10:00 Kenji Kimura, Vice President, The Vacuum Society of Japan, Kyoto University, Japan
10:10 Osamu Nakagawara, Chair, ISSP2011 Committee, Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Japan
10:20 OP 1-1 Microstructure and electrical properties of thin films deposited on substrates with different surface conditions by physical vapor deposition, Y. Yoshino*, Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Japan (invited)
11:00 OP 1-2 High-rate pulse reactive magnetron sputtering of oxide nanocomposite coatings, J. Musil1,2)*, P. Baroch1), 1) University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic, 2) Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Czech Republic (invited)
11:40 OP 1-3 Crystallization of ITO and TiO2 by RF plasma treatment, H. Ohsaki1)*, R. Andou2), A. Kinbara3), T. Watanabe4), 1) National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan, 2) Industrial Technology Institute of Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan, 3) Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan, 4) Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo, Japan
12:00-13:00 LUNCH BREAK
13:00 PP 1-1 High rate remote plasma deposition of a-C:H: radical chemistry vs. ion energy, M. C. M. van de Sanden*, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands (invited)
13:40 PP 1-2 Deep silicon trench oxidation in downstream of surface-wave oxygen plasma, J. Koike, Y. Igarashi, Y. Taniuchi, H. Shindo*, Tokai University, Japan
14:00 PP 1-3 Stress and crystallization of hydrogenated amorphous silicon films grown by electron cyclotron resonance chemical vapor deposition, Y. C. Wang*, P. J. Wu, C. C. Hsieh, I-C. Chen, National Central University, Taiwan
14:20 PP 1-4 Flat band shift for MIS with insulator gate deposited by an electron cyclotron resonance sputter, K. Izumi1)*, H. Toyota1), J. Murota2), M. Sakuraba2), Y. Fukuda3), T. Ono1), 1) Hirosaki University, Japan, 2) Tohoku University, Japan, 3) Tokyo University of Science, Japan
14:40 PP 1-5 Optimization and performance of atmospheric Fused Hollow Cathodes, H. Barankova*, L. Bardos, Uppsala University, Sweden
15:00 PP 1-6 High efficient CO2 decomposition by large flow atmospheric microwave plasma (LAMP), S. Ikezawa*, S. Parajulee, S. Sharma, A. Pandey, Chubu University, Japan
15:20 -15:40 COFFEE BREAK
15:40 AP 1-1 Investigation of selective plasma etching of silicon nitride and Mo for TFT-LCDs, Y.-L. Lai*, K.-L. Chen, National Changhua University of Education, Taiwan (withdrawal)
16:00 AP 1-2 Crystallization effect on sheet resistive characteristics of quasi-crystallized AgInSbTe chalcogenide films, C.-W. Yang1)*, C.-C. Chou2), 1) National Formosa University, Taiwan, 2) National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
16:20 AP 1-3 Thermally stable TiN Schottky contact on AlGaN/GaN heterostructure, J.-P. Ao*, The University of Tokushima, Japan
16:40 AP 1-4 Intrinsic nature of nonvolatile resistive switching extracted by a single oxide nanowire, K. Nagashima1)*, T. Yanagida1,2), K. Oka1), M. Kanai1), A. Klamchuen1), J.-S. Kim3), B. H. Park3), T. Kawai1,3), 1) Osaka University, Japan, 2) PRESTO, Japan Science and Technology Agency, Japan, 3) Konkuk University, Korea
[Opening Session] OP 1-1, OP 1-2, OP 1-3
[Plasma Processes] PP 1-1, PP 1-2, PP 1-3, PP 1-4, PP 1-5, PP 1-6
[Applications] AP 1-1, AP 1-2, AP 1-3, AP 1-4
PP P-1 Uniform nitriding of tool steel in electron beam excited plasma, J. Miyamoto*, P. Abraha, Meijo University, Japan
PP P-2 Local sputtering by micro plasma jet in SEM, K. Matra*, Y. Mizobuchi, H. Furuta, A. Hatta, Kochi University of Technology, Japan
PP P-3 Fabrication of nano-whiskers by oxygen plasma etching of DLC films, T. Harigai, M. Murao, H. Kohji, H. Furuta, A. Hatta*, Kochi University of Technology, Japan
PP P-4 Capacitively coupled radio frequency nitrogen plasma etch damage to n-type gallium nitride, R. Kawakami1)*, A. Takeichi1), M. Niibe2), M. Konishi1), Y. Mori1), M. Kodama1), T. Kotaka2), T. Inaoka1), K. Tominaga1), T. Mukai3), 1) The University of Tokushima, Japan, 2) University of Hyogo, Japan, 3) Nichia Corporation, Japan
PP P-5 Capacitively coupled radio frequency helium plasma treatment effect on TiO2 thin film surfaces, A. Takeichi1)*, R. Kawakami1), M. Niibe2), M. Konishi1), Y. Mori1), M. Kodama1), T. Kotaka2), T. Inaoka1), K. Tominaga1), 1) The University of Tokushima, Japan, 2) University of Hyogo, Japan
PP P-6 The properties of fluorinated amorphous carbon films prepared by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition with different hexafluoroethane/acetylene ratios, S.-C. Chiou1)*, S.-T. Shiue1), H.-Y. Lin2), 1) National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan, 2) Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan
PP P-7 Deposition of TiN/TiO2film in context of anti-fog & anti-freeze mirror, S. Sharma*, A. Pandey , S. Parajulee, S. Ikezawa, Chubu University, Japan
PP P-8 Hydrogen and argon mixtures plasma treatment for improving intrinsic layer for heterojunction solar cells, C.-W. Lin, Y.-L. Chen*, Tatung University, Taiwan
PP P-9 Damage analysis of gallium nitride crystals etched by He and Ar plasma, T. Kotaka1)*, M. Niibe1), R. Kawakami2), T. Inaoka2), K. Tominaga2), T. Mukai3), 1) University of Hyogo, Japan, 2) The University of Tokushima, Japan, 3) Nichia Corporation, Japan
PP P-10 Synthesis of Se-film using RF-capacitively couple plasma for CIGS solar cell application, C.-B. Chang1), C. Huang2), J.-R. Jei1), K.-H. Yang1), T.-H. Chou1), C.-H. Liu1)*, 1) Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan, 2) Yuan Ze University, Taiwan
PP P-11 Effect of atmospheric pressure plasma treatment on the wettability and dryability of synthetic textile fibres, C. W. Kan*, C. W. M. Yuen, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong (withdrawal)
PI P-1 Effects of radio-frequency powers on the properties of carbon coatings on optical fibers prepared by thermal chemical vapor deposition enhanced with inductively coupled plasma, L.-H. Lai1)*, S.-T. Shiue1), H.-Y. Lin2), 1) National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan, 2) Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), Taiwan
