10:00 Tatsuo Okano, President, The Vacuum Society of Japan, The University of Tokyo, Japan
10:10 Naoto Kikuchi, Chair, ISSP2009 Committee, AIST, Japan
10:20 OP 1-1 20 years of ISSP- Progress of sputtering technology, A. Kinbara*, The University of Tokyo, Japan(Invited)
11:00 OP 1-2 Fundamental properties of epitaxial and nanostructured transition-metal nitrides and related compounds: Reactive magnetron sputtering, J. E. Greene*, University of Illinois, USA(Invited)
11:40-13:00 LUNCH BREAK
13:00 PP 1-1 Selective metallization for functional and decorative applications, W. Decker*, VAST FILMS Ltd., USA(Invited)
13:40 PP 1-2 Effect of the electrode material on the atmospheric plasma conversion of NO in air mixtures, H. Baránková*, L. Bárdos, Uppsala University, Sweden
14:00 PP 1-3 Hydrophilization of polycarbonate by glow discharge and its durability, Y. Yamauchi*, K. Nagai, Y. Nobuta, T. Hino, Hokkaido University, Japan
14:20 PP 1-4 Measurement for dissociation ratio of source gases in plasmas using a quartz sensor, A. Suzuki*, H. Nonaka, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, AIST, Japan
14:40 -15:00 COFFEE BREAK
15:00 FS 1-1 Ionized physical vapor deposition (IPVD): Technology and applications, J. T. Gudmundsson1,2)*, 1) Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Iceland, Iceland, 2) Science Institute, University of Iceland, Iceland(Invited)
15:40 FS 1-2 Development of large diameter ECR plasma source, Y. Kawai1)*, K. Uchino1), H. Muta1), S. Kawai2), T. Röwf3), 1) Kyushu University, Japan, 2) National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan, 3) neoplas GmbH, Germany
16:00 FS 1-3 Simultaneous monitoring of atomic density using multi-micro hollow cathode lamp in a sputtering process for a transparent conductive film, T. Ohta1)*, M. Inoue1), N. Takota1), M. Ito1), Y. Higashijima2), H. Kano3), S. Den4), M. Hori5), 1) Wakayama University, Japan, 2) NU System CO., LTD., Japan, 3) NU EcoEngineering CO., LTD., Japan, 4) Katagiri Engineering CO., LTD., Japan, 5) Nagoya University, Japan
16:20 FS 1-4 Production and transport of carbon nanoparticles in high-pressure magnetron sputtering plasmas employing a graphite target, T. Tsutsumi1), N. Takada1), N. Nafarizal2), K. Sasaki3)*, 1) Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Nagoya University, Japan, 2) Shamsudin Research Center, University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Malaysia, 3) Plasma Nanotechnology Research Center, Nagoya University, Japan
16:50 Contribution Award Ceremony
13:00 MN 1-1 Ion-beam sputtering induced nanostructures, P. Gangopadhyay *, S. K. Srivastava , P. Magudapathy, T. N. Sairam, K. G. M. Nair, B. K. Panigrahi, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, India
13:20 MN 1-2 Metal oxide nanowires: Synthesis, nano-properties and device applications, T. Yanagida*, K. Nagashima, K. Oka, T. Kawai, Osaka University, Japan
13:40 MN 1-3 Construction of 3D transition metal oxide nano superstructures and their physical properties toward device application, H. Tanaka*, N. Cha, S. Yamanaka, T. Kanki, T. Kawai, Osaka University, Japan
14:00 MN 1-4 Charge storage properties and electroluminescence in silicon nanocrystals fabricated by ion beam mixing of gate oxide/silicon interfaces, B. Schmidt*, K.-H. Heinig, V. Beyer, Research Center Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany(Invited)
14:40-15:00 COFFEE BREAK
15:00 MN 2-1 Surface-enhanced Raman scattering substrate of silver nanoparticles depositing on AAO template fabricated by magnetron sputtering, N. Nuntawong*, M. Horprathum, B. Sutapan, V. Patthanasettakul, P. Chindaudom, National Electronics and Computer Technology Center, Thailand
15:20 MN 2-2 Interaction of ethanol cluster ion beam with silicon surface, H. Ryuto*, R. Ozaki, H. Mukai, G. H. Takaoka, Kyoto University, Japan
15:40 MN 2-3 Ripple formation on atomically flat cleaved Si surface by low energy Ar1+ ion bombardment, S. A. Pahlovy*, I. Miyamoto, K. Yanagimoto, Tokyo University of Science, Japan
16:00 PI 1-1 Material processing and evaluation with cluster ion beam, J. Matsuo*, Kyoto University, Japan(Invited)
[Opening Session] OP 1-1, OP 1-2
[Plasma Processes] PP 1-1, PP 1-2, PP 1-3, PP 1-4
[Fundamentals of Sputtering and Plasma Processes] FS 1-1, FS 1-2, FS 1-3, FS 1-4
[Micro and Nano Structures I] MN 1-1, MN 1-2, MN 1-3, MN 1-4
[Micro and Nano Structures II] MN 2-1, MN 2-2, MN 2-3
[Plasma Induced Process Technologies] PI 1-1
FS P-1 Effects of gas types on plasma parameters in a pulsed surface wave plasma, T. Okamoto*, T. Osaka, Y. Okamoto, Toyo University, Japan
PI P-1 Effects of ZnO plasma plume dynamics on laser ablation, T. Bando*, K. Abe, M. Yamashita, Tokyo University of Science, Japan
PI P-2 Investigations of the electron-induced ablation in the surface wave plasma, T. Banno*, The University of Tokyo, Japan
PI P-3 Effect of oxygen plasma treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of CrAlSiN nanocomposite coating, C.-L. Chang*, Y.-C. Liu, MingDao University, Taiwan
PI P-4 Antireflective effect of transparent polymer surface improved by plasma treatment with end-Hall ion source and optical coating, J.-C. Yu1), J.-C. Hsu1)*, P. W. Wang2), H.-L. Chen3), Y.-Y. Chen3), Y.-H. Lin3), 1) Department of Physics, Fu-Jen Catholic University, Taiwan, 2) Bradley University, USA, 3) Graduate Institute of Applied Science and Engineering, Fu-Jen Catholic University, Taiwan
TF P1-1 High temperature oxidation behavior of multicomponent TiAlSiN coatings, Y.-Y. Chang1), S.-M. Yang2), C.-M. Cheng1)*, 1) Mingdao University, Taiwan, 2) National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan
TF P1-2 The corrosion behaviour of AlN films deposited on magnesium-lithium alloy by R.F. magnetron sputtering, P. C. Wang1), T. F. Wu1), H. C. Lin1)*, K. M. Lin2), C. Y. Lin3), 1) National Taiwan University, Taiwan, 2) Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Feng Chia University, Taiwan, 3) Department of Environmental Engineering and Science, Feng Chia University, Taiwan
