10:00 Youichi Kawakami, The Vacuum Society of Japan, Kyoto University, Japan
10:10 Kazuhiko Kato, Chair, ISSP2015 Committee, Central Glass Co., Ltd., Japan
10:20 KN-1 Functional coatings and plasma treatment of surfaces - Trends and recent applications, G. Bräuer*, R. Bandorf, S. Biehl, M. Keunecke, M. Vergöhl, Fraunhofer Institute for Surface Engineering and Thin Films IST, Germany (keynote)
11:00 OP-1 Plasma processes for creating biologically active materials: Fundamentals and recent progress in biomedical applications, M. MM Bilek1)*, A. Kondyurin1), E. Kosobrodova1), G. Yeo2), S. G Wise3), N. J Nosworthy4), C. G dos Remedios4), A. S Weiss2), D. R. McKenzie1), 1) School of Physics, University of Sydney, Australia, 2) School of Molecular Biosciences & Charles Perkins Centre, University of Sydney, Australia, 3) Heart Research Institute, Australia, 4) School of Medical Sciences, University of Sydney, Australia (invited)
Lunch Break 11:40-13:00
13:00 AP1-1 R&D trend of PVD coating for corrosion resistance of steel in Korea, J.-I. Jeong*, J.-H. Yang, RIST, Korea (invited)
13:40 AP1-2 Design and metallurgy of targets for hard coating applications, P. Polcik*, Plansee Composite Materials GmbH, Germany
Vanadium-incorporated Indium-Tin-Oxide thin film transistor, M. G. Yun*, C. H. Ahn, S. W. Cho, S. H. Kim, Y. K. Kim, H. K. Cho, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea (withdrawal)
14:00 AP1-3 The effects of oxygen gases on enhancing electrochromic performance of flexible WFexOyCz films synthesized by a low temperature plasma polymerization, Y.-S. Lin*, W.-H. Lu, T.-H. Tsai, T.-T. Wu, Feng Chia University, Taiwan
14:20 AP1-4 Fabrication of polar and nonpolar ZnO thin films for UV photoconductive devices, C.-H. Chao*, D.-H. Wei, National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan
AP1-5 Recent developments in plasma emission monitoring: technology and applications, M. Audronis*, Nova Fabrica Ltd., Lithuania (withdrawal)
Coffee Break 14:40-15:20
15:20 AP1-6 Solid state incandescent LEDs based on sputter deposited metal oxide thin film, Y. Kuo*, Texas A&M University, USA (invited)
16:00 SP1-1 Dual magnetron sputtering - the role of output power waveform and frequency, M. Heintze1)*, S. Ulrich2), 1) TRUMPF Hüttinger GmbH + Co. KG, Germany, 2) Fraunhofer Institute for Surface Engineering and Thin Films IST, Germany
16:20 SP1-2 Pulsed reactive magnetron sputtering of novel multifunctional films, J. Vlcek*, J. Rezek, P. Mares, University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic
16:40 SP1-3 Sputtering of silicon and glass substrates with polyatomic molecular ion beams generated from ionic liquids, M. Takeuchi*, Y. Hoshide, H. Ryuto, G. H Takaoka, Kyoto University, Japan
SP1-4p Synthesis of silicon oxynitride multilayer by RF magnetron sputtering for antireflection coating, W.-C. Shih*, W.-L. Yang, M.-S. Wu, Tatung University, Taiwan
SP1-5p Thermophysical properties of epitaxial GaN films deposited by reactive sputtering using a Ga target, Y. Isosaki1)*, Y. Yamashita2), T. Yagi2), J. Jia1), N. Taketoshi2), S. Nakamura1), Y. Shigesato1), 1) Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan, 2) AIST, Japan
SP1-6p Effect of process temperature on microstructure and mechanical properties of TiN coated by high power impulse magnetron sputtering, W.-C. Chen1,2)*, C.-L. Chang2,3), F. S. Shieu1), D.-Y. Wang2,3), 1) National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan, 2) Surface Engineering Research Center, MingDao University, Taiwan, 3) Department of Materials and Energy Engineering, MingDao University, Taiwan
SP1-7p Effect of target composition on microstructure and mechanical properties of TiAlN coated by high power impulse magnetron sputtering, W.-C. Chen1,2), F.-C. Yang2,3), C.-L. Chang1)*, F. S. Shieu2,3), D.-Y. Wang2,3), 1) National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan, 2) Surface Engineering Research Center, MingDao University, Taiwan, 3) Department of Materials and Energy Engineering, MingDao University, Taiwan
SP1-8p GaN and InGaN films deposited by reactive sputtering, S. Kamijou*, J. J. Jia, Y. Isosaki, Y. Shigesato, Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan
SP1-9p Effect of ion bombardment on the internal stress of sputtered thin films, R. Toyoda1)*, S. Miyata1), M. Hashimoto1), T. Iijima2), A. Tonegawa3), Y. Matsumura1), 1) Graduate School of Engineering, Tokai University, Japan, 2) Graduate School of Science and Technology, Tokai University, Japan, 3) School of Science, Tokai University, Japan
SP1-10p Simple calculation of reactive sputtering for glancing-angle deposition of nitrides, Y. Inoue1)*, M. Nakao1), T. Masukawa1), O. Takai2), 1) Chiba Institute of Technology, Japan, 2) Materials & Surface Engineering Research Institute, Japan
SP1-11p The NiO Layer effect of Cu2O/NiO/TiO2 solar cells prepared by reactive magnetron sputtering, T. Tsuchiya*, I. Takano, Kogakuin University, Japan