PI P-2 Energetic nucleation for low temperature crystallized silicon film, C.-W. Lin1), S.-H. Yang1), W.-W. Chen1)*, S.-J. Chang1), H.-S. Chang1), P.-C. Ho2), Y.-S. Lee3), 1) Graduate Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering, Tatung University, Taiwan, 2) Department of Electrical Engineering, Tatung University, Taiwan, 3) DuPont Apollo, Hong Kong
PI P-3 Investigation of zinc-compound transparent conductive films deposited by using an electron cyclotron resonance sputtering, S. Tonosaki1)*, M. Shimada2), H. Toyota1), T. Ono1), 1) Hirosaki University, Japan, 2) MES AFTY Corporation, Japan
PI P-4 Structural characteristics of zinc oxide films treated in N2atmosphere using microwave plasma jet sintering system, C.-H. Su, C.-M. Huang*, National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan (no show)
PI P-5 Atmospheric plasma treatment to enhance the adhesion energy on the surface of poly(ethylene terephthalate) polymeric film, D. K. Lee1)*, D. Y. Hwang1), D. C. Han1), S. U. Choi2), B. I. Kim2), H. J. Shin1), 1) Gumi Electronics and Information Technology Research Institute, Korea, 2) Toray Advanced Materials Korea Inc., Korea
MN P-1 Crucial role of impurity doping dynamics on transport properties of VLS grown SnO2 nanowires, A. Klamchuen1)*, T. Yanagida1,2), M. Kanai1), K. Nagashima1), K. Oka1), M. Suzuki3), Y. Hidaka3), S. Kai3), T. Kawai1,4), 1) Osaka University, Japan, 2) PRESTO, Japan Science and Technology Agency, Japan, 3) Kyushu University, Japan, 4) Konkuk University, Korea
MN P-2 New approaches to Young's modulus measurement of nanometer-thick thin films using MEMS resonance test technique, H. Yamagiwa1)*, T. Namazu1), D. Goto1), T. Takeuchi2), K. Murakami2), E. Komatsu2), Y. Kawashimo2), T. Takano3), K. Yoshiki1), S. Inoue1), 1) University of Hyogo, Japan, 2) Shinko Seiki Co., Ltd., Japan, 3) The New Industry Research Organization, Japan
MN P-3 Effect of annealing on tensile, creep, and fatigue characteristics of Al-Si-Cu structural films, M. Fujii1)*, T. Namazu1), H. Fujii1), K. Masunishi2), Y. Tomizawa2), K. Yoshiki1), S. Inoue1), 1) University of Hyogo, Japan, 2) Toshiba Corporation, Japan
MN P-4 A novel gas sensor with lateral self-assembled ZnO nanowires grown at low temperature, C.-T. Chang1)*, P.-Y. Yang1), H.-H. Li1), C.-E. Yang2), T.-C. Lin3), H.-C. Cheng1), C.-P. Juan2), B.-R. Huang3), 1) National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, 2) St. John's University, Taiwan, 3) National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan (no show)
MN P-5 Morphology control of carbon nanotube pillar array by nonuniform catalyst film thickness by sputter deposition, M. Watanabe1)*, K. Haruki1), H. Sato1), K. Hata1), Y. Saito2), 1) Mie University, Japan, 2) Nagoya University, Japan
MN P-6 Phonon spectra and magnetic behaviors of hydrothermally synthesized Sm-doped ZnO nanorods, C. C. Lin1), S. L. Young2)*, C. Y. Kung1)*, H. Z. Chen2), M. C. kao2), L. Horng3), Y. T. Shih3), 1) National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan, 2) Hsiuping Institute of Technology, Taiwan, 3) National Changhua University of Education, Taiwan
MN P-7 Magnetic properties of carbon nanotubes filled with ferromagnetic metals, A. Nagata*, H. Sato, Y. Matsui, T. Kaneko, Y. Fujiwara, Mie University, Japan
MN P-8 Characterization of superlattice CrN/MeN coating for semiconductor packaging applications, D.-Y. Wang, W.-H. Tzeng, W.-C. Chen*, MingDao University, Taiwan
MN P-9 Magnetic property of FePt particles encaged in carbon nanotubes, T. Kaneko1)*, Y. Fujiwara1), H. Sato1), T. Kato2), K. Maeda1), S. Iwata2), K. Hata1), T. Kobayashi1), 1) Mie University, Japan, 2) Nagoya University, Japan
MN P-10 Dopant dependence of structural, optical, and magnetic properties of ZnO nanorods, C. C. Lin1)*, C. Y. Kung1), S. L. Young2), H. Z. Cheng2), M. C. kao2), L. Horng3), Y. T. Shih3), 1) National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan, 2) Hsiuping Institute of Technology, Taiwan, 3) National Changhua University of Education, Taiwan (no show)
MN P-11 Sputtering and plasma exposure to fabricate gold nanoparticles with clean surfaces, K. Kawaguchi1)*, T. Sanari1), K. Takahiro1), S. Yamamoto2), M. Yoshikawa2), S. Nagata3), 1) Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan, 2) Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan, 3) Tohoku University, Japan
MN P-12 Effect of surface pretreatments combining thermal and plasma treatments on carbon nanotube growth using metal substrates, E.-C. Shin, B.-J. Lee*, G.-H. Jeong, Kangwon National University, Korea
TF P1-1 Deposition and characterization of MAX-phase containing Ti-Si-C thin films by sputtering using elemental targets, T. Sonoda*, S. Nakao, M. Ikeyama, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan
TF P1-2 Effects of residual stresses on mechanical and opto-electrical properties of sputtered conductive thin films on flexible substrates, R. C. Chang*, C. P. Yeh, St. John's University, Taiwan
TF P1-3 FePt-SiC thin films with granular structure for ultra-high density magnetic recording media, C. L. Shen1)*, P. C. Kuo1), S. C. Chen2), 1) National Taiwan University, Taiwan, 2) Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan (withdrawal)
TF P1-4 Effects of crystalline SiNxlayers on the microstructures and mechanical properties of multilayered TiAlN/SiNx coating, Y.-C. Chan1)*, H.-W. Chen1), J.-G. Duh1), J.-W. Lee2), 1) National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, 2) Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan
TF P1-5 Study of structural and mechanical properties of CrAlN hard coatings, H. N Shah1)*, R. Jayaganthan2), 1) Charotar University of Science and Technology, India, 2) Indian Institute of Technology, India (no show)
TF P1-6 Residual stresses of high reflectance mirror made by Ta2O5 and SiO2 thin films with a discontinued sputtering process, Y.-T. Leu1)*, K.-H. Lee1), C.-J. Tang2), C.-C. Jaing2), H.-C. Chen3), C.-C. Lee1), 1) National Central University, Taiwan, 2) Optoelectronics Technology Research Center, Taiwan, 3) National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan (withdrawal)