TF P1-3 Self-standing high-quality single-crystalline diamond films fabricated using high-power microwave-plasma CVD method, S. Iguchi*, O. Maida, T. Ito, Osaka University, Japan
TF P1-4 Optical constants of various DLC films fabricated by T-shape filtered arc deposition system, M. Kamiya1,2)*, Y. Kawaguchi1), H. Tanoue1), S. Oke1), Y. Suda1), H. Takikawa1), M. Taki3), Y. Hasegawa3), N. Tsuji3), M. Kumagai4), M. Kano4), S. Kaneko4), T. Ishikawa5), H. Yasui6), 1) Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan, 2) Itoh Optical Industrial Co., Ltd., Japan, 3) Onward Ceramic Coating Co., Ltd., Japan, 4) Kanagawa Industrial Technology Research Center, Japan, 5) Hitachi Tool Engineering, Ltd., Japan, 6) Industrial Research Institute of Ishikawa, Japan
TF P1-5 Effects of film thickness on the structure and properties of diamond-like carbon films synthesized by RF plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition, S.-S. Tzeng1)*, C.-T. Sung1), Y.-K. Chih2), 1) Tatung University, Taiwan, 2) Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), Taiwan (no show)
TF P1-6 Effect of focused ion beam post-treatment on the diamond-like carbon films synthesized by RF plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition, S.-S. Tzeng1), C.-T. Sung1), Y.-K. Chih2)*, 1) Tatung University, Taiwan, 2) Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), Taiwan
TF P1-7 Coating of stainless steel substrates with DLC/Ti bilayered films by magnetron DC sputtering, T. Sonoda*, S. Nakao, M. Ikeyama, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology(AIST), Japan
TF P1-8 Growth of nanostructured diamond, carbon nanotubes, and carbon nanocapsules in a low pressure inductively coupled plasma, K. Okada*, National Institute for Materials Science, Japan
TF P1-9 Crystal growth of magnetoelectric Cr2O3 sputtered thin film on CeO2-buffered SrTiO3, S. Otsuki*, N. Iwata, H. Yamamoto, Nihon University, Japan
TF P1-10 Microstructure and optical properties of Si/Cu100-xZrx bilayer films for write-once blue laser optical recording media, S.-L. Ou1)*, P.-C. Kuo1), C.-H. Hsiao1), G.-P. Lin1), D.-Y. Chiang2), C.-T. Lee2), W.-T. Tang3), 1) National Taiwan University, Taiwan, 2) National Applied Research Laboratories, Taiwan, 3) National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
TF P1-11 The relationship between data retention characteristics and the physical property of Pt substrates in NiO-ReRAM, T. Makino1)*, T. Okutani1), K. Dobashi1), M. Moriguchi2), K. Kinoshita1), S. Kishida1), 1) Tottori University, Japan, 2) Nippon Ceramic Co., Ltd., Japan
TF P1-12 Mg-Zn-Cu ferrite films deposited by reactive gas flow sputtering using composite target dispersed oxide particles, S. Iwatsubo1)*, Y. Doi1), K. Ishii2), 1) Toyama Industrial Technology Center, Japan, 2) Utsunomiya University, Japan
TF P1-13 Nano-scale electrical and crystallographic properties of ultra-thin dielectric films, Y.-C. Liang1)*, C.-J. Wu1), Y.-C. Liang2), 1) Chienkuo Technology University, Taiwan, 2) University of Southern California, USA
TF P1-14 Effect of process parameters on texture and microstructure of nickel oxide films, S.-C. Chen1), T.-Y. Kuo1), W.-H. Hong1)*, P.-C. Kuo2), 1) Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan, 2) National Taiwan University, Taiwan
TF P1-15 Effect of Ag addition on the CoPt-SiNx/Ag granular thin films, G.-P. Lin1)*, P.-C. Kuo1), C.-T. Kuo1), S.-C. Chen2), C.-L. Shen1), 1) National Taiwan University, Taiwan, 2) Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan
TF P1-16 The dependence of resistive switching characteristics on the relationship between bias polarity and electrode materials in NiO-ReRAM, T. Okutani1)*, K. Kinoshita1), T. Makino1), M. Yokeda1), K. Dobashi1), Y. Sugiyama2), S. Kishida1), 1) Tottori University, Japan, 2) FUJITSU Laboratories LTD., Japan
TF P1-17 A mechanism elucidation of the enhancement of the reset speed by Ti doping in NiO-ReRAM, K. Kinoshita1)*, M. Yokeda1), T. Okutani1), T. Makino1), K. Dobashi1), K. Tsunoda2), H. Noshiro2), Y. Yamazaki2), T. Fukano2), M. Aoki2), Y. Sugiyama2), S. Kishida1), 1) Tottori University, Japan, 2) FUJITSU Laboratories LTD., Japan (withdrawal)
TF P1-18 Effect of sputtering gas on internal stress and film density of amorphous tin oxide films, T. Ashida*, K. Kato, H. Omoto, A. Takamatsu, Central Glass Co., Ltd., Japan
TF P1-19 Failure behavior of ITO diffusion barrier between electroplated Cu and Si substrate annealed in an atmosphere of Ar+H2(5 vol%), W. L. Liu1), C. M. C. Chien1), S. H. Hsieh1), W. J. Chen2)*, 1) National Formosa University, Taiwan, 2) National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
TF P1-20 Thickness dependences of crystallographic orientations in transparent conducting Ga-doped ZnO films deposited on glass substrate by ion-plating technique with direct-current arc discharge, T. Yamada*, A. Miyake, H. Makino, N. Yamamoto, T. Yamamoto, Research Institute, Kochi University of Technology, Japan
TF P1-21 Low-temperature deposition of amorphous indium-zinc-oxide films onto PET substrate, T. Moriga*, T. Watanabe, Y. Maruo, A. Sakamoto, T. Ueno, R. Kawamura, K. Murai, K. Tominaga, The University of Tokushima, Japan
TF P1-22 Structural and electrical properties of ZnO-SnO2 transparent conducting films by pulsed laser deposition, M. Mikawa1)*, T. Moriga2), K. Tominaga2), 1) Takuma National College of Technology, Japan, 2) The University of Tokushima, Japan
TF P1-23 Temperature dependence of electrical and structural properties of aluminum doped zinc oxide films, Y.-Y. Chen1), J.-C. Hsu2)*, P. W. Wang3), C.-Y. Lee2), Y.-H. Lin1), 1) Graduate Institute of Applied Science and Engineering, Fu-Jen Catholic University, Taiwan, 2) Department of Physics, Fu-Jen Catholic University, Taiwan, 3) Bradley University, USA
TF P1-24 Origin of crystalline orientation dependent doping efficiency in tin-doped indium oxide films, M. Kamei*, National Institute for Materials Science, Japan (withdrawal)