SP1-12p Deposition of alumina films by pulsed gas flow sputtering, S. Iwatsubo1)*, K. Ishii2), 1) Toyama Industrial Technology Center, Japan, 2) Utsunomiya University, Japan
SP1-13p Oriented growth of VO2 (B) thin films on Mo foil by reactive sputtering for lithium ion batteries, K. Su*, N. H. Azhan, K. Okimura, Tokai University, Japan
SP1-14p The mechanical properties and oxidation resistance of ZrxN thin films by high power impulse magnetron sputtering, L.-C. Chang1,2)*, Y.-I Chen3), C.-Y. Chang1), H.-L. Kao4), 1) Department of Materials Engineering, Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan, 2) Center for Thin Film Technologies and Applications, Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan, 3) National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan, 4) Chang Gung University, Taiwan
PP1-1p Comparison between surface characteristics of titanium oxide thin films treated with N2 dielectric barrier discharge plasma and annealed in N2 gas, R. Kawakami1)*, M. Niibe2), Y. Nakano3), T. Mukai4), 1) Tokushima University, Japan, 2) University of Hyogo, Japan, 3) Chubu University, Japan, 4) Nichia Corporation, Japan
PP1-2p Remote modification effect on polypropylene membrane surface by methane/oxygen mixture plasma discharges, R.-S. Juang1)*, W.-T. Hou2), Y.-C. Huang2), Y.-C. Tseng2), C. Huang2), 1) Chang Gung University, Taiwan, 2) Yuan Ze University, Taiwan
PP1-3p Simulation of a VHF SiH4 plasma produced by a multi rod electrode for amorphous silicon solar cells, W. Chen1), L.-W. Su1), K. Ogiwara1), Y. Takeuchi2), K. Uchino1), Y. Kawai1)*, 1) Kyushu University, Japan, 2) Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Japan
PP1-4p Estimation of critical ion energy for surface planarization process using photoemission-assisted plasma ion source, Y. Kotanigawa*, S. Ajia, S. Ogawa, Y. Takakuwa, Tohoku University, Japan
PP1-5p Production of VHF Ar plasma produced by a narrow gap electrode, C.-J. Liang1)*, C.-Y. Lien1), C.-F. Chen2), Y. Kawai1), K.-F. Chiu1), J.-B. Shi2), S.-Y. Lien3), Y.-J. Tsai4), T.-K. Lien5), 1) Department of Materials Science & Engineering, Feng Chia University, Taiwan, 2) Departments of Electronic Engineering, Feng Chia University, Taiwan, 3) Da Yeh University, Taiwan, 4) ULVAC Automation Taiwan Inc., Taiwan, 5) Helius Power Corp., LTD, Taiwan
PP1-6p Relationship between the chemical composition and the crystallinity of hydroxyapatite thin films prepared by pulsed laser deposition, T. Hasegawa1)*, Y. Hashimoto2), H. Nishikawa3), 1) Graduate school B.O.S.T., Kinki University, Japan, 2) Osaka Dental University, Japan, 3) B.O.S.T., Kinki University, Japan
PI1-1p Properties of amorphous carbon layers grown on polyimide substrates using hot-filament cathode excited plasma, J. R. L. A. Cu1)*, M. Wada2), M. R. Vasquez Jr.1), 1) University of the Philippines, Philippines, 2) Doshisha University, Japan
PI1-2p Cell adhesion properties of plasma-modified polyimide surfaces, M. Jr. R. Vasquez1)*, E. I. Prieto2), M. Wada3), 1) College of Engineering, University of the Philippines, Philippines, 2) College of Science, University of the Philippines, Philippines, 3) Doshisha University, Japan
PI1-3p Role of low-energy ion irradiation in the formation of aluminum germanate layer on germanium substrate by radical-enhanced atomic layer deposition, T. Yokohira1), K. Yanachi1), D. Yamada1)*, C. Yamamoto2), B. Yoo2), J. Yamanaka3), T. Sato2), T. Takamatsu4), H. Okamoto5), Y. Fukuda1), 1) Tokyo University of Science, Japan, 2) University of Yamanashi, Japan, 3) University of Yamanashi, Japan, 4) SST Inc., Japan, 5) Hirosaki University, Japan
PI1-4p Modification of electrical properties of zinc oxide by hydrogen plasma treatment, K. Abe*, H. Itoh, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan
TF1-1p Mechanical properties and tribological performance of CrWN/TiSiN multilayered coatings, Y. Y. Chang*, W. T. Chiu, J. W. You, J. C. Li, National Formosa University, Taiwan
TF1-2p Photocatalytic activity of bipolar pulsed magnetron sputter deposited TiO2/WO3 thin films, T. N. Lin1)*, Y. H. Lin2), C. T. Lee2), K. W. Weng2), 1) Institute of Nuclear Energy Research, Taiwan, 2) National Quemoy University, Taiwan (No Show)
TF1-3p XPS for the analysis of amorphous chalcogenides-based photosensitive thin films, P. Nemec1)*, C. Cardinaud2), R. Boidin1), M. Olivier1), V. Nazabal1), 1) University of Pardubice, Czech Republic, 2) Université de Nantes, France
TF1-4p Enhanced magnetic, ferroelectric and leakage current properties of Sm substituted bismuth ferrite thin films, H.-Z. Chen1)*, M.-C. Kao1), S.-L. Young1), D.-Y. Lin2), B.-F. Lin2), J.-D. Hwang3), J.-B. Shi4), J.-L. Chiang5), P.-Y. Chen1), 1) Hsiuping University of Science and Technology, Taiwan, 2) National Changhua University of Education, Taiwan, 3) National Chiayi University, Taiwan, 4) Feng Chia University, Taiwan, 5) Toko University, Taiwan