TF P1-7 The growth control of hydrogenated amorphous silicon thin film prepared by electron cyclotron resonance chemical vapor deposition, C.-C. Lee1)*, J.-Y. Chang2), Y.-H. Chu2), C.-M. Lien2), I-C. Chen3), T. Li4), 1) Optical Science Center, National Central University, Taiwan, 2) Department of Optics and Photonics, National Central University, Taiwan, 3) Institute of Materials Science and Engineering, National Central University, Taiwan, 4) Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Central University, Taiwan
TF P1-8 TiN film coatings on inner wall of narrow tube for hydrogen impermeation, F. Hayashida*, Y. Shinohara, Y. Matsumura, Tokai University, Japan
TF P1-9 Influence of nitrogen gas pressure during deposition of TiN films on their oxidation behavior when annealed in air, T. Matsue1)*, M. Nishida2), T. Hanabusa3), 1) Niihama National College of Technology, Japan, 2) Kobe City College of Technology, Japan, 3) Tokushima University, Japan
TF P1-10 Effect of Si/N composition on Si segregation and crystallization in silicon rich nitride by inductively coupled plasma chemical vapor deposition, P.-J. Wu*, Y.-C. Wang, I-C. Chen, National Central University, Taiwan
TF P1-11 Electrical and optical properties of ultrathin ITO films prepared by DC pulse magnetron sputtering., J.-R. Liu1)*, M.-C. Li1), C.-C. Kuo2), M.-H. Wang3), C.-P. Kung3), C.-C. Lee1), 1) Department of Optics and Photonics, National Central University, Taiwan, 2) Optical Sciences Center, National Central University, Taiwan, 3) Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan
TF P1-12 Structural and mechanical properties of TaN(Ag,Cu) nanocomposite thin films, Y. C. Lin1), J. H. Hsieh1)*, C. Li2), S. Y. Chang3), 1) Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan, 2) National Central University, Taiwan, 3) National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan
TF P1-13 Electrical and optical properties of F-doped ZnO thin films deposited by pulse DC magnetron sputtering of zinc target, Z.-F. Huang*, B.-H. Liao, C.-C. Lee, S.-H. Chen, National Central University, Taiwan
TF P1-14 Structural and optical studies on Ag2O/TiO2 double layer thin films, J. H. Hsieh1), C. Li2)*, C. C. Huang2), 1) Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan, 2) National Central University, Taiwan
TF P1-15 Electrochromic NiVxOy thin films deposited onto flexible PET/ITO substrates by reactive plasma sputtering for flexible electrochromic devices, Y.-S. Lin*, P.-W. Chen, Feng Chia University, Taiwan (withdrawal)
TF P1-16 Diffusion resistant property of ultrathin multilayer Cu/Ru/MgO/Ta/Si, W. L. Liu1), S. H. Hsieh1), W. J. Chen2)*, C. M. Chien1), C. R. Su3), 1) Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Formosa University, Taiwan, 2) National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan, 3) Department of mechanical and computer-aided engineering, National Formosa University, Taiwan
TF P1-17 Novel numerical model for multilayer thin film stress analysis, C.-J. Ou*, Hsiuping Institute of Technology, Taiwan
TF P1-18 Growth of BiFeO3/LaNiO3 artificial superlattice structures by rf Sputtering, Y.-T. Liu1)*, H.-Y. Lee2), 1) National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, 2) National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Taiwan
TF P1-19 Optical properties of fluorocarbon thin films deposited onto transparent film substrate by r.f. sputtering, S. Iwamori1), Y. Nagai1), S. Seino1)*, M. Kobayashi1), K. Noda2), 1) Tokai University, Japan, 2) GUNZE Ltd., Japan
TF P1-20 Fundamental properties of sputtered InGaN films, Q. Guo1)*, H. Senda1), K. Saito1), T. Tanaka1), M. Nishio1), J. Ding2), T. Fan2), D. Zhang2), 1) Saga University, Japan, 2) Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
TF P1-21 Investigation on the structural and mechanical properties of sputtered tungsten chromium nitride films, S. Han1), Y.-C. Chen2), K.-W. Weng3)*, J.-J. Huang4), H.-C. Shih2,3), F.-S. Shieu2), 1) National Taichung Institute of Technology, Taiwan, 2) National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan, 3) National Quemoy University, Taiwan, 4) MingDao University, Taiwan
TF P3-9 (moved from July 8)
09:00 SP 1-1 Progress in high-power pulsed magnetron sputtering, J. Vlcek*, J. Rezek, P. Steidl, University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic (invited)
09:40 SP 1-2 Time-resolved evolution of the sputtered species ground state densities in a HiPIMS discharge, N. Britun1)*, M. Palmucci1), S. Konstantinidis1), R. Snyders1,2), 1) University of Mons, Belgium, 2) Materia Nova research center, Belgium
10:00 SP 1-3 The end of hard arcs, K. Nauman1)*, K. Takamuro2), 1) Advanced Energy Industries, Inc., USA, 2) Advanced Energy Japan K.K., Japan
10:20 SP 1-4 Diagnostics of impulse magnetron sputtering plasma with modified target bias voltage during pulse-off period, T. Nakano*, N. Hirukawa, S. Saeki, S. Baba, Seikei University, Japan
10:40 SP 1-5 Mass spectrometric plasma diagnostics, G. J. Peter*, Pfeiffer Vacuum GmbH, Germany
11:00 SP 1-6 Dual magnetron sputtering of mixed oxides thin films, D. Depla*, M. Saraiva, J. Lamas, Ghent University, Belgium (invited)
11:40 SP 1-7 Densification of titanium oxide thin films by rf-plasma assistance in Ti-O2 reactive dc and pulsed sputtering, H. Matsuda1), E. Kusano1)*, Y. Tamura1), M. Sakamoto1), T. Oya2), 1) Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Japan, 2) TOYOBO CO., LTD., Japan
12:00-13:00 LUNCH BREAK
13:00 SP2-1 Control of the energetic substrate bombardment in reactive pulse magnetron sputtering to adjust layer properties and to minimize layer damage level, P. Frach1)*, H. Bartzsch1), D. Gloess1), C. Gottfried1), M. Gittner1), K. Suzuki2), 1) Fraunhofer Institute for Electron Beam and Plasma Technology (FEP), Germany, 2) SurFtech Transnational Co., Ltd., Japan (invited)
13:40 SP 2-2 Innovative sputter sources and machine technology for recent and future display, M. Bender*, Applied Materials, Germany
14:00 SP 2-3 Rotatable versus planar magnetron sputtering - challenges and achievements, J. Strümpfel*, VON ARDENNE, Germany
14:20 SP 2-4 MF power supplies for state of the art sputtering applications, R. Eckelmann*, M. Bannwarth, U. Richter, P. Wiedemuth, R. Merte, HÜTTINGER Electronik GmbH+Co. KG, Germany