TF P1-25 Sputter-deposition of iron oxide films with platinum ultra-thin layer for visible light photocatalyst, T. Takahashi1)*, T. Miyazaki2), 1) Graduate School of Science and Engineering for Research, University of Toyama, Japan, 2) Graduate School of Science and Engineering for Education, University of Toyama, Japan
TF P1-26 Study of photocatalytic activity in the ZnO film with Pt ultra-thin layer prepared by sputtering technique, Z. Zhang1), M. F. Hossain2), T. Arakawa2), T. Takahashi1)*, 1) Graduate School of Science and Engineering for Research, University of Toyama, Japan, 2) Graduate School of Science and Engineering for Education, University of Toyama, Japan
TF P1-27 Growth of InGaN films by reactive sputtering, Q. Guo1,2,3)*, M. Ogata2), Y. Ding3), T. Tanaka1), M. Nishio2,3), 1) Synchrotron Light Application Center, Saga University, Japan, 2) Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Saga University, Japan, 3) Venture Business Laboratory, Saga University, Japan
TF P1-28 Investigation of anti-reflection behavior through TiOx/SiOx multiple layer structure deposited by atmospheric pressure plasma system, L.-Y. Chen, C.-S. Chan, C.-H. Su*, C.-D. Tsai, C.-H. Liu, W.-T. Hsu, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan
TF P1-29 Characterization and optimization of ITO thin films for application in heterojunction silicon solar cells, S.-Y. Lien1)*, M.-C. Tseng2), D.-S. Wuu3), 1) Ming Dao University, Taiwan, 2) National Formosa University, Taiwan, 3) National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan
TF P1-30 Chamberless plasma polymerization of fluorocarbon thin films, C. Huang1), C.-H. Liu2), W.-T. Hsu2), S.-Y. Wu1)*, 1) Yuan Ze University, Taiwan., 2) Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan
MN P1-1 Surface morphology analysis of natural single crystal diamond chips bombarded with Ar+ ion beam, T. Nagase*, H. Kato, S. A. Pahlovy, I. Miyamoto, Tokyo University of Science, Japan
MN P1-2 Application of ion beam sputter-deposition to figure error correction of CLEARCERAM® substrates for EUVL projection optics-Evaluation of middle and high spatial frequency roughness-, K. Takada1)*, S. A. Pahlovy1), Y. Kurashima2), I. Miyamoto1), 1) Tokyo University of Science, Japan, 2) Yamanashi University, Japan
MN P1-3 Low energy ion beam smoothing of a Si deposited ULE substrate after figuring of it by 5 and 10 keV Ar+ ion beam = Evaluation of high spatial frequency roughness =, K. Morijiri*, K. Kamijo, R. Uozumi, S. A. Pahlovy, I. Miyamoto, Tokyo University of Science, Japan
MN P1-4 Influence of aspect ratio on superhydrophobicity of fluorinated ZnO nanorods, C.-T. Hsieh*, S.-Y. Yang, C.-T. Liou, Yuan Ze University, Taiwan (no show)
AP P1-1 Using plasma pretreatment for enhancing biomaterial as a printing medium for digital ink-jet printing for cotton fabric, C. W. Kan*, C. W. M. Yuen, W. Y. Tsoi, C. K. Chan, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
AP P1-2 Structure and H2 sensing property of TiO2 sputtered films deposited under various pressures, Y. Nagata*, T. Yamazaki, T. Kikuta, University of Toyama, Japan
AP P1-3 Structure and NO2 sensing property of NiO sputtered films deposited under various pressures, M. Yonezawa*, T. Yamazaki, T. Kikuta, University of Toyama, Japan
AP P1-4 Fabrication of silicon gate electrode of field emitter arrays by RF magnetron sputtering, Y. Gotoh1)*, A. Oowada1), Y. Sakai1), M. Takeuchi2), M. Nagao3), S. Sakai4), H. Tsuji1), T. Kimoto1), J. Ishikawa1), 1) Kyoto University, Japan, 2) JST Innovation Plaza Kyoto, Japan, 3) National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan, 4) Nissin Ion Equipment, Japan
AP P1-5 Field emission enhancement of carbon nanotubes with ZnO on carbon clothes, C.-H. Chen1)*, C.-A. Chen2), K.-Y. Lee1,2), 1) Graduate Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan, 2) Department of Electronic Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
AP P1-6 Time constant and internal resistance controlled by sputtering-coated tin oxide films for a sandwich structure Peltier device, K. Arakawa*, I. Yamazaki, T. Anzai, S. Yamaguchi, Kanagawa University, Japan
09:40 SP 1-1 Magnetron sputtering - Milestones of 30 years, G. Bräuer*, B. Szyszka, M. Vergöhl, R. Bandorf, Fraunhofer Institute for Surface Engineering and Thin Films, Germany(Invited)
10:20 SP 1-2 Industrial magnetron sputtering for thin film photovoltaics and architectural glass coatings, J. Strümpfel*, VON ARDENNE, Germany(Invited)
11:00 SP 1-3 Sputtering and PECVD of inorganic and hybrid transparent coatings for optical application, D. Gloess1)*, H. Bartzsch1), P. Frach1), K. Taeschner1), J. Liebig1), E. Schultheiss1,2), 1) Fraunhofer Institute for Electronbeam and Plasma Technology (FEP), Germany, 2) Dresden University of Technology, Germany(Invited)
11:40-13:00 LUNCH BREAK
13:00 SP 2-1 Low frequency inductively coupled plasma assisted magnetron sputtering for nanofabrication, S. Xu*, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore(Invited)
13:40 SP 2-2 Design and features of new power supplies to enable progressive magnetron sputtering processes, P. Wiedemuth1)*, P. Ozimek2), M. Cichowlas2), 1) HÜETTINGER Elektronik GmbH +Co. KG, Germany, 2) HÜETTINGER Elektronik Sp z o.o, Poland
14:00 SP 2-3 Sputtered TCO for solar application, U. Heydenreich*, A. Holzhey, K. Mayer, M. Liehr, Leybold Optics Dresden GmbH, Germany
14:20 SP 2-4 Solutions for TCO layer enhancements, D. Monaghan*, V. Bellido, M. Holik, Gencoa Ltd, UK
14:40-15:00 COFFEE BREAK
15:00 SP 3-1 Time-dependent target mode change for reactive sputtering of Al-O2 system, Y. Abe*, K. Shinya, Y. Chiba, M. Kawamura, K. Sasaki, Kitami Institute of Technology, Japan
15:20 SP 3-2 Effect of the bias voltage during off-pulse period on the impulse magnetron sputtering, T. Nakano*, C. Murata, S. Baba, Seikei University, Japan
15:40 SP 3-3 Sputtering technology for display application, J. Krempel-Hesse*, A. Kloeppel, M. Hanika, AKT, an Applied Materials company, Germany
