan
TF P3-14 Development of industrial-scale filtered arc deposition system and preparation of tetrahedral amorphous carbon films, M. Taki1)*, Y. Hasegawa1), H. Takikawa2), H. Tanoue2), M. Kamiya3), H. Yasui4), M. Kano5), M. Kumagai5), 1) Onward Ceramic Coating Co. Ltd., Japan, 2) Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan, 3) Itoh Optical Industrial Co.,Ltd., Japan, 4) Industrial Research Institute of Ishikawa, Japan, 5) Kanagawa Industrial Technology Research Center, Japan
TF P3-15 The role of hydrogen in mechanical properties and microstructure of DLC films synthesized by rf-PECVD, J.-S. Hsu1)*, S.-S. Tzeng2), Y.-J. Wu2), 1) Center for Measurement Standards (CMS), Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), Taiwan, 2) Department of Materials Engineering, Tatung University, Taiwan
TF P3-16 High fluence implantation effects of B2- ions on colorless polycrystalline diamond thick-films, H. Amekura*, S. Uji, Y. Takeda, N. Kishimoto, National Institute for Materials Science, Japan
TF P3-17 Attempt to control carbon nanotubes morphology by thermal CVD under high magnetic field, H. Yokomichi1)*, M. Ichihara2), S. Nimori3), N. Kishimoto3), 1) Toyama Prefectural University, Japan, 2) The University of Tokyo, Japan, 3) National Institute for Materials Science, Japan
TF P3-18 Improved electrochemical capacitive characteristics with controlling the length of aligned carbon nanotubes, T.-W. Weng1)*, W. Huang1), K.-Y. Lee1,2), 1) Department of Electronic Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan, 2) Graduate Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
TF P3-19 Surface coating of microparticles with tungsten carbide by using barrel sputtering system, S. Akamaru*, H. Yamamoto, T. Abe, Hydrogen Isotope Research Center, University of Toyama, Japan
PD P2-1 Effect of the electromagnetic waves on the spatial distribution of electron temperature in 915 MHz H2 ECR plasma, H. Muta1)*, M. Tanaka1), Y. Kawai2), 1) Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University, Japan, 2) Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University, Japan,
PD P2-2 Discharge characteristics and magnetic field simulation for dual magnetron source, Y. M. Kim*, M. J. Keum, L. Schwaederlé, D. H. Choi, Y. M. Kim, J. G. Han, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea(Canceled)
PD P2-3 Photocatalytic performance of very thin TiO2/SnO2 stacked-film prepared by magnetron sputtering, M. Okada*, K. Tajima*, Y. Yamada*, K. Yoshimura, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan
13:40 Poster Award Ceremony
13:50 Closing Remark
Eiji Kusano,
Chair, ISSP2007 Local Arrangement Committee,
Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Japan
Last Updated: 2007-08-31 |
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