14:40 SP 2-5 Deposition of microcrystalline intrinsic silicon in EAE technique, D. Hrunski1)*, F. Mootz1), A. Zeuner1), A. Janssen1), H. Rost1), R. Beckmann1), S. Binder1), E. Schüngel2), S. Mohr2), D. Luggenhölscher2), U. Czarnetzki2), G. Grabosch1), 1) Leybold Optics GmbH, Germany, 2) Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
15:00 SP 2-6 High rate reactive aluminium-doped zinc oxide (AZO) deposition by dual rotatable magnetron sputtering, D. Monaghan*, V. B.-Gonzalez, M. Audronis, B. Daniel, Gencoa Ltd., UK
15:20 -15:40 COFFEE BREAK
15:40 FS 1-1 Synthetic simulation of plasma formation, target erosion, and film deposition in a large magnetron sputtering apparatus, K. Nanbu1)*, T. Ohshita2), 1) Tohoku University, Japan, 2) Tokyo Electron Ltd., Japan (invited)
16:20 FS 1-2 Study of target erosion profile and plasma characteristics of rotation magnet sputtering using three-dimensional particle in cell simulation, T. Goto*, T. Ohmi, Tohoku University, Japan
16:40 FS 1-3 The study of uniformity of target erosion by the use of moving magnets set on the magnetron sputtering systems with CFD techniques, W. S. Yang1)*, C. K. Yang2), 1) Institute of Chemical Engineering, National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan, 2) Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan (withdrawal)
[Sputtering Processes I] SP 1-1, SP 1-2, SP 1-3, SP 1-4, SP 1-5, SP 1-6, SP 1-7
[Sputtering Processes II] SP 2-1, SP 2-2, SP 2-3, SP 2-4, SP 2-5, SP 2-6
[Fundamentals of Sputtering and Plasma] FS 1-1, FS 1-2, FS 1-3
FS P-1 Optimized sputtering patterns through particle spatial/angular apodizations and sample evaporations, C.-J. Ou*, Hsiuping Institute of Technology, Taiwan
FS P-2 Effects of plasma electrode materials on optical emission for nitrogen plasmas, A. Suzuki1)*, S. Asahina2), 1) National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan, 2) Shimane Institute for Industrial Technology, Japan
FS P-3 Development of a 915 MHz ECR plasma source, Y. Kawai1)*, K. Uchino1), H. Muta1), T. Röwf2), 1) Kyushu University, Japan, 2) NoordZug, Germany
FS P-4 Characteristics of SiH4/H2 VHF plasma produced by a balanced power feeding method, H. Muta1)*, S. Nishida1), S. Kuribayashi1), K. Uchino2), Y. Kawai2), 1) Gifu University, Japan, 2) Kyushu University, Japan
SP P-1 Ion bombardment effects on magnetic thin films, Y. Shinohara*, A. Kohri, F. Hayashida, K. F. Sutrisna, Y. Matsumura, Tokai University, Japan
SP P-2 Cu(In,Ga)Se2 films prepared by sputtering with a chalcopyrite Cu(In,Ga)Se2 quaternary alloy and In targets, Y. C. Lin1)*, Z. Q. Lin1), C. H. Shen1), L Q. Wang1), C. T. Ha2), C. Peng2), 1) National Changhua University of Education, Taiwan, 2) Williams Advanced Materials Technologies Taiwan Co., Ltd., Taiwan
SP P-3 Thickness distributions of films formed by magnetron sputtering, T. Yamazaki, T. Kida*, T. Kikuta, A. Sakaya, Y. Takayasu, University of Toyama, Japan
SP P-4 Nb Thin films fabricated by magnetic field distribution variable-type facing target sputtering system, S. Morohashi1)*, Y. Masumoto1), K. Tanaka1), K. Usui1), E. Komatsu2), 1) Yamaguchi University Japan, 2) Shinko Seiki Ltd. Japan (withdrawal)
SP P-5 GdF3 thin films deposited by pulsed DC magnetron sputtering from Gd targets, B.-H. Liao*, W.-H. Cho, H.-P. Chen, C.-C. Lee, National Central University, Taiwan (no show)
SP P-6 Anatase TiO2 thin films by RF-DC coupled reactive magnetron sputtering, K. Kawano*, K. Tominaga, K. Okada, K. Murao, R. Kawakami, T. Yano, K. Kusaka, The University of Tokushima, Japan (withdrawal)
SP P-7 Control of chemical composition of polymer thin films by introduction of organic vapors in rf sputtering using polyimide and PTFE target, M. Sakamoto, N. Sazanami*, Y. Kato, E. Kusano, Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Japan
SP P-8 Hysteresis free reactive high rate sputtering of vanadium oxide, tantalum oxide and niobium oxide from segmented metal/oxide Targets, E. Sarhammar*, T. Nyberg, T. Kubart, S. Berg, Uppsala University, Sweden
SP P-9 Growth of target race track profile during magnetron sputtering, M. Ueda*, T. Nakano, S. Baba, Seikei University, Japan
SP P-10 Application of high power impulse sputtering to reactive deposition of titanium nitride to suppress oxygen impurity from environment, T. Sekiya*, H. Ishida, T. Nakano, S. Baba, Seikei University, Japan
SP P-11 Oxidation study of Ta-Zr coatings, Y.-I Chen*, S.-M. Chen, National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan (withdrawal)
SP P-12 Temperature dependent irradiation effects of polyatomic cluster ion beam on silicon surface, H. Ryuto*, H. Mukai, M. Takeuchi, G. H. Takaoka, Kyoto University, Japan
SP P-13 Irradiation effects of water cluster ion beam on PMMA surface, H. Ryuto, G. Ichihashi, M. Takeuchi, G. H. Takaoka*, Kyoto University, Japan
SP P-14 Tribological behaviors of CrAlSix coating derived from rf magnetron sputtering, C.-H. Lin, H.-W. Chen*, J.-G. Duh, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
TF P2-1 Plasma oxidation of thermally grown graphenes and their characterization, B.-J. Lee*, G.-H. Jeong, Kangwon National University, Korea
TF P2-2 Synthesis of silicon oxynitride multilayers with wide range of refractive index by RF sputtering for antireflection coating, W.-C. Shih1)*, W.-L. Yang1), M.-R. Yang2), 1) Graduate Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering, Tatung University, Taiwan, 2) Department of Materials Engineering, Tatung University, Taiwan (withdrawal)
TF P2-3 Preferential growth of oxide nanorods on multicomponent TiAlSiN coated stainless steels after thermal oxidation, Y.-Y. Chang, C.-J. Wu*, Mingdao University, Taiwan,
TF P2-4 Structural and mechanical properties of multi-element (TiVCrZrTa)N coatings by reactive magnetron sputtering, D.-C. Tsai*, Y.-L. Huang, S.-R. Lin, D.-R. Jung, F.-S. Shieu, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan (withdrawal)
TF P2-5 Microstructure, mechanical and tribological properties of Cr-W-N films deposited by DC magnetron sputtering, B.-H. Xiao, T.-X. Yang, S.-Y. Lin, P.-H. Chen, C.-L. Chang*, MingDao University, Taiwan