16:00 SP 3-4 Low-substrate-temperature deposition of indium-tin-oxide by RF-plasma-assisted pulsed magnetron sputtering, M. Sakamoto1)*, T. Oya2), E. Kusano1), 1) Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Japan, 2) TOYOBO CO., LTD., Japan
16:20 SP 3-5 High power impulse magnetron sputtering; Plasma conditions, reactive sputtering, and film growth, U. Helmersson1)*, D. Lundin1), M. Aiempanakit1), N. Brenning2), 1) Linköping University, Sweden, 2) Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden(Invited)
09:40 TF 1-1 Nanomechanical characterization of sputtered thin films, J. P. Schirer1)*, J. D. Nowak2), E. Kusano2), M. Sakamoto2), 1) Hysitron, Inc., USA, 2) Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Japan
10:00 TF 1-2 Characterization of aluminum-containing diamond like carbon films synthesized by cathodic arc plasma evaporation, P. C. Tsai1,2), H. Y. Jeng2)*, J. W. Lee3), W. J. Chen4), 1) Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Formosa University, Taiwan, 2) Graduate Institute of Materials Science and Green Energy Engineering, National Formosa University, Taiwan, 3) Tungnan University, Taiwan, 4) National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
10:20 TF 1-3 Deposition and characterization of hydrogenated diamond-like carbon thin films on rubber seals, Y. T. Pei*, X. L. Bui, J. Th. M. De Hosson, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
10:40 TF 1-4 In-situ observation of rapid reactions in sputtered nanoscale Ni-Al multilayer foils using synchrotron radiation, C. G. Rebholz1)*, I. E. Gunduz1), K. Fadenberger1), C. Tsotsos1), B. Schmitt2), C. C. Doumanidis1), 1) University of Cyprus, Cyprus, 2) Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland (withdrawal)
11:00 TF 1-5 Low temperature deposition of highly oriented AlN polycrystalline films by using ECR sputtering, H. Yasui1)*, H. Toyota1), M. Shimada2), T. Ono1), 1) Hirosaki University, Japan, 2) MES AFTY Corporation, Japan
11:20 TF 1-6 Effects of sputtering conditions on Mo bottom-electrode layer and its influence on the subsequently sputtered AlN piezoelectric thin film, J. S. Cherng*, T. Y. Chen, C. M. Lin, Mingchi University of Technology, Taiwan
11:40-13:00 LUNCH BREAK
13:00 TF 2-1 Properties of sputter-deposited Ag film on silk, S. Q. Jiang1)*, W. F. Qin2), C. W. Kan1), R. H. Guo1), L. Zhang1), 1) The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, 2) Civil Avition Flight University of China, China
13:20 TF 2-2 An electrical characterization of metal oxy-nitrides deposited by an ECR sputtering for MIS gates, H. Arihara1)*, H. Toyota1), J. Murota2), M. Sakuraba2), Y. Fukuda3), T. Ono1), 1) Hirosaki University, Japan, 2) Tohoku University, japan, 3) Tokyo University of Science, Japan
13:40 TF 2-3 High moisture durability and high work function of ZnO transparent conductive oxide films with Ga heavy doping process, O. Nakagawara*, S. Fukahori, H. Miyata, T. Onoue, K. Murayama, Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Japan
14:00 TF 2-4 Sputter deposition of Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se)2, A. A. Rockett*, University of Illinois, USA(Invited)
14:40-15:00 COFFEE BREAK
15:00 TF 3-1 The role of sputtering and plasma processes in the future of photovoltaics, C. M. Lampert1)*, J. Nagai2), 1) Star Science, USA, 2) Nakan Corporation, Japan(Invited)
15:40 TF 3-2 Novel electrochromic phenomenon in ITO thin films deposited by RF magnetron sputtering, Y. Inoue1)*, J. Matsui2), H. Ishikawa3), H. Tsuda3), O. Takai1), 1) EcoTopia Science Institute, Nagoya University, Japan, 2) Department of Engineering, Nagoya University, Japan, 3) Graduate School of Engineering , Nagoya University, Japan
16:00 TF 3-3 Stress in switchable mirror thin film based on Mg-Ni alloy, K. Yoshimura*, S. Bao, K. Tajima, Y. Yamada, M. Okada, AIST, Japan
16:20 TF 3-4 Super-hydrophilic properties of TiO2 thin films prepared by pulsed DC reactive magnetron sputtering at room temperature: the effect of deposition parameters, M. Horprathuma1)*, P. Chindaudom1), N. Nuntawong1), V. Patthanasettakul1), P. Eiamchai2), P. Limnonthakul2), P. Limsuwan2), 1) National Electronics and Computer Technology Center, Thailand, 2) King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand
16:40 TF 3-5 Antibacterial properties of TaON-Ag nanocomposite thin films, J. H. Hsieh*, C. C. Chang, J. S. Cherng, Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan
[Sputtering Processes I] SP1-1, SP 1-2, SP 1-3
[Sputtering Processes II] SP 2-1, SP 2-2, SP 2-3, SP 2-4
[Sputtering Processes III] SP 3-1, SP 3-2, SP 3-3, SP 3-4, SP 3-5
[Thin Films I] TF 1-1, TF 1-2, TF 1-3, TF 1-4, TF 1-5, TF 1-6
[Thin Films II] TF 2-1, TF 2-1, TF 2-3, TF 2-4
[Thin Films III] TF 3-1, TF 3-2, TF 3-3, TF 3-4, TF 3-5
SP P1-1 Microstructures and properties of semi-transparent conductive NiO films by radio frequency sputtering, S.-C. Chen1)*, T.-Y. Kuo1), Y.-C. Lin1), P.-C. Kuo2), 1) Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan, 2) National Taiwan University, Taiwan
SP P1-2 Structural characterization of highly c-axis oriented MgO thin films grown on Si(100) substrates by RF magnetron sputtering, W.-C. Shih, T.-L. Wang*, M.-H. Chiang, M.-S. Wu, Tatung University, Taiwan
SP P1-3 Optical and electrical properties of sputter-deposited Ag2O thin films, C.-C. Tseng1), J.-H. Hsieh2), W. Wu1)*, 1) National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan, 2) Mingchi University of Technology, Taiwan
SP P1-4 Deposition and characterization of ZnO:N films by ion-beam sputtering deposition at room temperature, Y.-H. Lin1)*, J.-C. Hsu2), P. W. Wang3), Y.-S. Chiang2), Y.-Y. Chen1), 1) Graduate Institute of Applied Science and Engineering, Fu-Jen Catholic University, Taiwan, 2) Department of Physics, Fu-Jen Catholic University, Taiwan, 3) Bradley University, USA
SP P1-5 Effect of substrate bias on the synthesis and properties of nano-composite Cr-Al-Si-N coating by reactive DC unbalanced magnetron sputtering, C.-L. Chang1)*, C.-J. Shen1), J.-W. Lee2), 1) MingDao University, Taiwan, 2) Tung Nan Institute of Technology, Taiwan