TF1-5p The structural, electrical and magnetic properties of multiferroic/ferroelectric bilayer thin films, M.-C. Kao1), S.-L. Young1)*, H.-Z. Chen1), J.-D. Hwang2), J.-B. Shi3), J.-L. Chiang4), D.-Y. Lin5), P.-Y. Chen1), B.-F. Lin5), 1) Hsiuping University of Science and Technology, Taiwan, 2) National Chiayi University, Taiwan, 3) Feng Chia University, Taiwan, 4) Toko University, Taiwan, 5) National Changhua University of Education, Taiwan
TF1-6p Resistive memory properties of an electrochemical SiO2-based device without an active electrode, C.-Y. Liu1), K.-C. Chiang1)*, C.-H. Lai2), 1) National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, Taiwan, 2) National United University, Taiwan
TF1-7p Influence of external mechanical stress on the SiO2-based resistive memory, C.-Y. Liu, Y.-X. Zhang, S.-J. Tai*, Z.-X. Zhou, M.-X. Wu, National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, Taiwan
TF1-8p Study on the crystallization of amorphous IGZO thin films deposited by dc magnetron sputtering, A. Suko1)*, J. Jia1), S. Nakamura1), F. Utsuno2), E. Kawashima2), K. Yano2), Y. Shigesato1), 1) Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan, 2) Idemitsu Kosan Co., Ltd., Japan
TF1-9p Influence of Zn-Sn ratio on optical property and microstructure of Zn-Sn-O films deposited by magnetron sputtering, Y. Nakanishi*, K. Kato, M. Yonekura, Central Glass Co., Ltd., Japan
TF1-10p The electrical conduction mechanisms and characteristics of the Ni-Cr thin films, N.-C. Chuang1)*, J.-T. Lin1), H.-R. Chen2), 1) National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan, 2) Walsin Technology Corporation, Taiwan (No Show)
TF1-11p Transparent conductive ITO and IZO films deposited by reactive sputtering using alloy targets with the plasma emission feedback system, Y. Miyazaki1)*, E. Maruyama1), J. Jia1), H. Machinaga2), T. Miyazaki2), Y. Shigesato1), 1) Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan, 2) Nitto Denko Corporation, Japan
TF1-12p Properties of TiAlSiN films deposited with hybrid process of cathodic arc deposition and magnetron sputtering, J. H. Yang*, S.-H. Kim, M.-A Song, J.-H. Jung, J.-I. Jeong, RIST, Korea
TF1-13p Effect of fluorocarbon and zinc oxide thin films prepared by an r.f. sputtering on heat reflection, N. Nishiyama*, K. Horikoshi, S. Iwamori, Tokai University, Japan
TF1-14p High transparency and low resistance of ITO/Ag/ITO stacked layer by sputtering, C. H. Peng1), P. S. Chen1)*, G.-W. Lin2,3), S. W. Lee3), 1) Minghsin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan, 2) National Central University Institute of Material Science and Engineering, Taiwan, 3) Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology, Taiwan
AP1-8p Metallic glass coating for non-sticky medical needles, Y. Tanatsugu1,2)*, C.-C. Yu1), C.-L. Li1), J. P. Chu1), M. Yasuzawa2), 1) National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan, 2) The University of Tokushima, Japan
AP1-9p Resistive switching characteristics of amorphous oxide film for next-generation nonvolatile memory applications, T.-Y. Wang1)*, C.-C. Yu1), C.-M. Lee1), W. Diyatmika1), J. P. Chu1), S. F. Wang2), 1) National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan, 2) National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan
AP1-10p An Advanced sterilization system using active oxygen species (AOS) from oxygen gas generated by ultraviolet Irradiation, K. Yoshino1)*, S. Iwamori2), 1) Iwasaki Electric Co., Ltd., Japan, 2) Tokai University, Japan
AP1-11p Magnetic-field induced change in photovoltaic responses in ferromagnetic Bi(Fe1-xCox)O3, Y.-S. Chiang1)*, J.-C. Hsu2), Y.-C. Chen2), 1) Graduate Institute of Applied Science and engineering, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan, 2) Department of Physics, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan (No Show)
AP1-12p Compositional Study on MoTi alloy for application to wet-etching process, Y. K. Kim*, M. G. Yun, C. H. Ahn, S. W. Cho, H. K. Cho, Sungkyunkwan University(SKKU), Korea (withdrawal)
09:00 TF2-1 High power impulse magnetron sputtering: from surface science to surface engineering, K. Sarakinos*, Linköping University, Sweden (invited)
09:40 TF2-2 Dielectric properties of epitaxial hydroxyapatite thin films grown on Al2O3(0001) substrate, H. Nishikawa*, Kinki University, Japan
10:00 TF2-3 Influence of ion bombardment on microstructures and optoelectronic properties of p-type nickel oxide films, S.-C. Chen1)*, P.-J. Chen1)*, T.-Y. Kuo2), C.-K. Wen1), H.-C. Lin2), 1) Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan, 2) National Taiwan University, Taiwan
10:20 TF2-4 NiO/GaN heterojunction diodes deposited by magnetron reactive sputtering, L. Li1), Y. Itai1), X. Wang2), J.-P. Ao1)*, 1) Institute of Technology and Science, The University of Tokushima, Japan, 2) Department of Chemical Science and Technology, the University of Tokushima, Japan