TF P2-6 The structure and ferromagnetic properties of (Fe0.12CuxZn0.88-x)O thin films deposited on Si substrate by R.F. sputtering, Y.-S. Chang1)*, Y.-Y. Tsai2), G.-J. Chen3), L. G. Teoh4), 1) National Formosa University, Taiwan, 2) Kao Yuan University, Taiwan, 3) I-Shou University, Taiwan, 4) National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
TF P2-7 Growth of nanocarbons in a low pressure inductively coupled plasma, K. Okada*, National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan
TF P2-8 Effects of substrate temperature on the ion conductivity of yttrium hydroxide thin films prepared by reactive sputtering in H2O atmosphere, K. Nishimoto*, N. Li, Y. Abe, M. Kawamura, T. Suzuki, Kitami Institute of Technology, Japan
TF P2-9 Effects of substrate temperature on structure and mechanical properties of sputter deposited fluorocarbon thin films, Y. Suzuki*, H. Fu, Y. Abe, M. Kawamura, Kitami Institute of Technology, Japan
TF P2-10 New technology of reciprocal dual-stages atmospheric-pressure plasma jet coating for deposition of silicon dioxide films, H. L. Chen*, Kao Yuan University, Taiwan
TF P2-11 Properties of Al and Al-Si films deposited by magnetron sputtering, H.-S. Park*, J.-I. Jeong, J.-H. Yang, S.-H. Jang, Research Institute of Industrial Science & Technology, Korea
TF P2-12 Properties of Ti and Zr nitride films deposited with physical vapor deposition, J.-H. Yang*, J.-I. Jeong, H.-S. Park, J. H. Jung, Research Institute of Industrial Science & Technology, Korea
TF P2-13 Corrosion characteristic of Al films prepared by oblique angle deposition, J.-I. Jeong*, J.-H. Yang, S.-H. Jang, H.-S. Park, Research Institute of Industrial Science & Technology, Korea
TF P2-14 Investigation of ZnO thin films with Al and F addition by RF magnetron sputtering, B. Houng*, H.-B. Chen, I-Shou University, Taiwan (withdrawal)
TF P2-15 Effect of Pt content on structure and magnetic properties of single-layered Fe100-xPtx films by rapid thermal annealing, S.-C. Chen1)*, W.-H. Su1), T.-H. Sun2), C.-L. Shen3), S.-L. Ou4), P.-C. Kuo3), 1) Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan, 2) National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, 3) National Taiwan University, Taiwan, 4) National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan
TF P2-16 ZnO additive on microstructures and magnetic properties of CoPt/Ag thin films, C. L. Shen1)*, P. C. Kuo1), T. Y. Huang1), G. P. Lin1), S. C. Chen2), 1) National Taiwan University, Taiwan, 2) Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan (withdrawal)
TF P2-17 Power effect on the properties of (Ga, Al) doped ZnO thin films and application for thin films solar cell, C.-Y. Liu1), Y.-C. Huang1), C.-C. Wang2), S.-Y. Lien1)*, C.-F. Chen1), D.-S. Wuu2), 1) MingDao University, Taiwan, 2) National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan (no show)
TF P2-18 Enhancement of electro-optical and mechanical properties of sputtered AZO thin films by using various interlayers, T. C. Li, R. C. Chang*, C. W. Lin, St. John's University, Taiwan (withdrawal)
TF P2-19 Comparisons of transparency conducting AZO films by using DC sputtering and RF sputtering method, N.- F. Shih1)*, B.-R. Chen2), P.-C. Yao3), Y.-X. Zhang1), C.-H. Lin4), 1) Hsiuping Institute of Technology, Taiwan, 2) Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Dayeh University, Taiwan, 3) Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, Dayeh University, Taiwan, 4) UVAT Technology Co., Ltd., Taiwan
TF P2-20 Synthesis of MgWO4 film by reactive vacuum deposition, K. Hasegawa*, M. Sato, T. Kuji, Tokai University, Japan
TF P2-21 Synthesis of In-Sn-Oxide thin film by water vapor treatment of In-Sn alloy thin film, M. Moriya1), T. Honjo1)*, S. Chiba2), T. Kuji1), 1) Tokai University, Japan, 2) CBC Co., Ltd., Japan
TF P2-22 W-Mo thin films for micro electro mechanical devices, T. Namazu*, N. Maruo, K. Yoshiki, S. Inoue, University of Hyogo, Japan
TF P2-23 The characteristics of amorphous carbon films prepared by radio-frequency plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition with different nitrogen/acetylene ratios, T.-S. Chen*, S.-C. Chiou, S.-E. Chiou, C.-C. Lan, S.-T. Shiue, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan
TF P2-24 Deposition of Ti/C nano-composite DLC films by magnetron DC co-sputtering using dual targets, T. Sonoda*, S. Nakao, M. Ikeyama, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Sciencce and Technology, Japan
TF P2-25 Nucleation and phase formation in Li2O-Nb2O5 ternary compound thin films co-sputtered from LiNbO3 and Li2O, H. Akazawa*, NTT Microsystem Integration Laboratories, Japan
TF P2-26 Influence of Zn content on the phase formation and microstructures of Zn-Ti-O coatings prepared by reactive sputtering, Y.-L. Huang1)*, Y.-C. Lee2), D.-C. Tsai1), S.-R. Lin1), D.-R. Jung1), F.-S. Shieu1), 1) National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan, 2) National PingTung University of Science & Technology, Taiwan
TF P2-27 Microstructures and mechanical properties of the DLC:Al films synthesized by cathodic arc plasma, J.-Y. Jao1)*, C.-C. Yen1), S. Han2), L.-S. Chang1), C.-L. Chang3), H.-C. Shih1), 1) National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan, 2) National Taichung Institute of Technology, Taiwan, 3) MingDao University, Taiwan (no show)
TF P2-28 Effect of substrate temperature and bias voltage on the crystalline structure of BN films prepared by rf magnetron sputtering, S. Hori1)*, K. Fujii2), M. Niibe3), K. Yoshiki1), T. Namazu1), S. Inoue1), 1) University of Hyogo, Japan, 2) Shimizu Densetsu Kougyo Co., Ltd., Japan, 3) University of Hyogo, Japan
09:00 TF 1-1 Metal-containing diamond like carbons: Self-assembly and Applications, J.-M. Ting1)*, W.-Y. Wu2), H.-Y. Cheng1), Y.-H. Lan1), 1) National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, 2) Mingdow University, Taiwan (invited)
09:40 TF 1-2 The influence of boron contents on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Cr-B-N thin films, J.-W. Lee1,2)*, C.-H. Cheng3), J.-G. Duh4), H.-W. Chen4), Y.-C. Chan4), 1) Department of Materials Engineering, Mingchi University of Technology, Taiwan, 2) Center for Thin Films Technologies and Applications, Mingchi University of Technology, Taiwan, 3) Tungnan University, Taiwan, 4) National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