SP P1-6 Completely flat erosion magnetron sputtering using a rotating unbalanced and asymmetrical yoke magnet, T. Iseki*, Victor Company of Japan, Ltd., Japan
TF P2-1 Preparation and characterization of α-phase tungsten thin films deposited by DC magnetron sputtering, C.-L. Wei1)*, Y.-C. Chen1), K.-S. Kao2), P.-T. Hsieh3), J.-Y. Wen1), 1) National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan, 2) Shu-Te University, Taiwan, 3) National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan (withdrawal)
TF P2-2 The effects of Mo doping on physical properties of amorphous InGaZnO4 films prepared by using magnetron co-sputtering technique, S.-J. Liu1)*, H.-W. Fang2), J.-H. Hsieh2), J.-Y. Juang3), 1) National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan, 2) Mingchi University of Technology, Taiwan, 3) National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
TF P2-3 The effect of Ar/O2 gas flow ratio on structural and morphological property of sputter-deposited TiO2 photoelectrode for the application of dye-sensitized solar cells, M. F. Hossain1)*, S. Biswas2), Z. Zhang2), T. Takahashi2), 1) Graduate School of Science and Engineering for Education, University of Toyama, Japan, 2) Graduate School of Science and Engineering for Research, University of Toyama, Japan,
TF P2-4 Characterization of Cu2ZnSnS4 thin film fabricated by co-evaporation, A. Yoshida1)*, T. Tanaka1), M. Nishio1), K. Saito2), Q. Guo2), T. Yamaguchi3), 1) Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Saga University, Japan, 2) Synchrotron Light Application Center, Saga University, Japan, 3) Wakayama College of Technology, Japan
TF P2-5 Characterization optical properties of P3HT:PCBM blend thin films for organic solar cells with semitransparent anode, S. Y. Chuang*, W. H. Lee, H. L. Chen, W. F. Su, National Taiwan University, Taiwan (withdrawal)
TF P2-6 Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin films with high Ga/III ratio prepared by sequential evaporation from ternary compounds and their solar cell applications, T. Yamaguchi1)*, Y. Asai1), N. Oku1), S. Niiyama2), T. Imanishi2), T. Tanaka3), 1) Wakayama College of Technology, Japan, 2) Industrial Technology Center of Wakayama Prefecture, Japan, 3) Saga University, Japan
TF P2-7 Fabrication and characterization silicon thin film solar cells deposited by HF-PECVD, S.-Y. Lien1)*, C.-H. Chao1), K.-W. Weng1), H.-H. Yu2), C.-C. Wang1), C.-T. Shen1), C.-F. Chen1) 1) MingDao University, Taiwan, 2) National Formosa University, Taiwan
TF P2-8 Etching of InSb thin films by radio-frequency sputtering for a thermoelectric device, H. Nagata*, H. Homma, S. Yamaguchi, Kanagawa University, Japan
TF P2-9 Crystal growth of InSb thin films with sputtered InAs buffer layer on sapphire substrate, H. Homma*, H. Nagata, S. Yamaguchi, Kanagawa University, Japan
TF P2-10 Low-temperature formation of silicon dioxide films by oxygen cluster ion beam assisted deposition, H. Ryuto*, T. Yakushiji, X. Jin, G. H. Takaoka, Kyoto University, Japan
TF P2-11 Surface morphology control of Sn thin films deposited on plastic substrates, J. H. Yang*, J. I. Jeong, Research Institute of Industrial Science & Technology, Korea
TF P2-12 Transparent conductive oxide films deposition using atmospheric pressure plasma system, S.-H. Yang1), H. Chen1), W.-T. Hsieh2)*, C.-H. Su2)*, C.-H. Liu2), 1) National Central University, Taiwan, 2) Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan
TF P2-13 Low temperature deposition of SiOx films on polycarbonate substrates by HMDSN/O2 atmospheric pressure plasma, C. Huang, S.-Y. Wu*, Yuan Ze University, Taiwan
MN P2-1 Deposition of Pt nanocatalysts on carbon nanotubes/carbon paper composite electrodes using plasma sputtering for fuel cell application, C.-Y. Lin1), C.-T. Hsieh1,2)*, W.-M. Hung1), 1) Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Yuan Ze University, Taiwan, 2) Yuan Ze Fuel Cell Center, Yuan Ze University, Taiwan (no show)
MN P2-2 Vertical growth of carbon nanotubes using chemical vapor deposition with various metal substrates for wide applications, G.-H. Jeong*, J.-J. Kim, K.-H. Choi, Kangwon National University, Korea
MN P2-3 Growth of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes on quartz substrates by chemical vapor deposition, K.-W. Li1)*, G.-Y. Zeng1), K.-Y. Lee1,2), 1) Department of Electronic Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan, 2) Graduate Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
MN P2-4 Field emission properties of thin film RuO2 coated on carbon nanotubes, C.-A. Chen1)*, K.-Y. Lee1,2), Y.-M. Chen1), J.-G. Chi1), Y.-S. Huang1,2), 1) Department of Electronic Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan, 2) Graduate Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
MN P2-5 Fabrication and characterization of graphenes by cleavage technique, T. Maeda*, K. Matsuyama, C. Shigemoto, M. Takanashi, N. Iwata, H. Yamamoto, Nihon University, Japan
MN P2-6 The luminescence properties of tin-doped titanium dioxide nanowires, J. M. Wu*, Feng Chia University, Taiwan
MN P2-7 Preparation and optical properties of 30 and 60 nm Co3O4 nanowires, Y.-C. Chen1)*, J.-B. Shi2), C.-J. Chen1), Y.-T. Lin1), P.-F. Wu1), 1) The Graduate Institute of Electrical and Communications Engineering, Feng-Chia University, Taiwan, 2) Department of Electronic Engineering, Feng-Chia University, Taiwan (no show)
MN P2-8 Preparation of nanosized titania on Ni/Ti substrate by thermal chemical vapor deposition method, W. L. Liu1), S. H. Hsieh1), W. J. Chen2)*, 1) National Formosa University, Taiwan, 2) National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
AP P2-1 Fabrication of dye-sensitized solar cell using TiO2 coated on vertically aligned carbon nanotubes, K.-S. Nian1)*, G.-Y. Zeng1), C.-H. Chen2), K.-W. Li1), C.-A. Chen1), C.-C. Wang2), 1) Department of Electronic Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan, 2) Graduate Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