10:40 TF2-5 Improving optical thin film properties and deposition rate by reactive magnetron sputtering, K. Juškevičius1,3)*, A. Subačius2), G. Abromavičius1,3), M. Audronis2), R. Drazdys1,3), A. Matthews2), 1) Center for Physical Sciences and Technology, Lithuania, 2) The University of Sheffield, UK, 3) Optida Co. Ltd., Lithuania
11:00 TF2-6 Experimental design approach for deposition optimization of rf sputtered chalcogenide thin films devoted to environmental optical bio-chemical sensors, V. Nazabal1)*, E. Baudet1), M. Sergent2), P. Nemec3), E. Rinnert4), K. Michel5), B. Bureau1), 1) Université de Rennes 1, France, 2) Aix Marseille Université, France, 3) University of Pardubice, Czech Republic, 4) IFREMER, France, 5) BRGM, France
11:20 TF2-7 Resistive switching characteristics in forming-free amorphous metal oxide thin films, S.-F. Wang1), J. P. Chu2)*, P.-H. Li1), 1) National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan, 2) National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan (invited)
Lunch Break 12:00-13:00
13:00 TF2-8 Properties of Al-Si-N coatings prepared by pulsed magnetron sputtering, J. Musil1,2), G. Remnev1)*, V. Legostaev1), V. Uglov1,3), A. Lebedynskiy1), A. Lauk1), J. Prochazka2), E. Smolianskiy1), 1) National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia, 2) University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic, 3) Belarusian State University, Belarus (No Show)
13:20 PP2-1 Radial line slot antenna microwave plasma source mediated conformal doping of non-planar silicon structures, H. Ueda1)*, P. Ventzek2), Y. Kobayashi1), M. Oka1), Y. Sugimoto1), T. Nozawa1), S. Kawakami1), 1) Tokyo Electron Ltd, Technology Center Sendai, Japan, 2) Tokyo Electron America, Inc., USA (invited)
14:00 PP2-2 Filtered cathodic vacuum Arc: The evolution beyond coating materials, C. W. Tan1), A. A. Maurice1), X. Shi2), B. K. Tay3)*, 1) Nanyang Technological University, NOVITAS, Nanoelectronics 1, Singapore, 2) Nanofilm Technologies International Pte Ltd (NTI), Singapore, 3) Nanyang Technological University, College of Engineering, Singapore, (invited)
14:40 PP2-3 Measuring plasma parameters in electrical discharges using rf current and voltage measurements, D. Gahan, M. B. Hopkins*, Impedans Ltd., Ireland
Coffee Break 15:00-15:20
15:20 FS2-1 Model calculation of time-dependent changes in getter-pump pumping speed in reactive sputtering, E. Kusano*, Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Japan
15:40 FS2-2 Visualizing the physical phenomena in high-power impulse magnetron sputtering by optical diagnostics, N. Britun1)*, M. Palmucci1), S. Konstantinidis1), R. Snyders1,2), 1) University of Mons, Belgium, 2) Materia Nova research center, Belgium
16:00 FS2-3 Next generation active layers for AM-TFT display backplanes deposited by static large area PVD technology with rotary cathode technology, M. Bender*, Applied Materials GmbH & Co. KG, Germany
16:20 FS2-4 Recent development in HIPIMS technology for sputtering thin films of oxides, nitrides and DLC., R. Chistyakov*, B. Abraham, Zpulser LLC, USA
FS2-5p Revisit to zone structure model by observing the relationship between normalized deposition temperature and film structure and properties in sputter deposition of the group 4 metals, Y. Bohya*, K. Akinaga, E. Kusano, Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Japan
FS2-6p Modeling on discharge mechanism of DC-magnetron, S. Ogata1)*, H. Sugawara2), 1) Atelier Modeling, Japan, 2) Hokkaido University, Japan
FS2-7p Numerical simulation of low pressure inductively coupled plasma sources for nanostructured carbon deposition, K. Okada*, NIMS, Japan
FS2-8p Sputtering process of tungsten material under noble gas irradiation by binary-collision-approximation-based simulation, S. Saito1)*, M. Tokitani2), H. Nakamura2), 1) National Institute of Technology, Kushiro College, Japan, 2) National Institute for Fusion Science, Japan
FS2-9p Visualization of quality of atmospheric plasma jet, M. Kiuchi1,2)*, K. Honjo1), T. Ito2), S. Hamaguchi2), 1) AIST, Japan, 2) Osaka University, Japan
PP2-4p Improvement of field emission properties of carbon nanotubes using plasma treatment and silicon coating, W.-C. Shih*, C.-P. Huang, M.-S. Wu, Tatung University, Taiwan (No Show)
PP2-5p Comparison of photoemission-assisted plasma discharge characteristics between n-type and p-type diamond surfaces, M. Kawata, A. Ohno, S. Ogawa*, Y. Takakuwa, Tohoku University, Japan
PP2-6p Characteristics of a large area VHF plasma produced by a narrow gap discharge, C.-Y. Lien1), C.-F. Chen2)*, Y. Kawai1), K.-F. Chiu1), J.-B. Shi2), S.-Y. Lien3), C.-J. Liang1), Y.-J. Tsai4), T.-K. Lien5), 1) Department of Materials Science & Engineering, Feng Chia University, Taiwan, 2) Department of Electronic Engineering, Feng Chia University, Taiwan, 3) Da Yeh University, Taiwan, 4) ULVAC Automation Taiwan Inc., Taiwan, 5) Helius Power Corp., LTD, Taiwan