10:00 TF 1-3 Oxidation resistance and thermal stability of multilayered CrAlSiN nanocomposite coatings deposited by lateral rotating Cathode Arc, J. Y. Cheong1,2), X. Z. Ding1), B. K. Tay2)*, X. Zeng1), 1) Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology, Singapore, 2) Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
10:20 TF 1-4 Improvement in the dielectric properties of alkaline earth titanium oxynitride perovskite thin films prepared by reactive sputtering, I. P. Koutsaroff*, A. Ando, H. Takagi, S. Higai, H. Ieki, Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Japan
10:40 TF 1-5 Effects of phase coexistence and stress on the metal-insulator transition of V2O3 films grown on c-plane sapphire in reactive sputtering, K. Okimura*, Y. Suzuki, Tokai University, Japan
11:00 TF 1-6 A Look inside the first 30 years of commercial cathodic arc vapor deposition, G. Vergason1)*, P. Hatto2), R. Tietema3), A. Anders4), 1) Vergason Technology, Inc., USA, 2) IonBond Ltd, UK, 3) Hauzer Techno Coating, The Netherands, 4) Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA (invited)
11:40 TF 1-7 In situ spectroscopic ellipsometry for characterization of thin sputtered films, J. N. Hilfiker1)*, B. Johs1), G. K. Pribil1), T. E. Tiwald1), J. S. Hale1), J. A. Woollam1,2), 1) J.A. Woollam Co., Inc., USA, 2) University of Nebraska, USA
12:00-13:00 LUNCH BREAK
13:00 TF 2-1 Mechanical and electrical properties of amorphous TCO films deposited on polymer substrates using magnetron sputtering - ITO:Ce, ITO:Yb, ITO:Sm, IGAO films, P. K. Song*, Pusan National University, Korea (invited)
13:40 TF 2-2 Controllability of nanocolumnar structures in reactive sputtering with glancing-angle scheme, Y. Inoue1)*, H. Umeda1), O. Takai2), 1) Chiba Institute of Technology, Japan, 2) Nagoya University, Japan
14:00 TF 2-3 Interface layers of Nb-doped TiO2 films on underwater solar cells for hydrogen generation, Y. Kishimoto1)*, Y. Ueda2), T. Kimura1), M. Kadota1), O. Sakai2), 1) Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Japan, 2) Kyoto University, Japan
14:20 TF 2-4 Synthesis of carbon doped magnesium hydroxide transparent conductive material by magnetron sputtering, T. Honjo1,2)*, T. Murakami3), T. Kuji1), 1) Tokai University, Japan, 2) Research fellow of the Japan Society of Promotion Science, Japan, 3) Niigata University, Japan
14:40 TF 2-5 Hydrogen doped Al-doped zinc oxide transparent conductive films with protective film in high temperature annealing, W.-C. Sun1)*, M.-C. Li1), C.-C. Kuo2), C.-C. Lee1), 1) Department of Optics and Photonics, National Central University, Taiwan, 2) Optical Sciences Center, National Central University, Taiwan
[Thin Films I]TF 1-1, TF 1-2, TF 1-3, TF 1-4, TF 1-5, TF 1-6, TF 1-7
[Thin Films II] TF 2-1, TF 2-2, TF 2-3, TF 2-4, TF 2-5
AP P-1 Photoresponse of location-control single grain-boundary zinc oxide thin film transistors, P.-Y. Yang1)*, J.-L. Wang2), W.-C. Tsai3), I.-C. Lee1), C.-T. Chang1), C.-L. Wang1), H.-H. Li1), Y.-C. Huang1), C.-Y. Wu1), Y.-C. Wei1), H.-C. Cheng1), 1) National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, 2) Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan, 3) National Formosa University, Taiwan (no show)
AP P-2 Adsorption and desorption properties of alcohols in fluorocarbon thin films deposited onto quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) electrode by an r.f. sputtering and spin coating, T. Miyamoto1), Y. Ikeda1)*, Y. Ohnishi1), S. Iwamori1), K. Noda2), 1) Tokai University, Japan, 2) National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan
AP P-3 Improving the pilling property of knitted wool fabric with atmospheric pressure plasma treatment, C. W. Kan*, C. W. M. Yuen, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong (withdrawal)
AP P-4 A Development plan of sputtering system for large scale telescope mirror coating at Nishi-Harima astronomical observatory, M. Sakaomoto1)*, F. Tsumuraya1), M. Niibe2), 1) Nishi-Harima Astronomical Observatory, Japan, 2) University of Hyogo, Japan
AP P-5 Poisson's ratio measurement of single-crystal silicon and aluminum films using on-chip bending test method, T. Fujii*, T. Namazu, M. Takahashi, M. Tanaka, K. Yoshiki, S. Inoue, University of Hyogo, Japan
AP P-6 (withdrawn)
AP P-7 Application of Al/Ni Exothermic reaction to sputtering chamber cleaning, T. Namazu1,2)*, K. Ohtani1), K. Yoshiki1), S. Inoue1), 1) University of Hyogo, Japan, 2) JST PRESTO, Japan
AP P-8 A Simulation study of single nano-dot non-volatile SONOS Memory Devices, I.-C. Lee*, P.-Y. Yang, C.-L. Wang, H.-C. Cheng, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan (no show)
AP P-9 Antibiofouling characteristics of CrAgN nanocomposite thin films fabricated by pulsed DC reactive magnetron sputtering method, Y.-J. Chang1)*, J.-W. Lee2), C.-K. Lee1), Y.-C. Huang3), 1) Graduate School of Environmental Education and Resources, Taipei Municipal University of Education, Taiwan, 2) Mingchi University of Technology, Taiwan, 3) Department of Natural Science, Taipei Municipal University of Education, Taiwan (withdrawal)
AP P-10 Fabrication and improvement of a temperature-controlled NN-type Peltier device with a T-shaped stage, N. Suzuki*, H. Homma, S. Yamaguchi, Kanagawa University, Japan
AP P-11 Decrease in time constant of a portable thermal cycler using a PN sandwich-structure Peltier device, Y. Okuwaki*, S. Yamaguchi, Kanagawa University, Japan
AP P-12 Improved durability of electrochromic switchable mirror with surface coating in environment, K. Tajima*, H. Hotta, Y. Yamada, M. Okada, K. Yoshimura, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan
AP P-13 Fabrication and characterization of a thermocouple for direct temperature measurement at a small point, Y. Murayama*, S. Yamaguchi, Kanagawa University, Japan
AP P-14 Antibacterial behaviors of TaN-(Ag,Cu) nanocomposite thin films, J.-H. Hsieh1)*, T. H. Yeh1), C. Li2), C. H. Chiu3), C. T. Huang3), 1) Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan, 2) National Central University, Taiwan, 3) Chang-Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan
AP P-15 Characteristics of transparent conducting indium zinc oxide electrodes prepared by radio frequency magnetron sputtering for flexible dye-sensitized solar cells, H. J. Shin1), D. C. Han1), S. U. Choi2), B. I. Kim2), D. K. Lee1), 1) Gumi Electronics and Information Technology Research Institute, Korea, 2) Toray Advanced Materials Korea Inc., Korea
AP P-16 Sputtered In-Zn-O (IZO) film used as a TCO layer for solar cells with and without Ag particles on surface, S. J. Liu1), M. H. Huang2)*, H. H. Hsieh3), J.-H. Hsieh2), 1) National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan, 2) Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan, 3) Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan
AP P-17 The role of indium-tin-oxide film on viscoelastic properties of a polymer substrate, J.-S. Hsu1), L.-P. Chao2)*, Y.-K. Chih3), W.-H. Lee2), 1) National Formosa University, Taiwan, 2) Feng Chia University, Taiwan, 3) Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), Taiwan
AP P-18 Residual stress of ITO film sputtering on a PET substrate, J.-S. Hsu1)*, B.-J. Wen2), B.-Y. Chen1), 1) National Formosa University, Taiwan, 2) Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), Taiwan
AP P-19 pH value sensing membrane of Al-doped ZnO nanostructures hydrothermally synthesized at low temperature, P.-C. Chiu1)*, J.-C. Chou2), C.-W. Chen2), P.-Y. Yang1), H.-C. Cheng1), 1) National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, 2) National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan (no show)
AP P-20 Characteristics of NiO coating on carbon nanotubes for electric double layer capacitor application, H.-C. Chang*, H.-Y. Chang, K.-Y. Lee, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
AP P-21 Field emission characteristics of TiN nanostructures coated on carbon nanotube bundle array, W.-J. Su*, H.-C. Chang, K.-Y. Lee, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
AP P-22 Effects of oxygen partial pressure on resistive switching characteristics of zinc oxide thin films by DC reactive magnetron sputtering, L.-C. Chang1,2)*, K.-H. Liu3), C.-H. He1), J.-W. Lee1,2), H.-L. Kao3), 1) Department of Materials Engineering, Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan, 2) Center for Thin Film Technologies and Applications, Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan, 3) Chang Gung University, Taiwan (withdrawal)
AP P-23 Characterization of NiVOx thin film deposited by using pulse sputter method, K.-W. Weng1)*, Y.-C. Chen2), C.-H. Chao3), Y.-D. Li4), T.-L. Chen5), 1) National Quemoy University, Taiwan, 2) National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan, 3) Dow Chemical, Taiwan, 4) Department of Materials Science and Engineering, MingDao University, Taiwan, 5) Department of Holistic Wellness, MingDao University, Taiwan
AP P-24 Antibacterial property of CuCrO2 thin films prepared by RF magnetron sputtering, T.-W. Chiu1)*, Y.-C. Yang1), A.-C. Yeh2), Y.-P. Wang1), Y.-W. Fen1), 1) National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan, 2) Metal Industries Research & Development Centre (MIRDC), Taiwan
AP P-25 Polycrystalline silicon thin film solar cells prepared by solid phase epitaxy of laser crystallization seed layer, C.-L. Wang*, I.-C. Lee, P.-Y. Yang, C.-Y. Wu, Y.-T. Cheng, H.-C. Cheng, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan (no show)
AP P-26 The effects of annealing on the charge-discharge characteristics of eutectic Al-Si thin film with pre-deposited Al layer, C. H. Wu1)*, F. Y. Hung2), T. S. Lui1), L. H. Cheng1), 1) Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, 2) Institute of Nanotechnology and Microsystems Engineering, Center for Micro/Nano Science and Technology, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan (no show)
AP P-27 Resistive switching characteristics of a transparent ITO/SiO2/ITO structure, C.-Y. Liu*, Y.-R. Shih, National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, Taiwan (withdrawal)
TF P3-1 Effects of Ta inserted layers on the microstructures and magnetic properties of the FePt films, S.-Y. Chen1,4)*, Y.-D. Yao1), C.-C. Yu2), M.-T. Lee3), C.-H. Ho3), Y.-Y. Chen4), 1) Fu Jen University, Taiwan, 2) National University of Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 3) National Nano Device Laboratories, Taiwan, 4) Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan (withdrawal)
TF P3-2 Preparation of diamond-like carbon films using high power pulsed magnetron sputtering, S. Nakao1)*, K. Yukimura2), T. Sonoda1), H. Ogino3), S. Nakano3), 1) AIST-Chubu, Japan, 2) AIST-Central, Japan, 3) AIST Tsukuba East, Japan
TF P3-3 Thermal stability and electrical properties of Ag-Ti films and Ti/Ag/Ti films prepared by sputtering, M. Kawamura, Z. Ziyang*, R. Kiyono, Y. Abe, Kitami Institute of Technology, Japan
TF P3-4 Microstructures and properties of Au-doped NiO films deposited by radio frequency sputtering, S. C. Chen1,2), W. C. Peng1)*, T. Y. Kuo3), Y. C. Lin1), H. C. Lin2,3), 1) Department of Materials Engineering, Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan, 2) Center for Thin Film Technologies and Applications, Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan, 3) National Taiwan University, Taiwan
TF P3-5 Effect of platinum content on electrical and optical properties of NiO films by rf sputtering, S. C. Chen1,2), Y. C. Lin1)*, T. Y. Kuo3), W. C. Peng1), H. C. Lin2,3), 1) Department of Materials Engineering, Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan, 2) Center for Thin Film Technologies and Applications, Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan, 3) National Taiwan University, Taiwan
TF P3-6 Post-annealing properties of aluminum doped zinc oxide films fabricated by ion beam co-sputtering, Y.-Y. Chen1)*, J.-C. Hsu2), C.-Y. Lee2), Y.-D. Yao1), P. W. Wang3), 1) Graduate Institute of Applied Science and Engineering, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan, 2) Department of Physics, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan, 3) Bradley University, USA.