AP P2-2 Measurement of lifetimes of thin carbon stripper foils produced by focused heavy ion beam sputtering, Y. Takeda1)*, I. Sugai1), Y. Irie1), A. Takagi1), M. Oyaizu1), H. Kawakami1), T. Hattori2), K. Kawasaki2), 1) High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Japan, 2) Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
AP P2-3 Fabrication of carbon nanoflakes by RF sputtering for field emission applications, W.-C. Shih1), J.-M. Jeng1)*, C.-T. Huang1), J.-T. Lo2), 1) Tatung University, Taiwan, 2) Tatung Company, Taiwan
AP P2-4 Fabrication and testing of sputtered-sliced Kinoform style Fresnel zone plate, S. Tamura1)*, M. Yasumoto1), N. Kamijo2), A. Takeuchi3), K. Uesugi3), Y. Terada3), Y. Suzuki3), 1) AIST, Japan, 2) Kansai Medical University, Japan, 3) JASRI/SPring-8, Japan
AP P2-5 Characterization of flexible switchable mirror film prepared by DC magnetron sputtering, K. Tajima*, Y. Yamada, S. Bao, M. Okada, K. Yoshimura, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan
AP P2-6 Influence of atmospheric pressure plasma treatment on various fibrous materials: Performance properties and surface adhesion analysis, S. Y. Cheng1), C. W. M. Yuen1), C. W. Kan1)*, K. K. L. Cheuk1), W. A. Daoud2), P. L. Lam1), W. Y. I. Tsoi1), 1) The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, 2) Monash University, Australia
AP P2-7 Improvement of anti-felting behaviour of wool substrate with the plasma-enhanced polymer film deposition process, C. W. Kan*, C. W. M. Yuen, W. Y. Tsoi, C. K. Chan, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
AP P2-8 Surface characterization of the PMMA sheets treated by an array atmospheric-pressure plasma jet, C.-H. Liu1)*, C. Huang2), C.-H. Su1), C.-D. Tsai1), W.-Ch. Cheng1), W.-T. Hsu1), 1) Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan, 2) Yuan Ze University, Taiwan
09:20 AP 1-1 Schottky contacts of reactive sputtering refractory metal nitrides on gallium nitride, J.-P. Ao1)*, A. Suzuki1), K. Sawada1), S. Shinkai2), Y. Ohno1), 1) The University of Tokushima, Japan, 2) Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
09:40 AP 1-2 Ion mass and energy spectrometry of a dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) used for small scale surface modification at atmospheric pressure, D. L. Seymour*, Y. A. Gonzalvo, G. A. Cooke, C. L. Greenwood, J. A. Rees, Hiden Analytical, UK
10:00 AP 1-3 Deposition and characterization of ultra-high barrier coatings for flexible electronic applications, D. S. Wuu1)*, E. Lay2), T.-N. Chen1), C.-H. Liu1), G.-H. Jhang2), R.-H. Horng2), H.-F.Wei3), L.-Y.Jiang3), H.-U. Lee3), Y.-Y. Chang3), 1) National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan, 2) Taiwan Textile Research Institute, Taiwan, 3) Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan
10:20 AP 1-4 Direct dispersion of target material into oil by plasma sputtering, M. Murao, T. Harigai, S. Kagiyama, A. Hatta*, Kochi University of Technology, Japan
10:40 AP 1-5 Fabrication of integrated-circuit thin films using sputtering and plasma related techniques, G. S. Chen1)*, C. H. Huang1), S. T. Chen2), 1) Feng Chia University, Taiwan, 2) Hsiuping Institute of Technology, Taiwan(Invited)
11:20 AP 1-6 Thermal annealing study on a-Si, nc-Si and μc-Si solar thin films grown by electron cyclotron resonance chemical vapor deposition, T.-T. Li1)*, I.-C. Chen2), J.-Y. Chang3), 1) Department of Electrical Engineering, National Central University, Taiwan, 2) Institute of Materials Science & Engineering, National Central University, Taiwan, 3) Department of Optics and Photonics, National Central University, Taiwan(Invited)
09:20 TF 4-1 Synthesis and characterization of Ti-Si-C-N films by cathodic arc plasma deposition, P. C. Tsai1,2)*, J. H. Chen2), W. J. Chen3), C. L. Chang4), 1) Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Formosa University, Taiwan, 2) Graduate Institute of Materials Science and Green Energy Engineering, National Formosa University, Taiwan, 3) National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan, 4) Ming Dao University, Taiwan
09:40 TF 4-2 Magnetostrictive characteristics of Fe-IIIA alloy thin film by ion-plating process, S. Nakamura1)*, Y. Matsumura2), 1) Graduate School of Engineering, Tokai University, Japan, 2) School of Engineering, Tokai University, Japan
10:00 TF 4-3 ICP assisted pulsed magnetron sputtering system: experiments and modeling, J. Joo*, Kunsan National University, Korea(Invited)
10:40 TF 4-4 High-performance copper seed layers for barrierless metallization, C. H. Lin1)*, W. K. Leau3), D. Y. Yu2), 1) Chin-Min Institute of Technology, Taiwan, 2) National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan, 3) National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan
11:00 TF 4-5 Application of Cu alloy to metallization of high dielectric constant thin film, C. H. Wu1)*, J. P. Chu1), C. H. Lin2), S. F. Wang3), 1) National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan, 2) Chin-Min Institute of Technology, Taiwan, 3) National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan
11:20 TF 4-6 Ion bombardment effects on internal stress of sputtered thin film, K. Makita1)*, Y. Shinohara2), Y. Matsumura2), 1) Graduate School of Engineering, Tokai University, Japan, 2) School of Engineering, Tokai University, Japan
11:40 TF 4-7 Nitriding of Al powder and fabrication of AlN films by atmospheric plasma spray, M. Shahien1)*, M. Yamada2), T. Yasui2), M. Fukumoto2), 1) Graduate student, Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan, 2) Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan
[Applications]AP 1-1, AP 1-2, AP 1-3, AP 1-4, AP 1-5, AP 1-6
[Thin Films IV] TF 4-1, TF 4-2, TF 4-3, TF 4-4, TF 4-5, TF 4-6, TF 4-7
SP P2-1 Preparation and characterization of copper thick films using high rate magnetron sputtering, J. Jeong1)*, J. Yang1), S. Cho2), 1) Research Institute of Industrial Science & Technology, Korea, 2) CHTECH Inc., Korea
SP P2-2 High rate reactive deposition of TiO2 films by using two sputtering sources, Y. Hoshi, D. Ishihara, T. Sakai*, O. Kamiya, H. Lei, Tokyo Polytechnic University, Japan