PP2-7p Non-thermal atmospheric-pressure helium plasma jet etched DLC film in ambient air, Y. Yasuoka1)*, M. Kakuta1), J.-S. Oh1,2), H. Furuta1,2), A. Hatta1,2), 1) Department of Electronic & Photonic Systems Engineering, Kochi University of Technology, Japan, 2) Center for Nanotechnology, Kochi University of Technology, Japan
PP2-8p Nitrogen- hydrogen rf-plasma nitriding of steel with different nitrogen gas partial pressures, A. Suzuki1)*, S. Asahina2), 1) AIST, Japan, 2) Shimane Institute for Industrial Technology, Japan
PP2-9p Sheet plasma device with microwave plasma cathode source, B. A. T. Suarez1)*, H. Maeji1), T. Kasuya1), M. Sasao1), H. Ramos2), M. Wada1), 1) Doshisha University, Japan, 2) University of the Philippines, Philippines
PP2-10p The study of LSM cathode material of SOFC by novel atmospheric pressure plasma jet process, H.-T. Huang*, Y.-L. Kuo, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan (withdrawal)
TF2-9p Thermal stability and mechanical properties of TiVN/CrN multilayered coatings synthesized by cathodic arc deposition, Y. Y. Chang*, J. H. Chou, H. Chang, National Formosa University, Taiwan
TF2-10p Depositions of MoOx thin films by pulse DC magnetron sputter method with various oxygen partial pressures, T.-N. Lin1)*, Y.-H. Lin2), C.-T. Lee2), J. Chang3), S.-Y. Yang3), Y.-X. Zhao4), K.-W. Weng2), 1) The Institute of Nuclear Energy Research, Taiwan, 2) Department of Electronic Engineering, National Quemoy University, Taiwan, 3) Department of Applied English, National Quemoy University, Taiwan, 4) Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Quemoy University, Taiwan
TF2-11p Oxygen cluster ion beam assisted deposition of aluminum oxide film, H. Ryuto*, T. Yakushiji, M. Takeuchi, G. H. Takaoka, Kyoto University, Japan
TF2-12p A sodium source via MoNa layer for three-stage evaporation of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells, H.-H. Sung1)*, S.-C. Liang2), D.-C. Tsai1), Z.-C. Chang3), F.-S. Shieu1), 1) National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan, 2) Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology, Taiwan, 3) National Chin-Yi University of Technology, Taiwan (withdrawal)>
TF2-13p Internal oxidation behavior of laminated Hf-Ru coatings, Y.-I Chen1), Y.-R. Huang1)*, L.-C. Chang2), 1) National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan, 2) Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan
TF2-14p Comparison study on diamond-like carbon films prepared by various methods, S. Nakao1)*, T. Sonoda1), J. Choi2), H. Yasui3), T. Kimura4), K. Azuma5), 1) AIST, Japan, 2) The University of Tokyo, Japan, 3) Industrial Research Institute of Ishikawa, Japan, 4) Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan, 5) University of Hyogo, Japan
TF2-15p Characteristics of TiN films by oblique angle deposition with applied bias using cathodic arc deposition, S.-H. Kim*, J.-H. Yang, M.-A Song, J.-H. Jung, J.-I. Jeong, RIST, Korea
TF2-16p Self-propagating exothermic reaction behavior of Ti/Si multilayer films, S. Inoue1)*, S. Minamibata2), K. Yoshiki1), T. Namazu1), 1) Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University of Hyogo, Japan, 2) Graduate School student, University of Hyogo, Japan
TF2-17p Spectroscopic ellipsometry study of ZnO film doped various amount of aluminum by ion beam co-sputtering, J.-C. Hsu1,2)*, Y.-S. Chiang2), 1) Department of Physics, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan, 2) Graduate Institute of Applied Science and Engineering, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan.
TF2-18p Microstructural investigations of ion beam sputtered AlN thin films deposited in reactive nitrogen ion assistance mode at different substrate temperatures, N. Sharma*, S. Ilango, S. Dash, A. K. Tyagi, Indira Gandhi Center for Atomic Research, India (withdrawal)
TF2-19p Work function of hafnium nitride thin films prepared by radio frequency magnetron sputtering, Y. Gotoh*, S. Fujiwara, H. Tsuji, Kyoto University, Japan
TF2-20p Fabrication and characterization of the electrochromic tungsten trioxide thin film deposited by rf magnetron sputtering, C.-M. Lei1)*, Y.-J. Luo1), C.-Y. Tai2), 1) Chinese Culture University, Taiwan, 2) National Central University, Taiwan
AP2-1p Liquid refractive index sensors based on thin-film coatings and lossy mode resonance effect, C.-L. Tien1)*, W.-L. Zhong1), C.-K. Chang2), B.-W. Lee1), 1) Feng Chia University, Taiwan, 2) Ph. D Program of Electrical and Communications Engineering, Feng Chia University, Taiwan
AP2-2p Modification of 316L stainless steel coating organic- siloxane film by cold plasma treatment and immobilized growth factor for biomedical applications, S.-C. Liao1,2)*, H.-T. Tsai3), J.-W. Lee2,4), W.-L. Lin1), C.-P. Lin3), 1) Institute of Biomedical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, 2) Center Thin Film Technologic and Applications, Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan, 3) School of Dentistry, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, 4) Department of Materials Engineering, Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan
AP2-3p Epitaxial Co-rich Co-Pt films with columnar grains and perpendicular magnetic anisotropy at ambient temperature, S.-C. Chen1), P.-J. Chen1)*, C.-K. Wen1), T.-H. Sun2), C.-M. Wang3), P.-C. Kuo3), 1) Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan, 2) National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, 3) National Taiwan University, Taiwan
AP2-4p Effect of Ge layer thickness on the crystallization mechanism and recording performance of Ge/NiGe bilayer applied for Blu-Ray disc, C.-W. M. Lee1), H.-C. Wu1), C.-K. Wen1), S.-L. Ou2), Y.-C. Lin1), S.-C. Chen1)*, 1) Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan, 2) National Taiwan University, Taiwan
AP2-5p Effect of tungsten current and annealing temperature on structural, electrical and mechanical properties of Ti-W-N thin films, P. Homhuan1)*, J. Pongsopa2), K. Honglertkongsakul3), 1) Phranakhon Si Ayutthaya Rajabhat University, Thailand, 2) Suandusit Rajabhat University, Thailand, 3) Burapha University, Thailand
AP2-6p Linear motion guide with solid lubricant, H. Yanagida*, THK CO., LTD., Japan (No Show)
AP2-7p Surface erosion and temperature change of beryllium plate in the first wall of fusion devices, Y. N. Nejoh1)*, S. Goto2), K. Tabata2), D. Wakabayashi2), 1) Graduate School of Engineering, Hachinohe Institute of Technology, Japan, 2) Department of Electrical and Electronic Systems, Hachinohe Institute of Technology, Japan
AP2-8p Coating of magnesium alloy with Bi-layered Si-DLC/aluminum oxide thin films for improving corrosion resistance, T. Sonoda*, S. Nakao, M. Ikeyama, AIST, Japan
AP2-9p Sputtering power effects on the microstructure of TiVCr alloy thin films, D.-C. Tsai*, F.-S. Shieu, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan
AP2-10p Amorphous InGaZnO thin film transistor for high photo-response and fast recovery, Y. K. Kim*, M. G. Yun, C. H. Ahn, S. W. Cho, H. K. Cho, Sungkyunkwan University(SKKU), Korea (withdrawal)
AP2-11p Thermal stability and chemical inertness of Cr-W-N coatings in glass molding, Y.-I Chen1), Y.-R. Cheng1)*, J.-W. Lee2), 1) National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan, 2) Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan
AP2-12p Characteristics of polymer materials exposed to active oxygen species via UV light irradiation, K. Oya*, S. Inoue, K. Hosoya, S. Iwamori, Tokai University, Japan
OT2-1p A nobel sterilization method using ultraviolet photochemical reactions based on nitrous oxide (N2O) gas, H. Matsumoto1)*, Y. Ohnishi2), I. Tatsuyuki1), A. Kosasa1), S. Kinoshita3), J. Miyagawa4), S. Iwamori2), 1) Iwasaki Electric Co.,Ltd., Japan, 2) Tokai University, Japan, 3) EYE Electron Beam Co., Ltd., Japan, 4) Sakura Seiki Co., Ltd., Japan
09:00 OT3-1 Feasibility of inorganic large-area devices prepared by pulsed sputtering, H. Fujioka1,2)*, K. Ueno1), A. Kobayashi1), J. Ohta1), 1) The University of Tokyo, Japan, 2) ACCEL, JST, Japan (invited)
09:40 PI3-1 Effects of excess energy on supersaturated Fe-IIIB thin films formation by ion-plating process, A. Sakai1)*, C. Niyomwaitaya1), M. Amano1), S. Sakano2), Y. Matsumura1), 1) Course of Applied Science, Graduate School of Engineering, Tokai University, Japan, 2) Department of Nuclear Engineering, Tokai University, Japan
10:00 PI3-2 Plasma modification of spray-deposited graphite powders, M. Jr. R. Vasquez1)*, J. R. L. A. Cu1), J. G. Chan1), M. Wada2), 1) University of the Philippines, Philippines, 2) Doshisha University, Japan
10:20 PI3-3 High-κ ZrHfO crystallization Induced by ZrN cap using high power impulse magnetron sputtering for metal-gate MIS applications, J.-R. Tsai1), P.-C. Juan2), G.-C. Lin1), T.-C. Ho2)*, 1) Asia University, Taiwan, 2) Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan
10:40 PI3-4 Creating self-healing moisture barriers by vacuum plasmas, V. B.-Gonzalez1), B. Daniel1), J. Brindley1), H. Li1), D. Monaghan1)*, I. Fernandez2), A. Wennberg2), 1) Gencoa, UK, 2) Nano4Energy, Spain
11:00 MN3-1 Synthesis of functional nanomaterials by pulsed plasma, Z. Abdullaeva*, E. Omurzak, M. Tsushida, T. Mashimo, Kumamoto University, Japan
11:20 MN3-2 Importance of plasma conditions for vertically aligned carbon nanowalls synthesis, L. Bónová, J. Bohovičová, J. Halanda, M. Muška, M. Meško*, Institute for Research of Progressive Technologies, Slovak Republic
11:40 MN3-3 Ion incident energy dependence for Cu surface smoothing using Ar+ ions generated by photoemission-assisted plasma, S. Ajia*, Y. Kotanigawa, Y. Ohtomo, S. Ogawa, Y. Takakuwa, Tohoku University, Japan
Lunch Break 12:00-13:00
13:00 TF3-1 Influence of growth defects in PVD hard coating on their wear, corrosion and oxidation resistance, P. Panjan*, A. Drnovšek, Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia (invited)