TF P3-7 Cu filling of deep sub-µm trenches by high-vacuum sputtering using Ru in barrier layer, M. Itoh*, H. Ito, Y. Tsuru, Y. Uhara, S. Saito, Tokyo University of Science, Japan
TF P3-8 Improvement in salt water durability of Ag thin films deposited by magnetron sputtering using argon and nitrogen mixed gas, Y. Nakanishi1)*, K. Kato1), H. Omoto2), T Tomioka3), 1) Glass Research Center, Central Glass Co., Ltd., Japan, 2) Glass Business Planning & Development Department, Central Glass Co., Ltd., Japan, 3) Intellectual Property Department, Central Glass Co., Ltd., Japan
TF P3-9 Fabrication and simulation of a-SiC:H, a-Si:H and a-SiGe:H thin film as graded absorber layer for Si-based thin film solar cells, C.-C. Wang1), S.-Y. Lien2)*, Y.-S. Lin1), C.-Y. Liu2), C.-F. Chen2), D.-S. Wuu1), 1) National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan, 2) MingDao University, Taiwan (moved to Wednesday, July 6)
TF P3-10 Fabrication of a thin-film Peltier device based on InSb and SbTe using RF and DC sputtering, T. Ishii*, H. Homma, S. Yamaguchi, Kanagawa University, Japan
TF P3-11 Hydrogen diluted methane plasma gas-substrate interaction and initial stage growth of diamond, K. Okuno*, Nagasaki Institute of Applied Science, Japan
TF P3-12 Preparation and characterization of multilayer permeation barrier oxide film for flexible display, S. H. Cho1,2)*, S. H. Lee1), K. H. Song1), H. J. Kim1), P. K. Song2), 1) Daegu Technopark, Korea, 2) Pusan National University, Korea
TF P3-13 Fabrication and characterization of titanium nitride thin films, T. H. Wang1)*, Y. Ding1,3), C. S. Tu1,2), W.C. Yang2), 1) Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan, 2) Minghsin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan, 3) Minghsin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan (no show)
TF P3-14 Fabrication of ITO/AZO composite transparent conducting film by RF magnetron sputtering, W.-C. Shih*, W.-M. Li, M.-R. Yang, Tatung University, Taiwan
TF P3-15 Effect of intermediate cooling process on the mechanical and wear properties of diamond-like carbon films synthesized by RF plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition, J.-S. Hsu1)*, S.-S. Tzeng2), Y.-K. Chih3), Y.-G. Hu2), C.-Y. Chang1), 1) National Formosa University, Taiwan, 2) Tatung University, Taiwan, 3) Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), Taiwan (withdrawal)
TF P3-16 Investigation the surface roughness and optical property through SiOx/TiOx layer structure deposited by atmospheric pressure plasma deposition system, P.-C. Ho2)*, K.-H. Yang1), C.-H. Liu1), C.-C. Chang1), K.-M. Chang2), 1) Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan, 2) National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
TF P3-17 A novel trapping-charge poly-Si TFT memory utilizing vacuum tunneling layer, C.-Y. Wu*, T.-C. Liao, M. H. Yu, Y.-T. Liu, H.-C. Cheng, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan (no show)
TF P3-18 Amorphous InGaZnO electrode prepared by RF-magnetron sputtering for fully transparent thin film transistors, H. J. Shin1)*, J. H. Lee1,2), D. Y. Hwang1), D. C. Han1), S. J. Kim2), D. K. Lee1), 1) Gumi Electronics and Information Technology Research Institute, Korea, 2) Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Korea
TF P3-19 Fabrication of phosphorous-doped silicon nanocrystals by thermal oxidation of hydrogenated amorphous silicon films, S.-H. Yang*, Y.-C. Wang, P.-J. Wu, I-C. Chen, National Central University, Taiwan
TF P3-20 Magnetic properties of NiFe needles on nanoporous anodized aluminum oxides, S.-Y. Chen1), Y.-D. Yao1), C.-C. Yu2)*, C.-C. Huang2), J.-Y. Lai3), 1) Fu Jen University, Taiwan, 2) National University of Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 3) National Ping Tung University of Education, Taiwan (withdrawal)
TF P3-21 Study of charge stripper foils for RCS of J-PARC, Y. Yamazaki1)*, M. Yoshimoto1), O. Takeda1), M. Kinsho1), T. Taguchi1), S. Yamamoto1), T. Kurihara2), I. Sugai2), 1) Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), Japan, 2) High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), Japan (withdrawal)
TF P3-22 Carbon thin film synthesized by polyatomic ion beam deposition, M. Takeuchi*, H. Ryuto, G. H. Takaoka, Kyoto University, Japan
16:40 Poster Award Ceremony
16:50 Closing Remark Yasushi Inoue, Chair, Research Division - Sputtering and Plasma Process, The Vacuum Society of Japan, Chiba Institute of Technology, Japan
Last Updated: 2011-08-24 |
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