SP P2-3 Deposition and characterization of TiO2 thin films by RF-DC coupled reactive magnetron sputtering, T. Nouda*, K. Tominaga, K. Okada, K. Murao, R. Kawakami, K. Kusaka, T. Hanabusa, The University of Tokushima, Japan
SP P2-4 Influence of added O2 and N2 on Cu-filling using high-vacuum planar magnetron sputtering, M. Itoh, T. Urano*, Y. Uhara, Y. Koh, S. Saito, Tokyo University of Science, Japan
SP P2-5 Effects of vacuum environment on oxygen impurity during the reactive sputtering deposition of metal nitrides, N. Hirukawa*, T. Nakamura, A. Suzuki, T. Nakano, S. Baba, Seikei University, Japan
SP P2-6 Thickness distribution of sputtered films measured for many kinds of metal, A. Sakaya*, T. Yamazaki, T. Yoshizawa, T. Kikuta, University of Toyama, Japan (no show)
SP P2-7 The reactivity of nitrogen in titanium nitride film formation, Y. Kotani1)*, K. Makita1), Y. Shinohara2), H. Uchida2), Y. Matsumura2), 1) Graduate School of Engineering, Tokai University, Japan, 2) School of Engineering, Tokai University, Japan
PP P-1 Decomposition of CO2 and CH4 in atmospheric-pressure non-thermal plasma, K. Tamaki*, Y. Oyasato, T. Ihara, A. Yonesu, University of the Ryukyus, Japan
PP P-2 Studies on Si etching using atmospheric pressure surface discharge plasma, T. Hamada1)*, T. Sakoda2), M. Otsubo1,2), 1) Department of Materials and Informatics, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Agriculture and Engineering, University of Miyazaki, Japan, 2) Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Miyazaki, Japan
PP P-3 Etch damage characteristics of TiO2 thin films by capacitively coupled RF Ar plasmas, R. Kawakami*, K. Tominaga, K. Okada, T. Nouda, T. Inaoka, A. Takeichi, T. Fukudome, K. Murao, The University of Tokushima, Japan
PP P-4 Etching uniformity of magnetron sputter-etching and RIE using a rotating unbalanced and asymmetrical yoke magnet, T. Iseki*, Victor Company of Japan, Ltd., Japan
PP P-5 Structure modifications of vertically grown carbon nanotubes by plasma ion bombardment, G.-H. Jeong*, B.-J. Lee, E.-C. Shin, Kangwon National University, Korea
PP P-6 Pulsed plasma deposition as a new deposition method for diamond-like-carbon films, K. Fujii1)*, R. Yamamoto2), E. Fujiwara1), M. Shimizu2), S. Inoue1), 1) University of Hyogo, Japan, 2) Shimizu densetsu kogyo Co. Ltd., Japan
PP P-7 Adhesion dependence of nitrogen embedded titanium dioxide thin film, S. Parajulee*, M. Hayakawa, S. Ikezawa, Chubu University, Japan
PP P-8 Characteristics of surface sterilization using ECR plasma, R. Morita*, H. Suenaga, A. Yonesu, University of the Ryukyus, Japan
PP P-9 Characterization of HF-PECVD a-Si thin film solar cells using by OES studies, S.-Y. Lien*, Y.-Y. Chang, K.-W. Weng, C.-H. Chao, C.-C. Wang, C.-T. Shen, C.-M. Cheng, MingDao University, Taiwan
PP P-10 Influence of the luminous gas phase on direct current plasma polymerized hydrocarbon film growth, C. Huang1), Q. Yu2), S.-Y. Wu1)*, 1) Yuan Ze University, Taiwan, 2) University of Missouri-Columbia, USA
TF P3-1 The structure of Cr-N films deposited by arc ion plating investigated using synchrotron radiation, T. Matsue1)*, T. Hanabusa2), K. Kusaka2), O. Sakata3), 1) Niihama National College of Technology, Japan, 2) Tokushima University, Japan, 3) Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute, Japan
TF P3-2 Measurement of work function of hafnium nitride films prepared by RF magnetron sputtering, K. Endo*, Y. Miyata, K. Ikeda, Y. Gotoh, H. Tsuji, J. Ishikawa, Kyoto University, Japan
TF P3-3 Spacer layer effect and magentic properties of multilayer [(FePt)x/Os]n films, S.-Y. Chen1)*, Y.-D. Yao2), C.-C. Yu3), 1) National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, 2) Tatung University, Taiwan, 3) National University of Kaohsiung, Taiwan
TF P3-4 Effect of Cu composition on the shape memory behavior of Ti-Ni-Cu alloy thin films prepared by triple source DC magnetron sputtering, K. Hori*, T. Namazu, S. Inoue, University of Hyogo, Japan
TF P3-5 The deposition of optical multilayer films on plastic substrate by reactive pulse magnetron sputtering, T. Fukagawa1)*, Y. Kato1), H. Bartzsch2), K. Suzuki3), 1) TOKAI OPTICAL CO.,LTD., Japan, 2) Fraunhofer Institute for Electronbeam and Plasma Technology, Germany, 3) Surftech Transnational CO., LTD., Japan
TF P3-6 Effect of H2 flow rate on plasma reaction of Al-H system, S. Onuki*, M. Yagi, Y. Azuma, M. Sato, Tokai University, Japan
TF P3-7 The properties of GdF3 films at 193nm deposited by using SF6 gas ion beam assisted deposition, H.-L. Chen1)*, J.-C. Hsu2), P. W. Wang3), T.-W. Zhang2), Y.-Y. Chen1), K.-T. Wu2), 1) Graduate Institute of Applied Science and Engineering, Fu-Jen Catholic University, Taiwan, 2) Department of Physics, Fu-Jen Catholic University, Taiwan, 3) Bradley University, USA
TF P3-8 Electrochromic properties of nanostructured tin-nitride thin film prepared by reactive sputtering, H. Tsuda1)*, H. Ishikawa1), Y. Inoue2), O. Takai2), 1) Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University, Japan, 2) EcoTopia Science Institute, Nagoya University, Japan
TF P3-9 Gas diffusion barriers on flexible dye-sensitized solar cells, L.-T. Huang1)*, R.-R. Wang2), H.-C. Lin1), 1) National Taiwan University, Taiwan, 2) Taiwan Textile Research Institute, Taiwan (withdrawal)
TF P3-10 Microstructure of BCN films prepared by RF magnetron sputtering with bipolar-pulse substrate bias voltages, S. Nakao1)*, T. Sonoda1), J. Choi2), T. Kato2), 1) National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)-Chubu, Japan, 2) The University of Tokyo, Japan
TF P3-11 Effects of growth parameters on surface roughness of RF magnetron sputtered Al films, Q. Guo1,2,3)*, Y. Matsushima2), Y. Ding3), T. Tanaka1), M. Nishio2,3), 1) Synchrotron Light Application Center, Saga University, Japan, 2) Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Saga University, Japan, 3) Venture Business Laboratory, Saga University, Japan