13:40 TF3-2 Spectroscopic ellipsometry for characterization of multi-layer optical coatings, J. N Hilfiker*, G. Pribil, J. Vanderslice, J. A. Woollam, J. A. Woollam Co., USA
14:00 TF3-3 Various oxide films with high performances deposited by reactive sputtering, Y. Shigesato*, J. Jia, Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan (invited)
14:40 TF3-4 Sputter coating of plastic film: Strategies for reduction of substrate heat load, H. Proehl, C. Perplies, J. Struempfel, Von Ardenne, Germany
SP3-1p Effects of gas-added water cluster ion irradiation on metal surfaces, H. Ryuto*, H. Kobayashi, M. Yamaoka, M. Takeuchi, G. H. Takaoka, Kyoto University, Japan (withdrawal)
SP3-2p High number density deposition of iron catalyst nanoparticles onto SiO2 substrate by interval sputtering method, H. Koji1)*, T. Hongo1), H. Furuta1,2), A. Hatta1,2), 1) Kochi University of Technology, Japan, 2) Center for Nanotechnology, Kochi University of Technology, Japan
SP3-3p Properties of CrSiN coatings fabricated by a hybrid coating system with high power impulse magnetron sputtering and radio frequency sputtering, C.-Y. Cheng1)*, J.-W. Lee1,2), 1) Department of Materials Engineering, Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan, 2) Center for Thin Films Technologies and Applications, Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan
SP3-4p Effect of ion irradiation on structural, electrical and optical properties of Al doped ZnO films prepared using RF magnetron sputtering, Y. Ichino*, H. Toyota, Hiroshima Institute of Technology, Japan
SP3-5p Appearance of large crystalline domains in VO2 films on Al2O3 (001) substrates by rf biased sputtering and its effect on the phase transition properties, N. H. Azhan1)*, K. Okimura1), K. Su1), M. Zaghrioui2), J. Sakai2), 1) Tokai University, Japan, 2) GREMAN, University, France
SP3-6p Characteristics of tantalum oxide thin films prepared by reactive magnetron sputtering, T. Souma*, I. Takano, Kogakuin university, Japan
SP3-7p Stress behavior of Cu2ZnSnS4 thin-film by using different DC-pulse conditions in magnetron sputtering process, J.-R. Tsai1), P.-C. Juan2), T.-P. Shen2), H.-Y. Chu2)*, 1) Asia University, Taiwan, 2) Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan
SP3-8p Development of epitaxial AlN buffer layer for LEDs by sputtering method, T. Tsuyuki*, K. Tsukagoshi, K. Fuse, I. Kimura, ULVAC, Inc., Japan
SP3-9p Influence of reactive gas additives on surface morphology evolution of stainless steel substrates undergoing Ar ion sputtering process, A. G. Remnev1)*, K. Uemura1), K. Nagato2), 1) ITAC.LTD, Japan, 2) The University of Tokyo, Japan
SP3-10p Fine structure of Mo films deposited by triode high power pulsed magnetron sputtering on low temperature substrates, K. Kimura*, T. Narita, N. Itamura, T. Nakano, Seikei University, Japan
PI3-5p Investigation of copper and copper oxide thin films deposited on FTO glass substrate using a hot cathode DC source plasma system, J. R. L. A. Cu1)*, M. Wada2), M. R. Vasquez Jr.1), 1) University of the Philippines, Philippines, 2) Doshisha University, Japan
PI3-6p Argon plasma treatment of ZnO thin films deposited via spray pyrolysis, M. F. Ramos1), A. M. Amo1), H. J. Ramos2), M. Wada3), M. R. Vasquez Jr.4)*, 1) Materials Science and Engineering Program, College of Science, University of the Philippines, Philippines, 2) National Institute of Physics, College of Science, University of the Philippines, Philippines, 3) Doshisha University, Japan, 4) College of Engineering, University of the Philippines, Philippines
PI3-7p Low-damage ammonia plasma treatment on nonvolatile memory with chemically-synthesized gold nanoparticles, K.-P. Chang1)*, C.-H. Liao1), J.-C. Wang1), C.-S. Lai1), R.-D. Chang1), L.-C. Chang2), 1) Chang Gung University, Taiwan, 2) Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan
PI3-8p Preparation and characterization of crednerite-CuMnO2 thin films by atmospheric pressure plasma annealing, H.-Y. Chen*, Y.-C. Lin, National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, Taiwan (withdrawal)
PI3-9p Plasma modification of spray-deposited restacked few layered graphene using nitrogen plasma, J. G. Chan1)*, E. P. Enriquez2), M. Wada3), M. R. Vasquez Jr.1), 1) University of the Philippines, Philippines, 2) Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines, 3) Doshisha University, Japan
TF3-4p Pulsed laser deposited alumina thin films, R. Boidin1), T. Halenkovic1), V. Nazabal1), L. Benes2), P. Nemec1)*, 1) Faculty of Chemical Technology, University of Pardubice, Czech Republic, 2) Joint Laboratory of Solid State Chemistry of the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of AS CR and University of Pardubice, Czech Republic
TF3-5p The optical, electrical, mechanical and structural properties of sputtering Ga-doped ZnO thin films by low powers at room temperature, C.-L. Tien1)*, T.-Y. Tsai1), B.-H. Chen1), M.-C. Liu2), 1) Feng Chia University, Taiwan., 2) Industrial Technology Research Institute,Taiwan.