TF P3-12 Synthesis of smooth and superconducting (Cu, C)-1201 films using SrCuO2 buffer, T. Yamamoto1)*, M. Mitsunaga1), K. Tanaka1), A. Yamanaka1), T. Okuda1), K. Obara1), A. Iyo2), N. Kikuchi2), Y. Tanaka2), K. Tokiwa3), T. Watanabe3), N. Terada1,2), 1) Kagoshima University, Japan, 2) National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan, 3) Tokyo University of Science, Japan
TF P3-13 SiOx-Ag nanocomposite thin films for full-spectrum light absorption, J. H. Hsieh1)*, C. W. Huang1), S. J. Liu2), 1) Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan, 2) National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
TF P3-14 Effects of rapid thermal annealing on the opto-electrical properties of sputtered-deposited Ag-Cu2O and Cu2O-Ag-Cu2O films, W. Wu2)*, P. W. Kuo2), J. H. Hsieh1), 1) Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan, 2) National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan
TF P3-15 The effect of Ag film/particles on the optical and electrical properties of sputtered Ag/AZO films, M. H. Huang*, J. H. Hsieh, Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan
TF P3-16 Investigation of TiOx films for dye-sensitized-solar-cells electrodes by atmospheric-pressure plasma deposition, C.-H. Su*, L.-Y. Chen, C.-H. Huang, W.-C. Cheng, C.-H. Liu, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan
TF P3-17 Growth of b-axis oriented VO2 thin films on glass substrates using ZnO buffer, T.-W. Chiu2)*, K. Tonooka1), N. Kikuchi1), 1) National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan, 2) National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan
TF P3-18 The luminescence-energy efficiency and anti-deliquesce of CsI, NaI and the mixture films, J.-C. Hsu1)*, C.-C. Lu1), P. W. Wang2), H.-L. Chen3), J.-C. Yu1), K.-T. Wu1), Y.-D. Yao4,5), 1) Department of Physics, Fu-Jen Catholic University, Taiwan, 2) Bradley University, USA, 3) Graduate Institute of Applied Science and Engineering, Fu-Jen Catholic University, Taiwan, 4) Tatung University, Taiwan, 5) Academia Sinica, Taiwan
TF P3-19 Integration of high-k perovskite capacitor on transparent conductive Zr-doped In2O3 epitaxial thin films, Y.-C. Liang1), S.-C. Lin1), M.-Y. Tsai1), Y.-C. Liang2)*, 1) Chienkuo Technology University, Taiwan., 2) University of Southern California, USA.
TF P3-20 Photoconductivity for surface morphology of TiO2 thin films prepared by reactive magnetron sputtering, H. Ali1)*, M. Sato2), I. Takano1), 1) Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kogakuin University, Japan, 2) Coordination Engineering Laboratory, Faculty of Engineering, Kogakuin University, Japan
TF P3-21 Characterization of silver-coated polyester fabric between magnetron sputtering and electroless plating, S. Q. Jiang1)*, R. H. Guo1), G. H. Zheng2), 1) The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, 2) Chengdu Textile College, China
MN P3-1 Enhancement on water repellency of carbon composites by using plasma surface treatment, C.-T. Hsieh*, W.-Y. Chen, Y.-S. Cheng, Yuan Ze University, Taiwan (no show)
MN P3-2 Magnetic properties and microstructures of nano-size FePt islands for ultra-high density magnetic recording media, G. P. Lin*, P. C. Kuo, C. L. Shen, T. L. Tsai, S. L. Ou, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
MN P3-3 Granular L10 FePt nanocomposite films fabricated by rapid thermal annealing with high heating ramp rate, S.-C. Chen1), T.-H. Sun1), S.-P. Chen1)*, P.-C. Kuo2), 1) Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan, 2) National Taiwan University, Taiwan
MN P3-4 Granular Co3Pt nano-grains with perpendicular hard magnetic properties for high-density magnetic recording media, S. C. Chen1)*, P. C. Kuo2), C. L. Shen2), S. L. Hsu2), G. P. Lin2), S. L. Ou2), K. T. Huang2), 1) Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan, 2) National Taiwan University, Taiwan (no show)
MN P3-5 Magnetic properties of sputtered FePt films on anodized aluminum oxide membranes, S.-Y. Chen1)*, Y.-D. Yao2), C.-C. Yu3), 1) National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, 2) Tatung University, Taiwan., 3) National University of Kaohsiung, Taiwan
MN P3-6 Non-volatile bipolar resistive memory switching in single crystalline NiO heterostructured nanowire, K. Oka1)*, T. Yanagida1,2), K. Nagashima1), T. Kawai1), 1) Osaka University, Japan, 2) PRESTO, Japan Science and Technology Agency, Japan
MN P3-7 Non-volatile unipolar memory switching in TiO2 heteronanowire, K. Nagashima1)*, T. Yanagida1,2), K. Oka1), M. Taniguchi1,2), T. Kawai1), 1) Osaka University, Japan, 2) JST PRESTO, Japan
AP P3-1 Characteristics of dye-sensitized solar cell based on ZnO-coated vertically aligned carbon nanotubes electrode, G.-Y. Zeng1)*, K.-S. Nian1), K.-Y. Lee1,2), 1) Department of Electronic Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan, 2) Graduate Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
AP P3-2 Enhanced capacitance of IrO2/CNTs composite electrodes of electrochemical double layer capacitors, C.-C. Wang1)*, K.-Y. Lee1,2), Y.-M. Chen2), Y.-S. Huang1,2), 1) Graduate Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan, 2) Department of Electronic Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
AP P3-3 Magnetic properties of single layer Fe100-xPtx films by rapid thermal annealing, S.-C. Chen1), T.-H. Sun1), S.-P. Chen1)*, P.-C. Kuo2), 1) Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan, 2) National Taiwan University, Taiwan (no show)
AP P3-4 Formation and magnetization reversal of nano-sized Fe arrays on anodic aluminum oxide templates, K.-T. Huang1)*, P.-C. Kuo1), Y.-D. Yao2), 1) National Taiwan University, Taiwan, 2) Tatung University, Taiwan (no show)
AP P3-5 Effect of plasma-pretreatment on wrinkle-resistant finishing, Y. L. Lam, C. W. Kan*, C. W. M. Yuen, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
13:40 Poster Award Ceremony
13:50 Closing Remark Eiji Kusano, Chair, ISSP2009 Local Arrangement Committee, Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Japan
Last Updated: 2009-07-15 |
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