TF3-6p Influences of iron contents on the microstructure, mechanical and electrochemical properties of ternary Zr-Fe-Nb thin film metallic glasses, T.-Y. Lin1)*, J.-W. Lee1,2,3), B.-S. Lou4), 1) Department of Materials Engineering, Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan, 2) Center for Thin Films Technologies and Applications, Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan, 3) Department of Electronic Engineering, Chung Gung University, Taiwan, 4) Chemistry Division, Center for General Education, Chang Gung University, Taiwan
TF3-7p Effect of substrate position on crystal orientation of tungsten films prepared by RF magnetron sputter deposition, H. Fujiwara*, H. Tsuji, Y. Gotoh, Kyoto University, Japan
TF3-8p UV raman study of hydrogenated amorphous carbon films, J. Choi1)*, H. Shimozono1), S. Nakao2), H. Yasui3), 1) The University of Tokyo, Japan, 2) AIST, Japan, 3) Industrial Research Institute of Ishikawa, Japan
TF3-9p Effect of post-annealing for hydrogenated AZO films using magnetron DC sputtering, N.-F. Shih1)*, Y.-C. Tang1), S.-L. Young1), G.-M. Huang2), S.-C. Yeh2), C.-Y. Kung2), 1) Hsiuping University of Science and Technology, Taiwan, 2) National Chung-Hsing University, Taiwan
TF3-10p Influence of Al layer thickness on the structural, optical and electrical properties of AZO/Al/AZO tri-layer films, C.-H. Chu1)*, H.-W. Wu2), W.-H. Tsai2), J.-L. Huang1,3,4), 1) Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan., 2) Kun Shan University, Taiwan., 3) National University of Kaohsiung, Taiwan., 4) Research Center for Energy Technology and Strategy, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan.
TF3-11p Mechanical and electrical characteristics of metal doped DLC films prepared by N2+ ion beam assisted deposition, T. Inoue*, I. Takano, Kogakuin university, Japan
TF3-12p Residual stress and bending strength of ZnO films deposited on polyimide sheet by rf sputtering system, K. Kusaka1)*, Y. Maruoka2), T. Matsue3), 1) Faculty and School Engineering, The University of Tokushima, Japan, 2) Intelligent Structures and Mechanics Systems Engineering, The University of Tokushima, Japan, 3) National Institute of Technology, NIIHAMA College, Japan
TF3-13p Synthesis and advances for thermochromic vanadium dioxide films as RF magnetron sputtering, H. J. Seo1)*, K.-H. Hwang1,2), S. H. Nam2), J.-H. Boo1)*, J.-H. Yu1), 1) Chemistry, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea, 2) Institute of Basic Science, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea
TF3-14p Effect of pulsed DC frequency and power density on electrical property of conductive carbon films synthesis by magnetron sputtering, J. X. Piao*, J. S. Lee, S. B. Jin, B.B. Sahu, M. Kumar, J. G. Han, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea
TF3-15p Transparent conducting Al and F co-doped ZnO thin films prepared by rf magnetron sputtering, F.-H. Wang*, C.-L. Chang, National Chung-Hsing University, Taiwan
MN3-4p Au-Fe3O4 nanoparticles by pulsed plasma in liquid: Structure, morphology and cytotoxicity, Z. Kelgenbaeva1)*, E. Omurzak2), T. Mashimo3), 1) Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kumamoto University, Japan, 2) Priority Organization for Innovation and Excellence, Kumamoto University, Japan., 3) Institute of Pulsed Power Science, Kumamoto University, Japan
MN3-5p Performance optimization of double-sputtered gadolinium oxide nanocrystal memories with different stacked film thicknesses, Y.-P. Chiang*, K.-P. Chang, J.-C. Wang, Chang Gung University, Taiwan
MN3-6p Discharge breakdown characteristics of carbon nanotube thin film electrode, Y. Komatsu*, H. Sato, Mie University, Japan
MN3-7p Preparation of catalyst film for efficient growth of carbon nanotubes filled with ferromagnetic metal, E. Tamaki*, H. Sato, N. Kubonaka, Y. Fujiwara, Mie University, Japan
MN3-8p High frequency self-oscillations in VO2 based out-of-plane device structure, M. S. Mian*, K. Okimura, Tokai University, Japan
MN3-9p Catalyst-dependent growth of graphene by chemical vapor deposition method using nozzle gas injection, Y. Matsuura*, H. Sato, H. Miyake, K. Hiramatsu, Mie University, Japan
MN3-10p Composition control of FePt nanoparticles in carbon nanotubes, Y. Fujiwara1)*, R. Muta1), T. Maeda1), H. Sato1), K. Maeda1), M. Jimbo2), T. Kobayashi1), 1) Mie University, Japan, 2) Daido University, Japan
MN3-11p Interaction of polyatomic carbon ions with Si surface, M. Takeuchi1)*, K. Hayashi1), H. Ryuto1), G. H. Takaoka1), T. Nagayama2), K. Matsuda2), 1) Kyoto University, Japan, 2) Nissin Ion Equipment, Japan
MN3-12p Temperature effect on the microstructure, optical and photoelectrochemical characteristics of Fe2O3 resulted from Fe-sputtered films through electrochemical etching in F-containing ethylene glycol solution, J.-C. Lin1)*, M.-C. Huang1), C.-C. Wu2), W.-S. Chang2), 1) National Central University, Taiwan, 2) Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan
MN3-13p Synthesis and photocatalytic activity of ZnO-sulfides hybrids through sputtering deposited sulfides ultra-thin films onto ZnO nanostructures, Y.-C. Liang*, C.-C. Chung, National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan (No Show)
MN3-14p Fabrication of spindt emitter cathode using high power pulsed magnetron sputtering with controlled plasma potential, T. Narita1)*, K. Kimura1), N. Itamura1), T. Nakano1), M. Nagao2), H. Ohsaki2), B. Masaoka2), 1) Seikei University, Japan, 2) AIST, Japan
Poster Award Ceremony
Closing Remark Yasusei Yamada, Vice Chair, ISSP2015 committee, AIST, Japan
Last Updated: 2015-08-06 |
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